提交 a3b2232b 编写于 作者: M Megvii Engine Team

feat(mge): add trace.dump

GitOrigin-RevId: ea4c9d33c8d3dbef4b93ba75ecc2a9fa80b8152c
上级 76dbaa27
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import itertools
import typing
import warnings
import weakref
import numpy as np
from ..core.ops.special import Const
from ..core.tensor import megbrain_graph as G
from ..core.tensor.core import OpBase, apply
from ..core.tensor.core import OpBase, TensorBase, TensorWrapperBase, apply
from ..core.tensor.raw_tensor import OpDef, RawTensor, as_raw_tensor
from ..core.tensor.tensor import Tensor
from .sublinear_memory_config import SublinearMemoryConfig
......@@ -83,7 +89,6 @@ class trace:
self.__wrapped__ = function
self._symbolic = symbolic
self._capture_as_const = capture_as_const
self._capture_static_shape = False
self._sublinear_memory_config = sublinear_memory_config
self._untraced = True
......@@ -95,6 +100,12 @@ class trace:
self._lazy_eval_graph = None
self._lazy_eval_tensors = weakref.WeakSet()
self._active_tensors = weakref.WeakSet()
self._tensor_remaps = None
self._inputs_to_restore = None
self._args_bindings = None
self._kwargs_bindings = None
self._output_bindings = None
self._output_names = None
def _new_handle(self):
handle = len(self._tinfo)
......@@ -132,10 +143,13 @@ class trace:
"last time, got an internal tensor this time"
if x._handle != info.bound_data._handle:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"const capture violated: got "
"a different tensor this time"
if not np.array_equal(
x.numpy(), info.bound_data.numpy(), equal_nan=True
raise TraceMismatchError(
"const capture violated: got "
"a different tensor this time"
if info.dtype != x.dtype:
raise TraceMismatchError(
......@@ -148,10 +162,13 @@ class trace:
if x.__class__ is not CompiledTensorProxy:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"unexpected capture: trying to use an external tensor as input, "
"but that input was an internal tensor last time"
if x not in self._tensor_remaps:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"unexpected capture: trying to use an external tensor as "
"input, but that input was an internal tensor last time"
x = self._tensor_remaps[x]
if x._CompiledTensorProxy__handle != h:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"mis-wiring: input edge to an data flow "
......@@ -227,6 +244,9 @@ class trace:
info = self._tinfo[x._TraceMixin__handle]
info.data_read = True
if self._inputs_to_restore:
for x in self._inputs_to_restore:
if self._symbolic:
# eval lazy eval tensors
lazy_eval_tensors = tuple(self._lazy_eval_tensors)
......@@ -252,6 +272,7 @@ class trace:
self._pc = 0
self._tensor_remaps = None
......@@ -260,6 +281,10 @@ class trace:
active_trace = None
def _begin_excluded_region(self):
if self._capture_as_const:
raise RuntimeError(
"exclude_from_trace cannot be used with capture_as_const"
if self._untraced:
# conditionally reading a compiled tensor in excluded region
# is permitted, so we have to assume every tensor might be read
......@@ -292,6 +317,19 @@ class trace:
need_reset_nodes = self._need_reset_nodes = []
# links enforce ordering of I/O nodes
links = ()
if self._capture_as_const:
for h in itertools.chain(
self._args_bindings, self._kwargs_bindings.values()
info = self._tinfo[h]
opnode = info.data_setter = G.InputNode(
device=info.device, dtype=info.dtype, graph=graph
info.varnode = opnode.outputs[0]
links += opnode.outputs[1:]
for op, ihandles, ohandles in self._seq:
ivars = []
readers = []
......@@ -355,7 +393,193 @@ class trace:
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self._setup():
return self.__wrapped__(*args, **kwargs)
if self._capture_as_const:
self._process_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
outputs = self.__wrapped__(*args, **kwargs)
if self._capture_as_const:
return outputs
def dump(self, file, *, arg_names=None, output_names=None):
if not self._capture_as_const:
raise ValueError(
"you must specify capture_as_const=True at __init__ to use dump"
if self._untraced:
raise RuntimeError("should run at least once before calling dump")
if self._output_names and output_names:
raise TypeError(
"cannot specify output_names when output is already in dict format"
if output_names and not isinstance(output_names, collections.Sequence):
output_names = (output_names,)
if output_names and len(output_names) != len(self._output_bindings):
raise ValueError("wrong number of output_names")
if arg_names and not isinstance(arg_names, collections.Sequence):
arg_names = (arg_names,)
if arg_names and len(arg_names) != len(self._arg_bindings):
raise ValueError("wrong number of arg_names")
output_names = output_names or self._output_names
h2v = {}
graph = G.Graph()
for i, h in enumerate(self._args_bindings):
info = self._tinfo[h]
h2v[h] = graph.make_h2d(dtype=info.dtype, device=info.device)
if arg_names:
h2v[h].name = arg_names[i]
for k, h in self._kwargs_bindings.items():
info = self._tinfo[h]
h2v[h] = graph.make_h2d(dtype=info.dtype, device=info.device)
h2v[h].name = k
for op, ihandles, ohandles in self._seq:
ivars = []
for h in ihandles:
info = self._tinfo[h]
if h not in h2v:
assert info.external
assert info.bound_data
h2v[h] = graph.make_const(info.bound_data._dev_tensor())
ovars = apply(op, *ivars)
assert len(ovars) == len(ohandles)
h2v.update(zip(ohandles, ovars))
dest_vars = []
for i, h in enumerate(self._output_bindings):
v = h2v[h]
if output_names:
v.name = output_names[i]
if isinstance(file, str):
file = open(file, "wb")
def _process_inputs(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self._untraced:
self._inputs_to_restore = []
def record_input(x):
if x is None:
h, info = self._new_handle()
info.external = False
info.device = x.device
info.dtype = x.dtype
TraceMixin._TraceMixin__inject(x, h)
return h
self._args_bindings = []
for i, x in enumerate(args):
x = find_raw_tensor(x)
if x is None:
raise TypeError(
"positional arguments should all be tensor "
"but args[%d] cannot be recognized as one" % i
self._kwargs_bindings = {}
for k, x in kwargs.items():
x = find_raw_tensor(x)
if x is not None:
self._kwargs_bindings[k] = record_input(x)
if len(args) != len(self._args_bindings):
raise TraceMismatchError("positional argument length mismatch")
self._tensor_remaps = {}
for i, (h, x) in enumerate(zip(self._args_bindings, args)):
x = find_raw_tensor(x)
if x is None:
raise TypeError(
"positional arguments should all be tensor "
"but args[%d] cannot be recognized as one" % i
info = self._tinfo[h]
if x.dtype != info.dtype:
raise TypeError("args[%d].dtype different from last time" % i)
if x.device != info.device:
raise TypeError("args[%d].device different from last time" % i)
self._tensor_remaps[x] = CompiledTensorProxy(h)
kwargs_tensors = {}
for k, x in kwargs.items():
x = find_raw_tensor(x)
if x is not None:
kwargs_tensors[k] = x
if set(kwargs_tensors) != set(self._kwargs_bindings):
too_many = set(kwargs_tensors) - set(self._kwargs_bindings)
too_few = set(self._kwargs_bindings) - set(kwargs_tensors)
if too_many:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"keyword arguments found to be tensor this time "
"but were non-tensor previously: %s" % " ".join(too_many)
if too_few:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"keyword arguments found to be non-tensor this time "
"but were tensor previously: %s" % " ".join(too_few)
for k, h in self._kwargs_bindings.items():
x = kwargs_tensors[k]
info = self._tinfo[h]
if x.dtype != info.dtype:
raise TypeError("kwargs[%s].dtype different from last time" % k)
if x.device != info.device:
raise TypeError("kwargs[%s].device different from last time" % k)
self._tensor_remaps[x] = CompiledTensorProxy(h)
def _process_outputs(self, outputs):
output_names = None
if isinstance(outputs, collections.Mapping):
output_names, outputs = zip(*sorted(outputs.items()))
elif not isinstance(outputs, collections.Sequence):
outputs = (outputs,)
if not self._untraced:
if output_names != self._output_names:
too_many = set(output_names) - set(self._output_names)
too_few = set(self._output_names) - set(output_names)
if too_many:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"output has more keys than last time: %s" % " ".join(too_many)
if too_few:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"output has less keys than last time: %s" % " ".join(too_few)
if len(outputs) != len(self._output_bindings):
raise TraceMismatchError("output size differs from last time")
self._output_names = output_names
self._output_bindings = []
for i, x in enumerate(outputs):
x = find_raw_tensor(x)
if x is None:
raise TypeError("every item of return value should be tensor")
if self._untraced:
if not isinstance(x, TraceMixin):
raise RuntimeError("output is not computed from inputs")
h = x._TraceMixin__handle
if not isinstance(x, CompiledTensorProxy):
raise RuntimeError("output is not computed from inputs")
h = x._CompiledTensorProxy__handle
if h != self._output_bindings[i]:
raise TraceMismatchError(
"retval[%s] is a different tensor than last time"
% (output_names and output_names[i] or i)
class CompiledTensorProxy(RawTensor):
......@@ -514,6 +738,7 @@ apply.disable(apply_symbolic_mode)
def apply_const_symbolic_mode(op: Const, *args: RawTensor):
graph = active_trace._lazy_eval_graph
ret = LazyEvalTensor(graph.make_const(op.value, dtype=op.dtype, device=op.device))
return (ret,)
......@@ -561,3 +786,27 @@ class BrokenRawTensor(RawTensor):
def __setattr__(self, *_):
raise RuntimeError("broken due to misuse of tracing")
def find_raw_tensor(x):
return None
def _(x):
return x
def _(x):
x = getattr(x, "__wrapped__", None)
if x is not None:
return find_raw_tensor(x)
def _(x):
x = getattr(x, "_data", None)
if x is not None:
return find_raw_tensor(x)
import io
import numpy as np
from megengine.core.ops import builtin as ops
......@@ -63,3 +65,20 @@ def test_print_in_trace():
buf = None
np.testing.assert_equal(f(as_raw_tensor(x)).numpy(), y)
np.testing.assert_equal(z, buf)
def test_dump():
@trace(symbolic=True, capture_as_const=True)
def f(x):
op = ops.Elemwise(mode="negate")
(y,) = apply(op, x)
return y
x = as_raw_tensor([1]).numpy()
y = f.__wrapped__(as_raw_tensor(x)).numpy()
for i in range(3):
np.testing.assert_equal(f(as_raw_tensor(x)).numpy(), y)
file = io.BytesIO()
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