errors_test.go 4.6 KB
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package merr

import (

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type ErrSuite struct {

func (s *ErrSuite) SetupSuite() {

func (s *ErrSuite) TestCode() {
	err := WrapErrCollectionNotFound(1)
	errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get collection")
	s.ErrorIs(err, ErrCollectionNotFound)
	s.Equal(Code(ErrCollectionNotFound), Code(err))
	s.Equal(TimeoutCode, Code(context.DeadlineExceeded))
	s.Equal(CanceledCode, Code(context.Canceled))
	s.Equal(errUnexpected.errCode, Code(errUnexpected))

	sameCodeErr := newMilvusError("new error", ErrCollectionNotFound.errCode, false)

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func (s *ErrSuite) TestStatus() {
	err := WrapErrCollectionNotFound(1)
	status := Status(err)
	restoredErr := Error(status)

	s.ErrorIs(err, restoredErr)
	s.Equal(int32(0), Status(nil).Code)
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func (s *ErrSuite) TestWrap() {
	// Service related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrServiceNotReady("init", "test init..."), ErrServiceNotReady)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrServiceUnavailable("test", "test init"), ErrServiceUnavailable)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrServiceMemoryLimitExceeded(110, 100, "MLE"), ErrServiceMemoryLimitExceeded)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrServiceRequestLimitExceeded(100, "too many requests"), ErrServiceRequestLimitExceeded)

	// Collection related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrCollectionNotFound("test_collection", "failed to get collection"), ErrCollectionNotFound)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrCollectionNotLoaded("test_collection", "failed to query"), ErrCollectionNotLoaded)

	// Partition related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrPartitionNotFound("test_Partition", "failed to get Partition"), ErrPartitionNotFound)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrPartitionNotLoaded("test_Partition", "failed to query"), ErrPartitionNotLoaded)

	// ResourceGroup related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrResourceGroupNotFound("test_ResourceGroup", "failed to get ResourceGroup"), ErrResourceGroupNotFound)

	// Replica related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrReplicaNotFound(1, "failed to get Replica"), ErrReplicaNotFound)

	// Channel related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrChannelNotFound("test_Channel", "failed to get Channel"), ErrChannelNotFound)

	// Segment related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrSegmentNotFound(1, "failed to get Segment"), ErrSegmentNotFound)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(1, "failed to query"), ErrSegmentNotLoaded)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrSegmentLack(1, "lack of segment"), ErrSegmentLack)

	// Index related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrIndexNotFound("failed to get Index"), ErrIndexNotFound)

	// Node related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrNodeNotFound(1, "failed to get node"), ErrNodeNotFound)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrNodeOffline(1, "failed to access node"), ErrNodeOffline)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrNodeLack(3, 1, "need more nodes"), ErrNodeLack)

	// IO related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrIoKeyNotFound("test_key", "failed to read"), ErrIoKeyNotFound)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrIoFailed("test_key", "failed to read"), ErrIoFailed)

	// Parameter related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrParameterInvalid(8, 1, "failed to create"), ErrParameterInvalid)
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrParameterInvalidRange(1, 1<<16, 0, "topk should be in range"), ErrParameterInvalid)
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	// Metrics related
	s.ErrorIs(WrapErrMetricNotFound("unknown", "failed to get metric"), ErrMetricNotFound)
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func (s *ErrSuite) TestCombine() {
	var (
		errFirst  = errors.New("first")
		errSecond = errors.New("second")
		errThird  = errors.New("third")

	err := Combine(errFirst, errSecond)
	s.True(errors.Is(err, errFirst))
	s.True(errors.Is(err, errSecond))
	s.False(errors.Is(err, errThird))

	s.Equal("first: second", err.Error())

func (s *ErrSuite) TestCombineWithNil() {
	err := errors.New("non-nil")

	err = Combine(nil, err)

func (s *ErrSuite) TestCombineOnlyNil() {
	err := Combine(nil, nil)

func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
	suite.Run(t, new(ErrSuite))