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## The mvn Plugin

The [mvn]( plugin provides many [aliases](#Aliases).

Enable it by adding _mvn_ to the [_plugins array_]( before sourcing OMZ (see [Plugins](

## Aliases

| Alias                | Command                                                                                                                                   |
|mvncie|mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse|
|mvnci|mvn clean install|
|mvncist|mvn clean install -DskipTests|
|mvne|mvn eclipse:eclipse|
|mvnd|mvn deploy|
|mvnp|mvn package|
|mvnc|mvn clean|
|mvncom|mvn compile|
|mvnct|mvn clean test|
|mvnt|mvn test|
|mvnag|mvn archetype:generate|
|mvn-updates|mvn versions:display-dependency-updates|
|mvntc7|mvn tomcat7:run|
|mvnjetty|mvn jetty:run|
|mvndt|mvn dependency:tree|
|mvns|mvn site|
|mvnsrc|mvn dependency:sources|
|mvndocs|mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc|