提交 b6b81c30 编写于 作者: MaxKey单点登录官方's avatar MaxKey单点登录官方


上级 54125101
......@@ -6,16 +6,7 @@ defaultTasks "clean", "build"
//Version define
ext {
jackson2Version = "2.9.8"
log4jVersion = "2.12.0"
springVersion = "5.2.2.RELEASE"
springBootVersion = "2.2.1.RELEASE"
springSecurityVersion= "5.2.1.RELEASE"
hibernateVersion = "6.0.17.Final"
slf4jVersion = "1.7.26"
jacksonVersion = "2.9.9"
bouncycastleVersion = "1.60"
httpcomponentsVersion= "4.5.6"
configurations.all {
......@@ -301,7 +292,7 @@ subprojects {
manifest {
attributes( "Implementation-Title": project.name,
"Implementation-Vendor": project.vendor,
"Created-By": project.group,
"Created-By": project.author,
"Implementation-Date": currentTime,
"Implementation-Version": project.version)
group =org.maxkey
version =1.0.0.RELEASE
vendor =https://github.com/shimingxy/MaxKey
author =shimingxy
#Version For use jar
jackson2Version =2.9.8
log4jVersion =2.12.0
springVersion =5.2.2.RELEASE
springBootVersion =2.2.1.RELEASE
springSecurityVersion =5.2.1.RELEASE
hibernateVersion =6.0.17.Final
slf4jVersion =1.7.26
jacksonVersion =2.9.9
bouncycastleVersion =1.60
httpcomponentsVersion =4.5.6
......@@ -28,36 +28,20 @@
<!-- for index -->
<mvc:mapping path="/index/*" />
<!-- for System -->
<mvc:mapping path="/menus/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/roles/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/logs/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/userinfo/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/relyingparty/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/sysconfig/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/roles/*"/>
<mvc:mapping path="/applications/*"/>
<mvc:mapping path="/approles/*"/>
<mvc:mapping path="/users/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/enterprises/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/employees/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/authInfo/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/usercenter/*"/>
<bean class="org.maxkey.web.interceptor.PermissionAdapter" />
<!-- web Controller InterceptorAdapter for platform log -->
<mvc:mapping path="/users/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/userinfo/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/enterprises/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/employees/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/authInfo/*" />
<mvc:mapping path="/usercenter/*"/>
<mvc:mapping path="/retrievePassword/*"/>
<mvc:mapping path="/roles/*"/>
<mvc:mapping path="/applications/*"/>
<mvc:mapping path="/approles/*"/>
<bean class="org.maxkey.web.interceptor.HistoryLogsAdapter" />
<!-- web Controller sso Adapter -->
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