arm_mat_scale_f32.c 4.8 KB
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------   
* Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.   
* $Date:        15. July 2011  
* $Revision: 	V1.0.10  
* Project: 	    CMSIS DSP Library   
* Title:        arm_mat_scale_f32.c   
* Description:	Multiplies a floating-point matrix by a scalar.   
* Target Processor: Cortex-M4/Cortex-M3/Cortex-M0
* Version 1.0.10 2011/7/15 
*    Big Endian support added and Merged M0 and M3/M4 Source code.  
* Version 1.0.3 2010/11/29  
*    Re-organized the CMSIS folders and updated documentation.   
* Version 1.0.2 2010/11/11   
*    Documentation updated.    
* Version 1.0.1 2010/10/05    
*    Production release and review comments incorporated.   
* Version 1.0.0 2010/09/20    
*    Production release and review comments incorporated.   
* Version 0.0.5  2010/04/26    
*    incorporated review comments and updated with latest CMSIS layer   
* Version 0.0.3  2010/03/10    
*    Initial version   
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include "arm_math.h"

 * @ingroup groupMatrix   

 * @defgroup MatrixScale Matrix Scale   
 * Multiplies a matrix by a scalar.  This is accomplished by multiplying each element in the   
 * matrix by the scalar.  For example:   
 * \image html MatrixScale.gif "Matrix Scaling of a 3 x 3 matrix"   
 * The function checks to make sure that the input and output matrices are of the same size.   
 * In the fixed-point Q15 and Q31 functions, <code>scale</code> is represented by   
 * a fractional multiplication <code>scaleFract</code> and an arithmetic shift <code>shift</code>.   
 * The shift allows the gain of the scaling operation to exceed 1.0.   
 * The overall scale factor applied to the fixed-point data is   
 * <pre>   
 *     scale = scaleFract * 2^shift.   
 * </pre>   

 * @addtogroup MatrixScale   
 * @{   

 * @brief Floating-point matrix scaling.   
 * @param[in]       *pSrc points to input matrix structure   
 * @param[in]       scale scale factor to be applied    
 * @param[out]      *pDst points to output matrix structure   
 * @return     		The function returns either <code>ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH</code>    
 * or <code>ARM_MATH_SUCCESS</code> based on the outcome of size checking.   

arm_status arm_mat_scale_f32(
  const arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pSrc,
  float32_t scale,
  arm_matrix_instance_f32 * pDst)
  float32_t *pIn = pSrc->pData;                  /* input data matrix pointer */
  float32_t *pOut = pDst->pData;                 /* output data matrix pointer */
  uint32_t numSamples;                           /* total number of elements in the matrix */
  uint32_t blkCnt;                               /* loop counters */
  arm_status status;                             /* status of matrix scaling     */


  /* Check for matrix mismatch condition */
  if((pSrc->numRows != pDst->numRows) || (pSrc->numCols != pDst->numCols))
    /* Set status as ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH */
#endif /*    #ifdef ARM_MATH_MATRIX_CHECK    */

    /* Total number of samples in the input matrix */
    numSamples = (uint32_t) pSrc->numRows * pSrc->numCols;

#ifndef ARM_MATH_CM0

    /* Run the below code for Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M3 */

    /* Loop Unrolling */
    blkCnt = numSamples >> 2;

    /* First part of the processing with loop unrolling.  Compute 4 outputs at a time.   
     ** a second loop below computes the remaining 1 to 3 samples. */
    while(blkCnt > 0u)
      /* C(m,n) = A(m,n) * scale */
      /* Scaling and results are stored in the destination buffer. */
      *pOut++ = (*pIn++) * scale;
      *pOut++ = (*pIn++) * scale;
      *pOut++ = (*pIn++) * scale;
      *pOut++ = (*pIn++) * scale;

      /* Decrement the numSamples loop counter */

    /* If the numSamples is not a multiple of 4, compute any remaining output samples here.   
     ** No loop unrolling is used. */
    blkCnt = numSamples % 0x4u;


    /* Run the below code for Cortex-M0 */

    /* Initialize blkCnt with number of samples */
    blkCnt = numSamples;

#endif /* #ifndef ARM_MATH_CM0 */

    while(blkCnt > 0u)
      /* C(m,n) = A(m,n) * scale */
      /* The results are stored in the destination buffer. */
      *pOut++ = (*pIn++) * scale;

      /* Decrement the loop counter */
    /* Set status as ARM_MATH_SUCCESS */
    status = ARM_MATH_SUCCESS;

  /* Return to application */
  return (status);

 * @} end of MatrixScale group   