提交 bc38e060 编写于 作者: qq_41256425's avatar qq_41256425


上级 f33b7d7b
@echo off
call mkdir cache
set "url=https://gitcode.net/magic-pig/resource/-/raw/master/BubbleCat/version"
set "tempfile=cache\response.txt"
curl -o "%tempfile%" "%url%" 2>nul
set /p version=<"%tempfile%"
call curl -L https://gitcode.net/magic-pig/resource/-/raw/master/BubbleCat/BubbleCat_v%version%.7z?inline=false -o .\cache\bubble-cat.7z
call curl -L https://gitcode.net/magic-pig/resource/-/raw/master/7z/7z.dll?inline=false -o .\cache\7z.dll
call curl -L https://gitcode.net/magic-pig/resource/-/raw/master/7z/7z.exe?inline=false -o .\cache\7z.exe
call .\cache\7z.exe x -y .\cache\bubble-cat.7z -o.\BubbleCat\%version%
cd .\BubbleCat\%version%
call .\InstallPyBuilder.bat
echo "Completed Bubble Cat!"
echo "cd BubbleCat\%version% and Run..."
call rmdir cache /s /q
\ No newline at end of file
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