提交 1f3a17fe 编写于 作者: DCloud_JSON's avatar DCloud_JSON


上级 a255360c
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"permission":{ "permission": {
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"role": {
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"title": "角色",
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"enum": {
"collection": "uni-id-roles",
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"foreignKey": "uni-id-roles.role_id",
"permission": {
"write": false
"wx_unionid": {
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"description": "微信unionid",
"wx_openid": {
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"mp-weixin": {
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"ali_openid": {
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"last_login_ip": {
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"description": "最后登录时 IP 地址",
"permission": {
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"read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
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"bsonType": "string", "permission": {
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"bsonType": "string", },
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"description": "联系人姓名"
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"description": "联系人手机号码"
"contact_email": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "联系人邮箱"
"score": {
"bsonType": "int",
"description": "用户积分,积分变更记录可参考:uni-id-scores表定义",
"register_date": {
"bsonType": "timestamp",
"description": "注册时间",
"forceDefaultValue": {
"$env": "now"
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"permission":{ "properties": {
"write":false "auth_date": {
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"bsonType": "string", "auth_status": {
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"minimum": 0
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"description": "联系人邮箱"
"contact_mobile": {
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"description": "联系人手机号码"
"contact_person": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "联系人姓名"
"id_card_back": {
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"id_card_front": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "身份证正面照 URL"
"identity": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "身份证号码/营业执照号码"
"in_hand": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "手持身份证照片 URL"
"license": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "营业执照 URL"
"real_name": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "真实姓名/企业名称"
"type": {
"bsonType": "int",
"description": "用户类型:0 个人用户 1 企业用户",
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"permission":{ "required": [
"write":false "type",
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"last_login_date": { },
"bsonType": "timestamp", "register_date": {
"description": "最后登录时间", "bsonType": "timestamp",
"permission":{ "description": "注册时间",
"write":false "forceDefaultValue": {
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"last_login_ip": { }
"bsonType": "string", },
"description": "最后登录时 IP 地址", "register_ip": {
"permission":{ "bsonType": "string",
"write":false "description": "注册时 IP 地址",
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"token": { "read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
"bsonType": "array", }
"role": {
"bsonType": "array",
"description": "用户角色",
"enum": {
"collection": "uni-id-roles",
"field": "role_id as value, role_name as text"
"foreignKey": "uni-id-roles.role_id",
"permission": {
"write": false,
"read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
"title": "角色"
"score": {
"bsonType": "int",
"description": "用户积分,积分变更记录可参考:uni-id-scores表定义",
"permission": {
"write": false,
"read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
"status": {
"bsonType": "int",
"defaultValue": 0,
"description": "用户状态:0 正常 1 禁用 2 审核中 3 审核拒绝",
"permission": {
"write": false,
"read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
"enum": [{
"text": "正常",
"value": 0
"text": "禁用",
"value": 1
"text": "审核中",
"value": 2
"text": "审核拒绝",
"value": 3
"title": "用户状态"
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"description": "用户token", "description": "用户token",
"permission":{ "permission": {
"write":false "read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
} }
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"description": "用户全部上级邀请者", "description": "用户名,不允许重复",
"title": "用户名",
"trim": "both", "trim": "both",
"permission":{ "permission": {
"write":false "write": false
} }
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"invite_time": { "wx_openid": {
"bsonType": "timestamp", "bsonType": "object",
"description": "受邀时间", "description": "微信各个平台openid",
"permission":{ "properties": {
"write":false "app": {
} "bsonType": "string",
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"my_invite_code": { },
"bsonType": "string", "mp": {
"description": "用户自身邀请码", "bsonType": "string",
"permission":{ "description": "微信小程序平台openid"
"write":false },
} "h5": {
} "bsonType": "string",
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"web": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "PC页面扫码登录openid"
"permission": {
"write": false,
"read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
"wx_unionid": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "微信unionid",
"permission": {
"write": false,
"read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
"qq_openid": {
"bsonType": "object",
"description": "QQ各个平台openid",
"properties": {
"app": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "app平台QQ openid"
"mp": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "QQ小程序平台openid"
"permission": {
"write": false,
"read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
"qq_unionid": {
"bsonType": "string",
"description": "QQ unionid",
"permission": {
"write": false,
"read": "doc._id == auth.uid"
"required": []
} }
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