Most of the dependencies of MegBrain(MegEngine) are located in [third_party](third_party) directory, which can be prepared by executing:
Windows shell env(bash from windows-git), infact if you can use git command on Windows, which means you always install bash.exe at the same dir of git.exe, find it, then you can prepare third-party code by
* command:
bash.exe ./third_party/
bash.exe ./third_party/
if you are use github MegEngine and build for Windows XP, please
1: donwload mkl for xp from:
2: install exe, then from install dir:
2a: cp include file to third_party/mkl/x86_32/include/
2b: cp lib file to third_party/mkl/x86_32/lib/
But some dependencies need to be installed manually:
*[CUDA](>=10.1), [cuDNN](>=7.6) are required when building MegBrain with CUDA support.
*[TensorRT](>=5.1.5) is required when building with TensorRT support.
* LLVM/Clang(>=6.0) is required when building with Halide JIT support.
* Python(>=3.5) and numpy are required to build Python modules.
## Package install
### Windows host build
* commands:
@@ -74,11 +101,10 @@
1: install Cmake, which version >= 3.15.2, ninja-build
2: install gcc/g++, which version >= 6, (gcc/g++ >= 7, if need build training mode)
4: CUDA env(if enable CUDA), version detail refer to
recommend set env about cuda/cudnn/tensorrt as followed:
export CUDA_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cuda/lib
export CUDNN_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cudnn/lib
export TRT_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/tensorrt/lib
4: CUDA env(if build with CUDA), please export CUDA/CUDNN/TRT env, for example:
export CUDA_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cuda
export CUDNN_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cudnn
export TRT_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/tensorrt
### MacOS host build
@@ -118,42 +144,38 @@ Now we only support cross build to IOS from MACOS
1: install full xcode:
## Third-party code prepare
With bash env(Linux/MacOS/Unix-Like tools on Windows, eg: msys etc)
* commands:
Windows shell env(bash from windows-git), infact if you can use git command on Windows, which means you always install bash.exe at the same dir of git.exe, find it, then you can prepare third-party code by
* command:
bash.exe ./third_party/
bash.exe ./third_party/
if you are use github MegEngine and build for Windows XP, please
1: donwload mkl for xp from:
2: install exe, then from install dir:
2a: cp include file to third_party/mkl/x86_32/include/
2b: cp lib file to third_party/mkl/x86_32/lib/
# How to build
## With bash env(Linux/MacOS/Windows-git-bash)
* command:
1: host build just use scripts:scripts/cmake-build/
* host build just use scripts:scripts/cmake-build/
builds MegBrain(MegEngine) that runs on the same host machine (i.e., no cross compiling)
The following command displays the usage:
scripts/cmake-build/ -h
more example:
1a: build for Windows for XP (sp3): (dbg) EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="-DMGE_DEPLOY_INFERENCE_ON_WINDOWS_XP=ON" ./scripts/cmake-build/ -m -d