• M
    Fix the build on Linux ARM64 CPU architecture (#7408) · 062166fa
    Martin Grigorov 提交于
    * Issue #7349 - Fix the build on ARM64 CPU architecture
    Update embedded-redis and embedded-consul to newer versions which have native binaries for aarch64
    Re-introduce TravisCI as a build tool only for ARM64. It will run as a cron job every night
    * Issue #7408 - Set the scope of groovy-xml in the dependencyManagement section
    Inline the version so that it is not forgotten to be removed when the dependency is removed with the upgrade to embedded-consul:2.2.1
    See https://github.com/pszymczyk/embedded-consul/pull/114
    * Update embedded-redis to 0.10.0
    * DUBBO-7349 Upgrade Embedded-Consul to 2.2.1
    * DUBBO-7349 Add scope=test to all occurrences of embedded-[redis|consul]
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