提交 563f3d1d 编写于 作者: 浅梦2013's avatar 浅梦2013


上级 69abe7aa
......@@ -55,14 +55,8 @@ public enum TopicFilterType {
public boolean match(String topicFilter, String topicName) {
String shareTopicFilter = topicFilter.substring(TopicFilterType.SHARE_GROUP_PREFIX.length());
String[] group = shareTopicFilter.split("/");
String groupName = group[0];
String shareTopicPrefix = TopicFilterType.SHARE_GROUP_PREFIX + groupName + '/';
int prefixLen = shareTopicPrefix.length();
if (topicName.startsWith("/")) {
prefixLen = prefixLen - 1;
// 去除前缀 $share/<group-name>/
int prefixLen = TopicFilterType.findShareTopicIndex(topicFilter, topicName.startsWith("/"));
return TopicUtil.match(topicFilter.substring(prefixLen), topicName);
......@@ -98,4 +92,16 @@ public enum TopicFilterType {
private static int findShareTopicIndex(String topicFilter, boolean startDelimiter) {
int prefixLength = TopicFilterType.SHARE_GROUP_PREFIX.length();
int topicFilterLength = topicFilter.length();
for (int i = prefixLength; i < topicFilterLength; i++) {
char ch = topicFilter.charAt(i);
if ('/' == ch) {
return startDelimiter ? i : i + 1;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Share subscription topicFilter: " + topicFilter + " not conform to the $share/<group-name>/xxx");
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