@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ set (MGE_EXPORT_TARGETS MegEngine-targets)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ set (MGE_EXPORT_TARGETS MegEngine-targets)
option(MGE_WITH_JIT "Build MegEngine with JIT." ON)
option(MGE_WITH_JIT "Build MegEngine with JIT." ON)
option(MGE_WITH_JIT_MLIR "Build MegEngine with MLIR JIT." OFF)
option(MGE_WITH_JIT_MLIR "Build MegEngine with MLIR JIT." OFF)
option(MGE_WITH_HALIDE "Build MegEngine with Halide JIT" ON)
option(MGE_WITH_HALIDE "Build MegEngine with Halide JIT" OFF)
option(MGE_WITH_MIDOUT_PROFILE "Build MegEngine with Midout profile." OFF)
option(MGE_WITH_MIDOUT_PROFILE "Build MegEngine with Midout profile." OFF)
option(MGE_WITH_MINIMUM_SIZE "Swith off MGE_ENABLE_RTTI、MGE_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS、MGE_ENABLE_LOGGING and switch on MGE_INFERENCE_ONLY so that compile minimum load_and_run. Take effect only when MGE_BIN_REDUCE was set" OFF)
option(MGE_WITH_MINIMUM_SIZE "Swith off MGE_ENABLE_RTTI、MGE_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS、MGE_ENABLE_LOGGING and switch on MGE_INFERENCE_ONLY so that compile minimum load_and_run. Take effect only when MGE_BIN_REDUCE was set" OFF)