提交 ff7933c0 编写于 作者: rictjo's avatar rictjo


上级 557f2a51
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
name = "impetuous-gfa",
version = "0.73.0",
version = "0.73.1",
author = "Richard Tjörnhammar",
author_email = "richard.tjornhammar@gmail.com",
description = "Impetuous Quantification, a Statistical Learning library for Humans : Alignments, Clustering, Enrichments and Group Analysis",
......@@ -21,6 +21,16 @@ import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from impetuous.quantification import qvalues, permuter
try :
from numba import jit
bUseNumba = True
except ImportError :
#print ( "ImportError:"," NUMBA. WILL NOT USE IT")
bUseNumba = False
except OSError:
#print ( "OSError:"," NUMBA. WILL NOT USE IT")
bUseNumba = False
contrast = lambda A,B : ( A-B )/( A+B )
......@@ -62,12 +72,12 @@ def get_procentile ( vals, procentile = 50 ):
pi0 = lambda pvs : 1.
def padded_rolling_window ( tv, tau ) : # SIMPLY RETURN THE PADDED INDICES
def padded_rolling_window ( ran, tau ) :
if tau==1 :
return ( tv )
return ( [ (i,None) for i in range(len(ran)) ] )
if len(tv)<tau :
return ( [ np.mean(v_) for v_ in tv ] )
centered = lambda x:(x[0],x[1]) ; N=len(tv);
return ( [ (0,N) for v_ in ran ] )
centered = lambda x:(x[0],x[1]) ; N=len(ran);
w = int( np.floor(np.abs(tau)*0.5) ) ;
jid = lambda i,w,N:[int((i-w)>0)*((i-w)%N),int(i+w<N)*((i+w)%N)+int(i+w>=N)*(N-1)]
idx = [ centered( jid(i,w,N) ) for i in range(N) ]
......@@ -104,77 +114,13 @@ def svd_reduced_mean ( x,axis=0,keep=[0] ) :
else :
return ( xred )
return ( x )
import math
# YOU SHOULD READ Numerical Analysis by Burden and Faires
def rich_rot ( a , b , direction = 0 ) :
if a==0 and b==0 :
c = 0
s = 0
r = 0
else :
r = math.sqrt( a*a + b*b )
if direction == 0 :
if a == 0 :
s = r / b
c = 0
else :
s = b / r
c = ( r - s*b ) / a
else :
if a == 0 :
s = 0
c = r / b
else :
s = - a / r
c = ( r - s*b ) / a
return ( c , s , r )
def diagonalize_2b2( A , tol=1E-13 , maxiter = 10 ) :
M = A[:2,:2].copy()
M0 = A[:2,:2].copy()
k = 0
ERR = 1
G_ = None
H_ = None
for k in range( maxiter ) :
c,s,r = rich_rot( M0[0,0],M0[1,0])
G0 = np.array( [[c,s],[-s,c]] )
M = np.dot( G0 , M0 )
M = M.T
c,s,r = rich_rot( M[0,0],M[1,0])
H0 = np.array( [[c,s],[-s,c]] )
M = np.dot( H0 , M )
M0 = M.T
ERR = np.sqrt( M0[1,0]**2+M0[0,1]**2 )
if G_ is None :
G_ = G0
else :
G_ = np.dot(G0,G_)
if H_ is None :
H_ = H0
else :
H_ = np.dot(H0,H_)
if ERR < tol :
return ( G_ , M0 , H_ )
def skew_zero ( shape ):
return ( np.zeros(np.prod(shape)).reshape(shape) )
def skew_eye ( shape ) :
Z = skew_zero(shape)
n = np.min(shape)
for i in range(n):
Z[i][i] = 1
return ( Z )
# Numerical Analysis by Burden and Faires
def kth_householder ( A , k ):
A = np .array( A )
n_ , m_ = np .shape(A)
if n_ < 2 :
......@@ -204,7 +150,7 @@ def kth_householder ( A , k ):
return ( Pk,Ak,Qk )
def Householder_transformation ( A ):
A = np.array( A )
A = np.array( A )
n = np.min( np.shape( A ) )
if n < 2 :
return ( A )
......@@ -218,7 +164,7 @@ def Householder_transformation ( A ):
return ( A1 , P )
def Householder_reduction ( A ):
A = np.array( A )
A = np.array( A )
n = np.min( np.shape( A ) )
if n < 2 :
return ( A )
......@@ -233,61 +179,125 @@ def Householder_reduction ( A ):
VT = Q0.T
return ( U , S , VT )
def rich_rot ( a , b , direction = 0 ) :
if a==0 and b==0 :
c = 0
s = 0
r = 0
else :
r = np.sqrt( a*a + b*b )
if direction == 0 :
if a == 0 :
s = r / b
c = 0
else :
s = b / r
c = ( r - s*b ) / a
else :
if a == 0 :
s = 0
c = r / b
else :
s = - a / r
c = ( r - s*b ) / a
return ( c , s , r )
def skew_zero ( shape ) :
return ( np.zeros(np.prod(shape)).reshape(shape) )
def skew_eye ( shape ) :
Z = np.zeros( shape[0]*shape[1] ).reshape(shape[0],shape[1])
n = shape[0] if (shape[0]<=shape[1]) else shape[1]
for i in range(n):
Z[i][i] = 1
return ( Z )
def diagonalize_2b2( A , tol=1E-13 , maxiter = 100 ) :
M = A[:2,:2].copy()
M0 = A[:2,:2].copy()
k = 0
ERR = 1
G_ = None
H_ = None
for k in range( maxiter ) :
c,s,r = rich_rot( M0[0,0],M0[1,0])
G0 = np.array( [[c,s],[-s,c]] )
M = np.dot( G0 , M0 )
M = M.T
c,s,r = rich_rot( M[0,0],M[1,0])
H0 = np.array( [[c,s],[-s,c]] )
M = np.dot( H0 , M )
M0 = M.T
ERR = np.sqrt( M0[1,0]**2+M0[0,1]**2 )
if G_ is None :
G_ = G0
else :
G_ = np.dot(G0,G_)
if H_ is None :
H_ = H0
else :
H_ = np.dot(H0,H_)
if ERR < tol :
return ( G_ , M0 , H_ )
def diagonalize_tridiagonal ( tridiagonal ,
maxiter = 1000 ,
tol = 1E-16 ):
tol = 1E-16 ) :
quench = lambda A_,tol_ : np.array([[ a if a**2>tol_**2 else 0 for a in al] for al in A_])
dot_assign = lambda A_, B_ : B_ if A_ is None else np.dot( B_ , A_ )
S = tridiagonal.copy()
S = tridiagonal.copy()
n_ , m_ = np.shape( S )
tol22 = tol*0.1
maxi22 = int( np.ceil( maxiter*0.1 ))
sI = skew_eye ( [ n_ , n_ ] )
tI = skew_eye ( [ m_ , m_ ] )
zI = skew_eye ( np.shape(S) )
GI = None
HI = None
GI = sI.copy()
HI = tI.copy()
sI_ = sI.copy()
tI_ = tI.copy()
nm_ = np.min(np.shape(S)) - 1
shape = np.shape(S)
nm_ = shape[0] if (shape[0]<=shape[1]) else shape[1] - 1
for k in range ( maxiter ) :
for i in range ( nm_ ):
sI_ = sI.copy()
tI_ = tI.copy()
if True :
A = S[ i:i+2 , i:i+2 ].copy()
if True :
G , Z , H = diagonalize_2b2 ( A , tol=tol , maxiter=maxiter )
sI_[ i:i+2 , i:i+2 ] = G
GI = dot_assign(GI,sI_)
tI_[ i:i+2 , i:i+2 ] = H
HI = dot_assign(HI,tI_)
S = np.dot( np.dot( sI_ , S ) , tI_.T )
for ir in range( 2,nm_+1-i ):
ii = i
jj = i+ir
idx = [ (ii,ii),(ii,jj),(jj,ii),(jj,jj) ]
jdx = [ (0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1) ]
A = np.array( [ S[i] for i in idx] ).reshape(2,2) # ROW ORDERED
G , Z , H = diagonalize_2b2 ( A , tol=tol , maxiter=maxiter )
sI_ = sI.copy()
tI_ = tI.copy()
H = H.T
for i_,j_ in zip(idx,jdx) :
sI_[i_] = G[j_]
tI_[i_] = H[j_]
tI_= tI_.T
GI = dot_assign(GI,sI_)
HI = dot_assign(HI,tI_)
S = np.dot( np.dot( sI_ , S ) , tI_.T )
ERR = sum( np.diag(S[:nm_],-1)**2 ) + sum( np.diag(S[:nm_] ,1)**2 )
if ERR < 2.0*tol**2 :
for i in range ( nm_ ) :
sI_ = sI .copy()
tI_ = tI .copy()
A = S[ i:i+2 , i:i+2 ].copy()
G , Z , H = diagonalize_2b2 ( A , tol=tol22 , maxiter=maxi22 )
sI_[ i:i+2 , i:i+2 ] = G
GI = np.dot( sI_ , GI )
tI_[ i:i+2 , i:i+2 ] = H
HI = np.dot( tI_ , HI )
S = np.dot( np.dot( sI_ , S ) , tI_.T )
for ir in range( 2,nm_+1-i ):
ii = i
jj = i+ir
idx = [ (ii,ii),(ii,jj),(jj,ii),(jj,jj) ]
jdx = [ (0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1) ]
A = np.array( [ S[i] for i in idx] ).reshape(2,2)
G , Z , H = diagonalize_2b2 ( A , tol=tol22 , maxiter=maxi22 )
sI_ = sI .copy()
tI_ = tI .copy()
H = H.T
for i_,j_ in zip(idx,jdx) :
sI_[i_] = G[j_]
tI_[i_] = H[j_]
tI_= tI_.T
GI = np.dot( sI_ , GI )
HI = np.dot( tI_ , HI )
S = np.dot( np.dot( sI_ , S ) , tI_.T )
ERR = np.sum( S**2*(1-skew_eye([n_,m_]) ) )
if ERR < tol :
# DATA = np.dot( np.dot( R[0],R[1]),R[2] )
return ( GI.T , S , HI )
def AugumentedReducedDecomposition ( A , maxiter=1000 , tol=1E-16 ):
......@@ -347,7 +357,6 @@ def hyper_params ( df_ , label = 'generic' , sep = ',' , power=1., centered=-1 )
return ( np.mean(lvs) , np.std(lvs) )
def hyper_rdf ( df_ , label = 'generic' , sep = ',' , power=1. ,
diagnostic_output = False , MEAN=None , STD=None , centered=-1 ) :
......@@ -451,3 +460,29 @@ if __name__ == '__main__' :
print ( padded_rolling_average( np.array( svd_reduced_mean( Xdf ).values ) ,tau=4 ) )
print ( padded_rolling_average( v0,tau=4 ) )
print ( v0 )
if True :
import time
A_ = np.array([ [ 22 , 10 , 2 , 3 , 7 ] ,
[ 14 , 7 , 10 , 0 , 8 ] ,
[ -1 , 13 , -1 , -11 , 3 ] ,
[ -3 , -2 , 13 , -2 , 4 ] ,
[ 9 , 8 , 1 , -2 , 4 ] ,
[ 9 , 1 , -7 , 5 , -1 ] ,
[ 2 , -6 , 6 , 5 , 1 ] ,
[ 4 , 5 , 0 , -2 , 2 ] ] )
t0 = time.time()
U,S,VT = ASVD( A_ )
dt = time.time() - t0
print ( dt );
print ( np.dot(np.dot(U,S),VT) )
df = lambda data:pd.DataFrame(data)
O,Z,WT = np.linalg.svd(A_)
print ( df( O).apply(np.abs) - df( U).apply(np.abs) )
print ( df( Z).apply(np.abs) - df(np.diag(S)).apply(np.abs) )
print ( df(VT).apply(np.abs) - df(WT).apply(np.abs) )
print ( np.sqrt(1248),20,np.sqrt(384),0,0 )
print ( np.diag(S) )
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