提交 cef95312 编写于 作者: 饶先宏's avatar 饶先宏

202106080614 增加了ListItemDetach宏,解决在Destroy中不能调用listDetach的问题

上级 a05b7fab
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
202105140816: 根据git的要求增加License
202106080611: 增加了ListItemDetach宏,解决在Destroy中不能调用listDetach的问题
#ifndef __DLIST_H
......@@ -117,6 +118,14 @@ int dlistInsertAfter(HOBJECT after, HOBJECT item);
int dlistDetach(HOBJECT item);
#define ListItemDetach(pobj) \
do { \
pobj->__dlist_pLast->__dlist_pNext = pobj->__dlist_pNext; \
pobj->__dlist_pNext->__dlist_pLast = pobj->__dlist_pLast; \
pobj->__dlist_pLast = pobj; \
pobj->__dlist_pNext = pobj; \
} while (0)
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ QUERYINTERFACE_END
static const char* dlistheaderModuleInfo()
return "1.0.0-20210503.1247 Dual List Header";
return "1.0.1-20210608.0612 Dual List Header";
static int dlistheaderCreate(const PARAMITEM* pParams, int paramcount, HOBJECT* pObject)
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