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# OAuth 2.0 Resource Server

Spring Security supports protecting endpoints using two forms of OAuth 2.0 [Bearer Tokens](

* [JWT](

* Opaque Tokens

This is handy in circumstances where an application has delegated its authority management to an [authorization server]( (for example, Okta or Ping Identity).
This authorization server can be consulted by resource servers to authorize requests.

This section provides details on how Spring Security provides support for OAuth 2.0 [Bearer Tokens](

|   |Working samples for both [JWTs]( and [Opaque Tokens]( are available in the [Spring Security Samples repository](|

Let’s take a look at how Bearer Token Authentication works within Spring Security.
First, we see that, like [Basic Authentication](../../authentication/passwords/basic.html#servlet-authentication-basic), the [WWW-Authenticate]( header is sent back to an unauthenticated client.


Figure 1. Sending WWW-Authenticate Header

The figure above builds off our [`SecurityFilterChain`](../../architecture.html#servlet-securityfilterchain) diagram.

![number 1]( First, a user makes an unauthenticated request to the resource `/private` for which it is not authorized.

![number 2]( Spring Security’s [`FilterSecurityInterceptor`](../../authorization/authorize-requests.html#servlet-authorization-filtersecurityinterceptor) indicates that the unauthenticated request is *Denied* by throwing an `AccessDeniedException`.

![number 3]( Since the user is not authenticated, [`ExceptionTranslationFilter`](../../architecture.html#servlet-exceptiontranslationfilter) initiates *Start Authentication*.
The configured [`AuthenticationEntryPoint`](../../authentication/architecture.html#servlet-authentication-authenticationentrypoint) is an instance of [`BearerTokenAuthenticationEntryPoint`]( which sends a WWW-Authenticate header.
The `RequestCache` is typically a `NullRequestCache` that does not save the request since the client is capable of replaying the requests it originally requested.

When a client receives the `WWW-Authenticate: Bearer` header, it knows it should retry with a bearer token.
Below is the flow for the bearer token being processed.


Figure 2. Authenticating Bearer Token

The figure builds off our [`SecurityFilterChain`](../../architecture.html#servlet-securityfilterchain) diagram.

![number 1]( When the user submits their bearer token, the `BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter` creates a `BearerTokenAuthenticationToken` which is a type of [`Authentication`](../../authentication/architecture.html#servlet-authentication-authentication) by extracting the token from the `HttpServletRequest`.

![number 2]( Next, the `HttpServletRequest` is passed to the `AuthenticationManagerResolver`, which selects the `AuthenticationManager`. The `BearerTokenAuthenticationToken` is passed into the `AuthenticationManager` to be authenticated.
The details of what `AuthenticationManager` looks like depends on whether you’re configured for [JWT](jwt.html#oauth2resourceserver-jwt-minimalconfiguration) or [opaque token](opaque-token.html#oauth2resourceserver-opaque-minimalconfiguration).

![number 3]( If authentication fails, then *Failure*

* The [SecurityContextHolder](../../authentication/architecture.html#servlet-authentication-securitycontextholder) is cleared out.

* The `AuthenticationEntryPoint` is invoked to trigger the WWW-Authenticate header to be sent again.

![number 4]( If authentication is successful, then *Success*.

* The [Authentication](../../authentication/architecture.html#servlet-authentication-authentication) is set on the [SecurityContextHolder](../../authentication/architecture.html#servlet-authentication-securitycontextholder).

* The `BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter` invokes `FilterChain.doFilter(request,response)` to continue with the rest of the application logic.

[OAuth2 Authorized Clients](../client/authorized-clients.html)[JWT](jwt.html)