提交 d5a04025 编写于 作者: C chenjianxing 提交者: BugKing

fix: 测试计划和评审关联用例列表没有去掉已经关联的用例

上级 ee801b91
......@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
select test_case.id, test_case.name, test_case.priority, test_case.type, test_case.review_status from test_case
as test_case
left join test_case_review_test_case as T2 on test_case.id=T2.case_id and T2.review_id =#{request.reviewId}
<include refid="notInQueryWhereCondition"/>
and T2.case_id is null
<include refid="notInQueryWhereCondition"></include>
ORDER BY test_case.update_time DESC
......@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
select test_case.id, test_case.name, test_case.priority, test_case.type, test_case.review_status from test_case
as test_case
left join test_plan_test_case as T2 on test_case.id=T2.case_id and T2.plan_id =#{request.planId}
and T2.case_id is null
<include refid="notInQueryWhereCondition"></include>
and T2.case_id is null
ORDER BY test_case.update_time DESC
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ export default {
if (this.projectId) {
this.condition.projectId = this.projectId;
this.result = this.$post(this.buildPagePath('/test/case/list'), this.condition, response => {
this.result = this.$post(this.buildPagePath('/test/case/relate'), this.condition, response => {
let data = response.data;
this.total = data.itemCount;
let tableData = data.listObject;
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