提交 9451a961 编写于 作者: M Megvii Engine Team

test(mge/optimizer): update optimizer test to make sure grad not change

GitOrigin-RevId: e207672116dcd53dbfefa89ab9b1dcf7301abbea
上级 92e2ed6e
......@@ -66,10 +66,17 @@ def _test_optimizer(opt_str, test_case, check_class, update_lr=False):
ori_params = {}
ori_grads = {}
for param in net.parameters():
assert param._tuple_shape is ()
ori_params[param] = np.copy(param.numpy())
ori_grads[param] = np.copy(param.grad.numpy())
# check grad not change
for param in net.parameters():
assert np.equal(
ori_grads[param], param.grad.numpy()
), "step should not change param.grad"
step += 1
check_func(ori_params, net.parameters(), step)
......@@ -135,6 +142,8 @@ def test_sgd(monkeypatch, case, update_lr, inplace_mode):
def __call__(self, ori_params, new_params, step):
for param in new_params:
grad = param.grad.numpy()
if hasattr(self, "weight_decay") and self.weight_decay != 0.0:
grad = grad + ori_params[param] * self.weight_decay
if hasattr(self, "momentum"):
self.slots[param] = grad + self.slots[param] * self.momentum
delta = -self.lr * self.slots[param]
......@@ -177,6 +186,8 @@ def test_adam(monkeypatch, case, update_lr, inplace_mode):
def __call__(self, ori_params, new_params, step):
for param in new_params:
grad = param.grad.numpy()
if hasattr(self, "weight_decay") and self.weight_decay != 0.0:
grad = grad + ori_params[param] * self.weight_decay
m = self.m_slots[param]
v = self.v_slots[param]
m *= self.betas[0]
......@@ -222,6 +233,8 @@ def test_adagrad(monkeypatch, case, update_lr, inplace_mode):
def __call__(self, ori_params, new_params, step):
for param in new_params:
grad = param.grad.numpy()
if hasattr(self, "weight_decay") and self.weight_decay != 0.0:
grad = grad + ori_params[param] * self.weight_decay
self.s_slots[param] += grad ** 2
delta = grad / (self.s_slots[param] + self.eps) ** 0.5
delta *= -(self.lr / (1 + (step - 1) * self.lr_decay))
......@@ -257,6 +270,8 @@ def test_adadelta(monkeypatch, case, update_lr, inplace_mode):
def __call__(self, ori_params, new_params, step):
for param in new_params:
grad = param.grad.numpy()
if hasattr(self, "weight_decay") and self.weight_decay != 0.0:
grad = grad + ori_params[param] * self.weight_decay
self.s_slots[param] = self.s_slots[param] * self.rho + grad ** 2 * (
1 - self.rho
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