提交 318f6d75 编写于 作者: M Megvii Engine Team

fix(mge): fix some warnings

GitOrigin-RevId: 38b285f991fd92db70b5ed0c320823b7aef09862
上级 b9b53118
......@@ -90,12 +90,11 @@ inline int8x16_t vqtbl1q_s8_v7(int8x16_t a, uint8x16_t index) {
_sum1##_c_idx = vdotq_s32(_sum1##_c_idx, _k##_k2_idx, _elem);
template <bool first_ic, bool last_ic, BiasMode bias_mode, typename Op>
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_2x2_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
const int8_t* filter,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t* temp,
int8_t* dst, const size_t IH,
const size_t IW, const size_t OH,
const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_2x2_int8_dot(
const int8_t* src, const int8_t* filter, const int32_t* bias,
int32_t* temp, int8_t* dst, const size_t IH, const size_t IW,
const size_t OH, const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
const size_t tail_step = IW - OW;
const uint8x16_t _idx0 = {0, 1, 16, 16, 1, 2, 16, 16,
2, 3, 16, 16, 3, 4, 16, 16};
......@@ -326,12 +325,11 @@ void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_2x2_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
template <bool first_ic, bool last_ic, BiasMode bias_mode, typename Op>
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_3x3_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
const int8_t* filter,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t* temp,
int8_t* dst, const size_t IH,
const size_t IW, const size_t OH,
const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_3x3_int8_dot(
const int8_t* src, const int8_t* filter, const int32_t* bias,
int32_t* temp, int8_t* dst, const size_t IH, const size_t IW,
const size_t OH, const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
const size_t tail_step = IW - OW;
const uint8x16_t _idx0 = {0, 1, 2, 16, 1, 2, 3, 16,
......@@ -562,12 +560,11 @@ void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_3x3_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
template <bool first_ic, bool last_ic, BiasMode bias_mode, typename Op>
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_2x2_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
const int8_t* filter,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t* temp,
int8_t* dst, const size_t IH,
const size_t IW, const size_t OH,
const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_2x2_int8_dot(
const int8_t* src, const int8_t* filter, const int32_t* bias,
int32_t* temp, int8_t* dst, const size_t IH, const size_t IW,
const size_t OH, const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
const size_t tail_step = IW - 2 * OW + IW;
const uint8x16_t _idx0 = {0, 1, 16, 16, 2, 3, 16, 16,
......@@ -658,12 +655,11 @@ void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_2x2_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
template <bool first_ic, bool last_ic, BiasMode bias_mode, typename Op>
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_3x3_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
const int8_t* filter,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t* temp,
int8_t* dst, const size_t IH,
const size_t IW, const size_t OH,
const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_3x3_int8_dot(
const int8_t* src, const int8_t* filter, const int32_t* bias,
int32_t* temp, int8_t* dst, const size_t IH, const size_t IW,
const size_t OH, const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
const size_t tail_step = IW - 2 * OW + IW;
const uint8x16_t _idx0 = {0, 1, 2, 16, 2, 3, 4, 16,
......@@ -814,12 +810,11 @@ void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_3x3_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
_sum1##_c_idx = vdotq_s32(_sum1##_c_idx, _k##_k11_idx, _elem);
template <bool first_ic, bool last_ic, BiasMode bias_mode, typename Op>
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_5x5_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
const int8_t* filter,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t* temp,
int8_t* dst, const size_t IH,
const size_t IW, const size_t OH,
const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_5x5_int8_dot(
const int8_t* src, const int8_t* filter, const int32_t* bias,
int32_t* temp, int8_t* dst, const size_t IH, const size_t IW,
const size_t OH, const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
const size_t tail_step = IW - 2 * OW + IW;
const uint8x16_t _idx00 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9};
......@@ -1113,12 +1108,11 @@ void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_5x5_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
template <bool first_ic, bool last_ic, BiasMode bias_mode, typename Op>
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_7x7_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
const int8_t* filter,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t* temp,
int8_t* dst, const size_t IH,
const size_t IW, const size_t OH,
const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_7x7_int8_dot(
const int8_t* src, const int8_t* filter, const int32_t* bias,
int32_t* temp, int8_t* dst, const size_t IH, const size_t IW,
const size_t OH, const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
const size_t tail_step = IW - 2 * OW + IW;
const uint8x16_t _idx00 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9};
......@@ -1476,12 +1470,11 @@ void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride2_7x7_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
template <bool first_ic, bool last_ic, BiasMode bias_mode, typename Op>
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_5x5_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
const int8_t* filter,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t* temp,
int8_t* dst, const size_t IH,
const size_t IW, const size_t OH,
const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_5x5_int8_dot(
const int8_t* src, const int8_t* filter, const int32_t* bias,
int32_t* temp, int8_t* dst, const size_t IH, const size_t IW,
const size_t OH, const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
const size_t tail_step = IW - OW;
const uint8x16_t _idx00 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6};
......@@ -1777,12 +1770,11 @@ void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_5x5_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
template <bool first_ic, bool last_ic, BiasMode bias_mode, typename Op>
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_7x7_int8_dot(const int8_t* src,
const int8_t* filter,
const int32_t* bias, int32_t* temp,
int8_t* dst, const size_t IH,
const size_t IW, const size_t OH,
const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
void conv_bias::conv_direct_stride1_7x7_int8_dot(
const int8_t* src, const int8_t* filter, const int32_t* bias,
int32_t* temp, int8_t* dst, const size_t IH, const size_t IW,
const size_t OH, const size_t OW, const Op& op) {
const size_t tail_step = IW - OW;
const uint8x16_t _idx00 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6};
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ void copy_packed_src_int8_nchw44<1>(int8_t* dst, const int dst_step,
const int ih, const int pad_left,
const int pad_right, const int pad_top,
const int pad_bottom) {
constexpr int IC_PACK_SIZE = 4;
rep_step(ic_idx, ic, IC_PACK_SIZE) {
const int8_t* i_src = src + ic_idx * ic_step;
......@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ void copy_packed_src_int8_nchw44<2>(int8_t* dst, const int dst_step,
const int ih, const int pad_left,
const int pad_right, const int pad_top,
const int pad_bottom) {
constexpr int IC_PACK_SIZE = 4;
int odd_start = megdnn::div_ceil(dst_step, 2);
bool nochange = pad_left % 2 == 0;
......@@ -367,4 +369,4 @@ FOR_FILTER(2)
} // namespace megdnn
//vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen
\ No newline at end of file
//vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen
......@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ static void conv_kern(WorkspaceBundle bundle,
bool ConvBiasImpl::AlgoDotS8Direct_NCHW44::usable(
FallbackConvBiasImpl*, const NCBKernSizeParam& param,
AlgoSelectionStrategy algo_selection_strategy) const {
auto&& fm = param.filter_meta;
auto FH = fm.spatial[0];
auto FW = fm.spatial[1];
......@@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ bool ConvBiasImpl::AlgoDotS8Direct_NCHW44::usable(
bool ConvBiasImpl::AlgoDotS8Direct_NCHW44::is_preferred(
megdnn::fallback::ConvBiasImpl*, const NCBKernSizeParam& param) const {
return true;
......@@ -338,4 +340,4 @@ ConvBiasImpl::AlgoDotS8Direct_NCHW44::dispatch_kerns(
//vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen
\ No newline at end of file
//vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ template <int ow_remain, typename Op, typename T>
struct StoreOCxOWx<1, ow_remain, Op, T> {
static void impl(int32x4_t res[][8], const Op& op, T* dst_ptr,
const int ld_dst_oc) {
switch (ow_remain) {
case 8:
......@@ -337,14 +337,11 @@ ConvBias::WinogradParam ConvBias::parse_winograd_name(
&(ret.channel_block_size), &(ret.output_block_size),
if (strcmp(name, pre.c_str())) {
megdnn_log_warn("algo %s is not %s algo", name, pre.c_str());
return false;
if (ret.tile_size == 0 || ret.output_block_size == 0 ||
ret.channel_block_size == 0) {
megdnn_log_warn("the algo name %s is not suitable for %s",
algo_name.c_str(), pre.c_str());
return false;
......@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ bool CpuCompNode::CompNodeImpl::check_global_finalized(const char* reason) {
/* ======================== CompNode methods ======================== */
CompNode CompNode::default_cpu() {
static Locator locator{DeviceType::CPU, Locator::DEVICE_CPU_DEFAULT, -1};
static Locator locator{DeviceType::CPU, Locator::DEVICE_CPU_DEFAULT, {-1}};
static auto empty_queue =
static CpuCompNodeImpl impl{locator, locator, empty_queue};
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