提交 4365f158 编写于 作者: M Megvii Engine Team

fix(src/atlas): fixed that there should be no requirement for om model input format when using aipp

GitOrigin-RevId: b19010ead2befbdc529b74bceff43dcbf3844d54
上级 b6ca72c8
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ TensorShape acl_shape_to_mgb_shape_for_output(aclmdlIODims acl_shape, size_t bat
TensorShape acl_shape_to_mgb_shape_for_input(
aclmdlIODims acl_shape, size_t batch, bool enable_dynamic_batch,
aclFormat om_format, AtlasRuntimeOpr::AippInputFormat aipp_input_fmt) {
TensorShape ret;
ret.ndim = acl_shape.dimCount;
......@@ -60,11 +61,7 @@ TensorShape acl_shape_to_mgb_shape_for_input(
ret[0], batch);
if (aipp_input_fmt != AtlasRuntimeOpr::AippInputFormat::NO_AIPP) {
om_format == ACL_FORMAT_NHWC,
"om format should be NHWC if enable aipp");
mgb_assert(om_format != ACL_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, "om input format should be defined");
return ret;
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