未验证 提交 7a8d8968 编写于 作者: K Kartikey Tanna 提交者: GitHub

Replce 'rake routes' task with 'rails rotues' (#9662)

* Replce 'rake routes' task with 'rails rotues'

Fixes https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/issues/9661

* Modified 'rake routes|grep' to use rails
上级 f21e646c
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ alias rdb='rails dbconsole'
alias rgen='rails generate'
alias rgm='rails generate migration'
alias rp='rails plugin'
alias rr='rails routes'
alias rrg='rails routes | grep'
alias ru='rails runner'
alias rs='rails server'
alias rsd='rails server --debugger'
......@@ -65,8 +67,6 @@ alias rdmtc='rake db:migrate db:test:clone'
alias rdsl='rake db:schema:load'
alias rlc='rake log:clear'
alias rn='rake notes'
alias rr='rake routes'
alias rrg='rake routes | grep'
alias rt='rake test'
alias rmd='rake middleware'
alias rsts='rake stats'
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