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issue 159 translation
# String Multiplication
**Translator: [youyun](https://github.com/youyun)**
**Author: [labuladong](https://github.com/labuladong)**
For relatively small numbers, you can calculate directly using the operators provided by a programming language. When the numbers become very big, the default data types might overflow. An alternative way is to use string to represent the numbers, perform the multiplication in the primary school way, and produce the result as string as well. Take [this question](https://leetcode.com/problems/multiply-strings/) as an example.
Note that both `num1` and `num2` can be very long. We can't directly calculate by transforming them to integers. We can learn from the process multiplying by hand.
For example, when we multiply `123 × 45` by hand, the process is shown in the following diagram:
Firstly, calculate `123 × 5`. Then calculate `123 × 4`. In the end, add them together by shifting one digit. We learned this method in primary school. Can we __generalize the steps in this process__, such that a computer can understand?
This simple process actually involves a lot of knowledge - carry of multiplication, carry of addition, and adding numbers by shifting digits. Another not so obvious issue is the number of digits of the final result. When two two-digit numbers multiply, the result can be either four-digit or three-digit. How to generalize this? Without the mindset of a computer, we can't even automate simple problems. This is the beauty of algorithms.
Well, this process is still too high-level. Let's try something at a lower level. The processes of `123 × 5` and `123 × 4` can be further broken into parts and add together:
`123` is pretty small. If the number is large, we can't get the product directly. An array can help to store the result of addition:
Here is the rough process of calculation. __Two pointers `i, j` moves at `num1` and `num2` to multiply, adding the products to the correct positions of `res`__:
There is a key question now. How to add products to the correct positions of `res`? In other words, how to use `i, j` to calculate the corresponding indices in `res`?
With careful observation, __the product of `num1[i]` and `num2[j]` corresponds to `res[i+j]` and `res[i+j+1]`__.
If we understand the above, we should be able to translate the process into code:
string multiply(string num1, string num2) {
int m = num1.size(), n = num2.size();
// the max number of digits in result is m + n
vector<int> res(m + n, 0);
// multiply from the rightmost digit
for (int i = m - 1; i >= 0; i--)
for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
int mul = (num1[i]-'0') * (num2[j]-'0');
// the corresponding index of product in res
int p1 = i + j, p2 = i + j + 1;
// add to res
int sum = mul + res[p2];
res[p2] = sum % 10;
res[p1] += sum / 10;
// the result may have prefix of 0 (which is unused)
int i = 0;
while (i < res.size() && res[i] == 0)
// transform the result into string
string str;
for (; i < res.size(); i++)
str.push_back('0' + res[i]);
return str.size() == 0 ? "0" : str;
We have just completed the string multiplication.
__In summary__, some of our common ways of think may be hard to achieve by computer. For instance, the process of our calculation is not that complicated. But it is not easy to translate this process into code. Our algorithm needs to simplify the calculation process, achieve the result by adding while multiplying at the same time.
People usually say that we need to think out of the box, be creative, and be different. But systematic thinking can be a good thing. It can improve the efficiency and reduce the error rate. Algorithms are based on systematic thinking, and can help us to resolve complex problems.
Maybe algorithms are a kind of __mindset to find a systematic thinking__. Hope this article helps.
# 字符串乘法
需要注意的是,`num1``num2` 可以非常长,所以不可以把他们直接转成整型然后运算,唯一的思路就是模仿我们手算乘法。
比如说我们手算 `123 × 45`,应该会这样计算:
计算 `123 × 5`,再计算 `123 × 4`,最后错一位相加。这个流程恐怕小学生都可以熟练完成,但是你是否能**把这个运算过程进一步机械化**,写成一套算法指令让没有任何智商的计算机来执行呢?
首先,我们这种手算方式还是太「高级」了,我们要再「低级」一点,`123 × 5``123 × 4` 的过程还可以进一步分解,最后再相加:
现在 `123` 并不大,如果是个很大的数字的话,是无法直接计算乘积的。我们可以用一个数组在底下接收相加结果:
整个计算过程大概是这样,**有两个指针 `i,j` 在 `num1` 和 `num2` 上游走,计算乘积,同时将乘积叠加到 `res` 的正确位置**
现在还有一个关键问题,如何将乘积叠加到 `res` 的正确位置,或者说,如何通过 `i,j` 计算 `res` 的对应索引呢?
其实,细心观察之后就发现,**`num1[i]` 和 `num2[j]` 的乘积对应的就是 `res[i+j]` 和 `res[i+j+1]` 这两个位置**
string multiply(string num1, string num2) {
int m = num1.size(), n = num2.size();
// 结果最多为 m + n 位数
vector<int> res(m + n, 0);
// 从个位数开始逐位相乘
for (int i = m - 1; i >= 0; i--)
for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
int mul = (num1[i]-'0') * (num2[j]-'0');
// 乘积在 res 对应的索引位置
int p1 = i + j, p2 = i + j + 1;
// 叠加到 res 上
int sum = mul + res[p2];
res[p2] = sum % 10;
res[p1] += sum / 10;
// 结果前缀可能存的 0(未使用的位)
int i = 0;
while (i < res.size() && res[i] == 0)
// 将计算结果转化成字符串
string str;
for (; i < res.size(); i++)
str.push_back('0' + res[i]);
return str.size() == 0 ? "0" : str;
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