提交 225b32e3 编写于 作者: M MaxKey


上级 a9ae5c4a
......@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
springkafka 2.7.6
JustAuth 1.16.3
kafkaclients 2.6.2
poi 5.0.0
tomcat 9.0.52
gson 2.8.7
jbosslogging 3.4.2.Final
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ xmlbeansVersion =3.0.1
commonscompressVersion =1.20
log4jVersion =2.14.1
kafkaclientsVersion =2.6.2
poiVersion =5.0.0
poiVersion =4.1.2
tomcatVersion =9.0.52
tomcatembedloggingjuliVersion =8.5.2
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ thymeleafVersion =3.0.12.RELEASE
springbootadminVersion =2.5.0
nettyVersion =4.1.66.Final
hazelcastVersion =4.2.2
jakartaannotationVersion =3.0.0
jakartaannotationVersion =2.0.0
jakartavalidationapiVersion =3.0.0
attoparserVersion =2.0.5.RELEASE
unbescapeVersion =1.1.6.RELEASE
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