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a Link to the... eq gtaz

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......@@ -286,6 +286,25 @@ class NodeGraph ( Node ) :
L .append( ids )
return ( L )
def linkages_to_pclist ( self , links:dict ) -> list :
bottoms_up = sorted([ (v,k) for k,v in links.items()])
PClist = []
while ( len(bottoms_up)>1 ) :
child = bottoms_up[0]
for parent in bottoms_up[1:] :
if child[1] in parent[1] :
parent_child = [ (parent[1], child[1]) ]
PClist = [ *PClist, *parent_child ]
bottoms_up.remove( child )
return ( PClist )
def linkages_to_graph_dag( self, links:dict ) -> None :
PClist = self.linkages_to_pclist ( links )
for pc in PClist :
self.add_ascendant_descendant ( pc[0], pc[1] )
self.set_root_id(self.list_roots()[0] )
def distance_matrix_to_pclist ( self , distm:np.array ,
cluster_connections:int = 1 ,
hierarchy_connections:int = 1 ,
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