提交 7b1fe34e 编写于 作者: M MaxKey

Create release_frontend_docker.bat

上级 42f0631c
echo off
set MXK_VERSION=3.5.3
set MXK_REPOSITORY=maxkeytop
set START_TIME="%date:~0,10% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,5%"
echo start time %START_TIME%
rem call Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
cd ./maxkey-web-frontend/maxkey-web-app
call ng build --prod --base-href /maxkey/
call docker build -f Dockerfile -t %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-frontend .
call docker push %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-frontend
call docker tag %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-frontend %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-frontend:%MXK_VERSION%
call docker push %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-frontend:%MXK_VERSION%
cd ../../
cd ./maxkey-web-frontend/maxkey-web-mgt-app
call ng build --prod --base-href /maxkey-mgt/
call docker build -f Dockerfile -t %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-mgt-frontend .
call docker push %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-mgt-frontend
call docker tag %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-mgt-frontend %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-mgt-frontend:%MXK_VERSION%
call docker push %MXK_REPOSITORY%/maxkey-mgt-frontend:%MXK_VERSION%
set END_TIME="%date:~0,10% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,5%"
echo Build Release start at %START_TIME% complete at %END_TIME%.
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0% .
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