提交 8189a444 编写于 作者: rictjo's avatar rictjo


上级 0c05e032
# Simple Group Factor Analysis
# Simple Group Analysis
Decomposes a set of expressions into a group expression.
The expression regulation can be studied via an ANOVA that
relates it to the observables in the journal file. The
final p values are then FDR corrected and the resulting
q values are produced.
The toolkit currently offers enrichment analysis, hierarchical
enrichment analysis, a rudimentary factor analysis.
The expression regulation can be studied via a statistical
test that relates it to the observables in the journal file.
The final p values are then FDR corrected and the resulting
adjusted p values are produced.
The journal and analyte expression file must be ordered
the same way with respect to the samples that are
......@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
name = "impetuous-gfa",
version = "0.6.0",
version = "0.7.0",
author = "Richard Tjörnhammar",
author_email = "richard.tjornhammar@gmail.com",
description = "Impetuous Quantification, Enrichment and Group Factor Analysis",
description = "Impetuous Quantification, Enrichment and Group Variation Analysis",
long_description = long_description,
long_description_content_type = "text/markdown",
url = "https://github.com/richardtjornhammar/impetuous",
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ def group_significance( subset , all_analytes_df = None ,
notSigAnalytes = AllAnalytes - SigAnalytes
AB = len(Analytes&SigAnalytes) ; nAB = len(notAnalytes&SigAnalytes)
AnB = len(Analytes&notSigAnalytes) ; nAnB = len(notAnalytes&notSigAnalytes)
oddsratio , pval = stats.fisher_exact([[AB, nAB], [AnB, nAnB]], alternative=alternative)
oddsratio , pval = stats.fisher_exact([[AB, nAB], [AnB, nAnB]], alternative=alternative )
return ( pval , oddsratio )
def quantify_groups_by_analyte_pvalues( analyte_df, grouping_file, delimiter='\t',
......@@ -346,71 +346,6 @@ def quantify_groups ( analyte_df , journal_df , formula , grouping_file , synony
edf.loc[l] = q
return ( edf.T )
class RCA( object ) :
def __init__(self):
self.components_ = None
self.F_ = None
self.U_ , self.S_, self.V_ = None,None,None
self.evr_ = None
self.var_ = None
def fit_transform(self,X):
Xc = X - np.mean( X , 0 )
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd( Xc, full_matrices=False )
S = np.diag( s )
self.F_ = np.dot(u,S)
self.var_ = s ** 2 / Xc.shape[0]
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = self.var_/self.var_.sum()
self.U_, self.S_, self.V_ = u,s,v
self.components_ = self.V_
def righteous ( analyte_df , journal_df , formula , grouping_file , synonyms = None ,
delimiter = '\t' , test_type = 'random' ,
split_id = None , skip_line_char = '#'
) :
dimred = RCA()
statistical_formula = formula
if not split_id is None :
nidx = [ idx.split(split_id)[-1].replace(' ','') for idx in analyte_df.index.values ]
analyte_df.index = nidx
sidx = set( analyte_df.index.values ) ; nidx=len(sidx)
eval_df = None
with open ( grouping_file ) as input:
for line in input:
if line[0] == skip_line_char :
vline = line.replace('\n','').split(delimiter)
gid,gdesc,analytes_ = vline[0],vline[1],vline[2:]
if not synonyms is None :
[ analytes_.append(synonyms[a]) for a in analytes_ if a in synonyms ]
try :
group = analyte_df.loc[[a for a in analytes_ if a in sidx] ].dropna( axis=0, how='any', thresh=analyte_df.shape[1]/2 ).drop_duplicates()
except KeyError as e :
L_ = len( group ); str_analytes=','.join(group.index.values)
if L_>0 :
Xnew = dimred.fit_transform(group.T.values)
group_expression_df = pd.DataFrame([Xnew.T[0]],columns=analyte_df.columns.values,index=[gid])
rdf = pd.DataFrame( parse_test( statistical_formula, group_expression_df , journal_df , test_type=test_type )).T
rdf .columns = [ col+',p' if (not ',s' in col) else col+',s' for col in rdf.columns ]
rdf['description'] = gdesc+','+str(L_)
rdf['analytes'] = str_analytes
rdf.index = [ gid ] ; ndf = pd.concat([rdf.T,group_expression_df.T]).T
if eval_df is None :
eval_df = ndf
else :
eval_df = pd.concat([eval_df,ndf])
edf = eval_df.T
for col in eval_df.columns :
if ',p' in col :
q = [q_[0] for q_ in qvalues(eval_df.loc[:,col].values)]; l=col.split(',')[0]+',q'
edf.loc[l] = q
return ( edf.T )
def quantify_analytes( analyte_df , journal_df , formula ,
delimiter = '\t' , test_type = 'random',
verbose = True , only_include = None ) :
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