提交 b7176069 编写于 作者: M Megvii Engine Team

fix(dnn/cuda): add block size limit for culass gemm algo

GitOrigin-RevId: c0940e4535169bc21f075d1600bb0e6ed30af254
上级 55974e8c
......@@ -22,10 +22,20 @@ using namespace cutlass_wrapper;
bool MatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoFloat32SIMT::is_available(
const SizeArgs& args) const {
return args.opr->param().format == param::MatrixMul::Format::DEFAULT &&
args.layout_a.dtype == dtype::Float32() &&
args.layout_b.dtype == dtype::Float32() &&
args.layout_c.dtype == dtype::Float32();
bool available =
args.opr->param().format == param::MatrixMul::Format::DEFAULT &&
args.layout_a.dtype == dtype::Float32() &&
args.layout_b.dtype == dtype::Float32() &&
args.layout_c.dtype == dtype::Float32();
int n = args.layout_c.shape[1];
auto&& device_prop = cuda::current_device_prop();
int y_grid_limit = device_prop.maxGridSize[1];
// limit y grid
available &= ((n + m_algo_param.threadblock_n - 1) /
m_algo_param.threadblock_n <=
return available;
size_t MatrixMulForwardImpl::AlgoFloat32SIMT::get_workspace_in_bytes(
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