提交 cf711a03 编写于 作者: Y Yanming Liu

Restructure BUILD

上级 67936b03
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# Empty cc_library for backward compatibility
cc_library( cc_library(
name = "optonly", name = "optonly",
hdrs = ['src/midout.h'], hdrs = ['src/midout.h'],
includes = ['src'], includes = ['src'],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deprecation = "//brain/midout:optonly is (and was) effectively a no-op, please remove such deps",
) )
cc_library( cc_library(
name = "midout", name = "midout",
srcs = ['src/midout.cpp'], srcs = ['src/midout.cpp'],
deps = [':optonly'], hdrs = ['src/midout.h'],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"], includes = ['src'],
) )
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