1. 16 12月, 2021 2 次提交
  2. 26 11月, 2021 2 次提交
  3. 25 11月, 2021 1 次提交
  4. 15 11月, 2021 2 次提交
  5. 05 11月, 2021 1 次提交
  6. 03 11月, 2021 1 次提交
    • M
      feat(whl/api/lar): enable megengine dll on Windows · 25ec2530
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      1: reduce python whl package size
      2: unify api link logic on all OS
          --- default OFF
          --- if build CRT(vc runtime) with STATIC with megengine.dll
              some CRT api will crash, for example, flush, so if you
              build with static megengine, and do not want to install CRT
              you can set MGE_WINDOWS_BUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT TRUE
          --- how to install CRT:
              install VC_redist.x64.exe
      4: rename megengine_export to megengine_shared(only export needed symbols ),
         caused by runtime symbols conflict with pytorch
      GitOrigin-RevId: 93d8d80f29dcf03c00b18e8b708b26df9232e3df
  7. 12 10月, 2021 1 次提交
  8. 11 10月, 2021 1 次提交
  9. 24 9月, 2021 1 次提交
    • M
      fix(cmake/bazel/clang): remove finite-math-only opt from Ofast, · 5e345043
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      for keep same build between gcc and clang
      more detail:
       printf("%d\n", std::isnan(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()));
       printf("%d\n", std::isnan(std::nan("1")));
      linux-clang and android-NDK clang have diff build logic with gcc and
      macos/windows clang/clangcl
      * clang++-12 -Ofast 1.cc
      output is:
      * clang++-12 -Ofast 1.cc -fno-finite-math-only
      output is:
      * g++ -Ofast 1.cc
      output is:
      GitOrigin-RevId: f0622e2ca019b0072fd6798990a8aba156c8022f
  10. 17 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  11. 15 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  12. 11 9月, 2021 1 次提交
  13. 18 8月, 2021 1 次提交
  14. 07 8月, 2021 2 次提交
    • M
      feat(cmake/windows/xp/sp2/inference): implement inference on windows xp · ce2f620e
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      (os vesion >= sp2) build with cmake
      * cmake build support(xp sp2):
      ./scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh -m -d
      ./scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh -m
      * cmake build support(xp sp3):
      ./scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh -m -d
      ./scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh -m
      * internal behavior:
      will define MGB_HAVE_THREAD=0 when enable
      * refer to
      xp sp2(x86) do not support vc runtime fully, casused by KERNEL32.dll do not
      implement some base apis for c++ std function, for example,
      std::mutex/std::thread/std::condition_variable as a workround, we will
      disable some MegEngine features on xp sp2 env, for exampe, multi-thread etc!
      * about DNN_MUTEX/MGB_MUTEX/LITE_MUTEX, if your code will build in inference
      code (even CPU backends), please replace std::mutex to DNN_MUTEX/MGB_MUTEX,
      * about multi-thread, if you code need multi-thread support, please
      enable it when MGB_HAVE_THREAD=1
      * about test build env status
      1: Visual Studio 2019(MSVC version <= 14.26.28801)---- pass
      2: Visual Studio 2019(MSVC version > 14.26.28801) ---- failed
         caused by this 'new' version will put VCR depends on win7
         KERNEL32.DLL, this may be fixed at Visual Studio 2019 later version
         but we do not test at this MR merge point
      3: Visual Studio 2017   ---------- pass
      4: Visual Studio 2014   ---------- pass
      GitOrigin-RevId: ea6e1f8b4fea9aa03594e3af8d59708b4cdf7bdc
    • M
      feat(imperative): add support for quantized conv transpose2d · 3eb0505f
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      GitOrigin-RevId: ffd6431299b2ae008fbdd1eed6458437e6b6a45f
  15. 19 7月, 2021 4 次提交
  16. 21 6月, 2021 1 次提交
  17. 03 6月, 2021 2 次提交
  18. 25 5月, 2021 2 次提交
    • M
      fix(cmake): fix cmake depends · e4af4225
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      reason: some target call python3 to generate some headers,
      if PYTHON_EXECUTABLE changed, headers will be invalid, which
      will lead to rebuild most of obj, because this headers will
      be include in most cpp/c, what`s more, this target do not depends
      python3 version(python API) the output is same when use python3.5
      or python3.x so change use PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to
      can reuse the build obj
      GitOrigin-RevId: c2ffe3ead3a295377a691587ab097636562f571e
    • M
      feat(distributed): support distributed opr for rocm · 1bec737d
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      GitOrigin-RevId: 4840100d07dbaa2b7d8e3e113b444ddf81eeea51
  19. 08 4月, 2021 3 次提交
  20. 01 4月, 2021 2 次提交
  21. 23 3月, 2021 1 次提交
    • M
      fix(build/lite): fix lite rc4_encryptor build failed at new ld env · 89e52281
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      when cuda enable:
      error log:
      undefined reference to symbol 'dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
      error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
      ld version:
      GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.34, example ubuntu20.04
      error reason: at new ld, import flags with active zone
      libnvinfer_static.a depend dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5, which need -ldl
      ld -o rc4_encryptor xxx.o -ldl libnvinfer_static.a, which failed
      so we put a -ldl for CUDA_LIBS env, then will change to
      ld -o rc4_encryptor xxx.o  libnvinfer_static.a -ldl
      GitOrigin-RevId: adda3acb2d5c0952013d59948717060747dd2f8f
  22. 22 3月, 2021 3 次提交
    • M
      feat(lite): add cmake build for lite · af60ff97
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      GitOrigin-RevId: 2424eb2681fddcdfa0d48dd7ceb41cf7e5e7bee3
    • M
      feat(cmake/arm/cuda): support cmake arm with cuda, · 914af286
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      * support arm-host and x86-cross-arm
      * fix trt myelib cmake build issue at 'trt copy env'(about 'copy env', Please refs cb92123f)
      about x86-cross-arm CUDA env:
      1: run ./scripts/cmake-build/create_cuda_build_libs.py to prepare
         cuda/cudnn/trt env(download deb package info, Please refs create_cuda_build_libs.py)
      2: export TRT_ROOT_DIR=xxxxx which may create by step 1
      3: export CUDNN_ROOT_DIR=xxxx which may create by step 1
      4: export PATH=xxxx:$PATH  xxxx need create by step 1, which nvcc have
         relative path dir: ../targets/sbsa-linux/
      GitOrigin-RevId: 440c76052aabe5b07a4b64d126e759f919c257a8
    • M
      build(cuda): support cu111 build · 0e3a6329
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      GitOrigin-RevId: b3067ba4d5f1225048838e4b2460d858c475b75e
  23. 23 1月, 2021 1 次提交
    • M
      fix(cmake/whl): reduce wheel size · ae8b38f6
      Megvii Engine Team 提交于
      as some reason: some version of trt/cudnn need
      -Wl,--whole-archive attribute to fix cuda issue,
      target A(CMAKE OBJECT,eg megbrain/megdnn): -Wl,--whole-archive depend on trt/cudnn
      target B(SHARED LIBS,eg libmegengine.so) --> A with `PUBLIC` depends
      target C(SHARED LIBS,eg _impertive.so) --> B with `PUBLIC` depends,
      then ld will force link fatbin section into C, which will be undesired
      what`s more, attribute PUBLIC/PRIVATE do not take effect
      to OBJECT library(megbrain/megdnn)
      what`s more, megengine/megengine_export have to PUBLIC for
      mgb/imperative target, as SRC/include depends
      so we pull cudalib depend from megbrain/megdnn to
      megengine/megengine_export on linux os, to finall
      target at windows os, for example lar on windows
      GitOrigin-RevId: b278a69e1cdcc17cfd22da80247af3fe30f6d4e8
  24. 15 1月, 2021 1 次提交
  25. 11 1月, 2021 2 次提交