提交 7038a7f5 编写于 作者: T tpoisonooo

fix(quant): fix spell error

上级 4d72e707
......@@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ class _FakeQuantize(Module):
def fake_quant_forward(self, inp, qparams: QParams = None):
raise NotImplementedError
def normal_foward(self, inp, qparams: QParams = None):
def normal_forward(self, inp, qparams: QParams = None):
return inp
def forward(self, inp, qparams: QParams = None):
if self.enabled:
return self.fake_quant_forward(inp, qparams=qparams)
return self.normal_foward(inp, qparams=qparams)
return self.normal_forward(inp, qparams=qparams)
class TQT(_FakeQuantize, QParamsModuleMixin):
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ TEST_F(TestGraphEagerReeval, MemoryAlloc) {
// | +--> 8 -> 8
// |-----> x1(fwd) -> 8 -|
// total usage : 63 + (16 after the first iteration)
// x might has iteration i's memory, but x0/x1 foward i-1's memory
// x might has iteration i's memory, but x0/x1 forward i-1's memory
size_t length = reserve / (sizeof(dt_int32) * 5 * 16);
auto host_x = std::make_shared<HostTensorND>(cn, dtype::Int32());
HostTensorND host_val;
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