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 * \file dnn/src/cuda/warp_perspective/
 * MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
#include "src/cuda/warp_perspective/common.h"

#include "src/cuda/utils.cuh"
#include "src/cuda/warp_perspective/common.cuh"

namespace megdnn {
namespace cuda {
namespace warp_perspective {

const int factor = 4;

template <typename Getter, int factor>
__global__ void warp_perspective_bwd_data_kernel(const float *hidden,
        const float *mat, float *dst,
        int N, int C, int IH, int IW, int OH, int OW)
    Getter getter;
    int n = blockIdx.z;
    int ow = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int oh = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    hidden += n * C*OH*OW;
    dst += n * C*factor*IH*IW;
    mat += n * 3*3;
    if (ow < OW && oh < OH) {
        float denominator = mat[6]*ow + mat[7]*oh + mat[8];
        float iw = (mat[0]*ow + mat[1]*oh + mat[2]) / denominator;
        float ih = (mat[3]*ow + mat[4]*oh + mat[5]) / denominator;
        int iw0 = getter(floor(iw) + 0, IW);
        int iw1 = getter(floor(iw) + 1, IW);
        int ih0 = getter(floor(ih) + 0, IH);
        int ih1 = getter(floor(ih) + 1, IH);
        float palpha = ih - floor(ih);
        float pbeta = iw - floor(iw);
        float nalpha = 1.0f - palpha;
        float nbeta = 1.0f - pbeta;
        int i = ow & (factor-1);
        for (int c = 0; c < C; ++c) {
            atomicAdd(dst + ih0*IW+iw0 + i*IH*IW, hidden[oh*OW+ow]*nalpha*nbeta);
            atomicAdd(dst + ih0*IW+iw1 + i*IH*IW, hidden[oh*OW+ow]*nalpha*pbeta);
            atomicAdd(dst + ih1*IW+iw0 + i*IH*IW, hidden[oh*OW+ow]*palpha*nbeta);
            atomicAdd(dst + ih1*IW+iw1 + i*IH*IW, hidden[oh*OW+ow]*palpha*pbeta);
            hidden += OH*OW;
            dst += factor*IH*IW;

template <int factor>
__global__ void add_up_kernel(const float *src, float *dst,
        int IP)
    int nc = blockIdx.y;
    int ip = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    src += nc*IP*factor;
    dst += nc*IP;
    if (ip < IP) {
        dst[ip] = src[ip];
#pragma unroll
        for (int i = 1; i < factor; ++i)
            dst[ip] += src[ip+i*IP];

template <int factor>
__global__ void warp_perspective_bwd_data_constant_kernel(const float *hidden,
        const float *mat, float *dst,
        int N, int C, int IH, int IW, int OH, int OW)
    int ow = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int oh = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    hidden += blockIdx.z * C*OH*OW;
    dst += blockIdx.z * C*factor*IH*IW;
    mat += blockIdx.z * 3*3;
    if (ow < OW && oh < OH) {
        float denominator = mat[6]*ow + mat[7]*oh + mat[8];
        float iw = (mat[0]*ow + mat[1]*oh + mat[2]) / denominator;
        float ih = (mat[3]*ow + mat[4]*oh + mat[5]) / denominator;
        int iw0 = floor(iw) + 0;
        int iw1 = floor(iw) + 1;
        int ih0 = floor(ih) + 0;
        int ih1 = floor(ih) + 1;
        bool okw0 = (iw0 >= 0 && iw0 < IW);
        bool okw1 = (iw1 >= 0 && iw1 < IW);
        bool okh0 = (ih0 >= 0 && ih0 < IH);
        bool okh1 = (ih1 >= 0 && ih1 < IH);
        float palpha = ih - floor(ih);
        float pbeta = iw - floor(iw);
        float nalpha = 1.0f - palpha;
        float nbeta = 1.0f - pbeta;
        int i = ow & (factor-1);
        if (isfinite(ih) && isfinite(iw)) {
            for (int c = 0; c < C; ++c) {
                if (okh0 && okw0)
                    atomicAdd(dst + ih0*IW+iw0 + i*IH*IW,
                if (okh0 && okw1)
                    atomicAdd(dst + ih0*IW+iw1 + i*IH*IW,
                if (okh1 && okw0)
                    atomicAdd(dst + ih1*IW+iw0 + i*IH*IW,
                if (okh1 && okw1)
                    atomicAdd(dst + ih1*IW+iw1 + i*IH*IW,
                hidden += OH*OW;
                dst += factor*IH*IW;

size_t get_backward_data_workspace_in_bytes(
        int N, int C, int IH, int IW, int /* OH */, int /* OW */,
        BorderMode /* bmode */)
    return N*C*IH*IW*factor * sizeof(float);

void backward_data_proxy(const float *mat, const float *diff,
        float *grad, float *workspace,
        int N, int C, int IH, int IW, int OH, int OW, float bval,
        BorderMode mode, cudaStream_t stream)

    const int BY = 16, BX = 32;
        dim3 threads(BX, BY);
        dim3 blocks((OW+BX-1)/BX, (OH+BY-1)/BY, N);
        cuda_check(cudaMemsetAsync(workspace, 0, sizeof(float) * factor*N*C*IH*IW,
#define DISPATCH(Getter) \
        warp_perspective_bwd_data_kernel<Getter, factor><<<blocks, threads, \
            0, stream>>>(diff, mat, workspace, N, C, IH, IW, OH, OW);
        switch (mode) {
            case BORDER_REPLICATE:
            case BORDER_REFLECT:
            case BORDER_REFLECT_101:
            case BORDER_WRAP:
            case BORDER_CONSTANT:
                    <<<blocks, threads, 0, stream>>>
                    (diff, mat, workspace, N, C, IH, IW, OH, OW);
        int THREADS = 512;
        dim3 threads(THREADS);
        dim3 blocks((IH*IW+THREADS-1)/THREADS, N*C);
        add_up_kernel<factor><<<blocks, threads, 0, stream>>>(workspace, grad,

} // namespace warp_perspective
} // namespace cuda
} // namespace megdnn

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