提交 6cca5d0f 编写于 作者: zhengtianzuo's avatar zhengtianzuo


上级 42019612
......@@ -11,38 +11,52 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
TabBar {
property alias myModel: myModel
property int lastIndex: 0
id: bar
height: 48
width: parent.width
currentIndex: 0
ListModel {
id: myModel
// ListElement { modelText: "消息"; modelColor: "#000000"; modelColorG: "#148014"; modelSrc: "qrc:/Chat_MsgRecord.svg"; modelSrcG: "qrc:/Chat_MsgRecordG.svg";}
// ListElement { modelText: "联系人"; modelColor: "#000000"; modelColorG: "#148014"; modelSrc: "qrc:/Chat_FriendManager.svg"; modelSrcG: "qrc:/Chat_FriendManagerG.svg";}
// ListElement { modelText: "发现"; modelColor: "#000000"; modelColorG: "#148014"; modelSrc: "qrc:/Mobile_Find.svg"; modelSrcG: "qrc:/Mobile_FindG.svg";}
// ListElement { modelText: "我"; modelColor: "#000000"; modelColorG: "#148014"; modelSrc: "qrc:/Main_P2PChat.svg"; modelSrcG: "qrc:/Main_P2PChatG.svg";}
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: myModel
TabButton {
property alias imageSource: image.source
property alias textColor: text.color
height: bar.height
id: text
text: modelText
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignBottom
color: (model.index === bar.currentIndex) ? modelColorG : modelColor
id: image
width: 24
height: 24
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
source: (model.index === bar.currentIndex) ? modelSrcG : modelSrc
onHoveredChanged: {
if (model.index !== bar.currentIndex){
hovered ? text.color = modelColorG : text.color = modelColor
hovered ? image.source = modelSrcG : image.source = modelSrc
onClicked: {
repeater.itemAt(bar.lastIndex).imageSource = myModel.get(bar.lastIndex).modelSrc;
repeater.itemAt(bar.lastIndex).textColor = modelColor;
image.source = modelSrcG;
text.color = modelColorG;
bar.lastIndex = model.index;
......@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
height: 48
width: parent.width
Component.onCompleted: {
myModel.append({ "modelText": "消息", "modelColor": "#000000", "modelColorG": "#148014", "modelSrc": "qrc:/Chat_MsgRecord.svg", "modelSrcG": "qrc:/Chat_MsgRecordG.svg"})
myModel.append({ modelText: "联系人"; modelColor: "#000000"; modelColorG: "#148014"; modelSrc: "qrc:/Chat_FriendManager.svg"; modelSrcG: "qrc:/Chat_FriendManagerG.svg";}
// ListElement { modelText: "发现"; modelColor: "#000000"; modelColorG: "#148014"; modelSrc: "qrc:/Mobile_Find.svg"; modelSrcG: "qrc:/Mobile_FindG.svg";}
// ListElement { modelText: "我"; modelColor: "#000000"; modelColorG: "#148014"; modelSrc: "qrc:/Main_P2PChat.svg"; modelSrcG: "qrc:/Main_P2PChatG.svg";}
myModel.append({ "modelText": "消息", "modelColor": "#000000", "modelColorG": "#148014", "modelSrc": "qrc:/images/Chat_MsgRecord.svg", "modelSrcG": "qrc:/images/Chat_MsgRecordG.svg"})
myModel.append({ "modelText": "联系人", "modelColor": "#000000", "modelColorG": "#148014", "modelSrc": "qrc:/images/Chat_FriendManager.svg", "modelSrcG": "qrc:/images/Chat_FriendManagerG.svg"})
myModel.append({ "modelText": "发现", "modelColor": "#000000", "modelColorG": "#148014", "modelSrc": "qrc:/images/Mobile_Find.svg", "modelSrcG": "qrc:/images/Mobile_FindG.svg"})
myModel.append({ "modelText": "", "modelColor": "#000000", "modelColorG": "#148014", "modelSrc": "qrc:/images/Main_P2PChat.svg", "modelSrcG": "qrc:/images/Main_P2PChatG.svg"})
<qresource prefix="/">
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