未验证 提交 0f05568d 编写于 作者: rictjo's avatar rictjo 提交者: GitHub

Update quantification.py

generalised correlations in new tjornhammarrho

different mean approximation across either axis of a 2d matrix or their geometric mean
上级 7449df22
......@@ -587,27 +587,6 @@ def associations ( M , W = None , bRanked = True ) :
res = PQ/R2
return ( res )
def spearmanrho ( xs:np.array , ys:np.array ) -> np.array :
from scipy.stats import rankdata
xs_ = np.array( [ rankdata(x,'average') for x in xs] )
ys_ = np.array( [ rankdata(y,'average') for y in ys] )
return ( correlation_core(xs_,ys_) )
def pearsonrho ( xs:np.array , ys:np.array ) -> np.array :
return ( correlation_core ( xs , ys ) )
def correlation_core ( xs:np.array , ys:np.array , TOL:float=1E-12 ) -> np.array :
x_means = xs.mean(axis=1)
y_means = ys.mean(axis=1)
xms = xs - (x_means*np.array([[1 for i in range(np.shape(xs)[1]) ]]).T).T # THIS CAN BE IMPROVED
yms = ys - (y_means*np.array([[1 for i in range(np.shape(ys)[1]) ]]).T).T # THIS CAN BE IMPROVED
r = np.dot( yms , xms.T ) / np.sqrt( (yms*yms).sum(axis=1).reshape(len(yms),1) @ (xms*xms).sum(axis=1).reshape(1,len(xms)) )
if not TOL is None : # DEV
r = 1 - r
r = r * ( np.abs(r)>TOL )
r = 1 - r
return ( r )
crop = lambda x,W:x[:,:W]
def run_shape_alignment_regression( analyte_df , journal_df , formula ,
bVerbose = False , synonyms = None , blur_cutoff = 99.8 ,
......@@ -1437,14 +1416,65 @@ class APCA ( object ) :
dimred = PCA()
def mean_field ( data:np.array , bSeparate:bool=False ) :
m0 = np.mean( data , axis=0 )
m1 = np.mean( data , axis=1 )
ms1 = m1.reshape(-1,1) * np.ones(len(m0)).reshape(1,-1)
ms0 = np.ones(len(m1)).reshape(-1,1) * m0.reshape(1,-1)
def mean_field ( data:np.array , bSeparate:bool=False , axis_type:str=None ) :
lm0,lm1 = np.shape(data)
if axis_type=='0' or str(axis_type) == str(None) :
m0 = np.mean( data , axis=0 )
ms0 = np.ones(lm0).reshape(-1,1) * m0.reshape(1,-1)
if axis_type=='0':
return ( ms0 )
if axis_type=='1' or axis_type is None :
m1 = np.mean( data , axis=1 )
ms1 = m1.reshape(-1,1) * np.ones(lm1).reshape(1,-1)
if axis_type=='1' :
return ( ms1 )
if bSeparate :
return ( m1.reshape(-1,1)*m0.reshape(1,-1) , ( ms1 + ms0 ) * 0.5 )
return ( m1.reshape(-1,1)*m0.reshape(1,-1) / ( ms1 + ms0 ) )
return( 2*m1.reshape(-1,1)*m0.reshape(1,-1) / ( ms1 + ms0 ) )
def correlation_core ( xs:np.array , ys:np.array , TOL:float=1E-12 , axis_type:str='0' , bVanilla:bool=False ) -> np.array :
if 'pandas' in str(type(xs)).lower() or 'series' in str(type(xs)).lower() or 'dataframe' in str(type(xs)).lower() :
xs = xs.values
if 'pandas' in str(type(ys)).lower() or 'series' in str(type(ys)).lower() or 'dataframe' in str(type(ys)).lower() :
ys = ys.values
if bVanilla :
x_means = (np.mean(xs,axis=1)*np.array([[1 for i in range(np.shape(xs)[1]) ]]).T).T
y_means = (np.mean(ys,axis=1)*np.array([[1 for i in range(np.shape(ys)[1]) ]]).T).T
else :
x_means = mean_field ( xs , bSeparate=False , axis_type=axis_type )
y_means = mean_field ( ys , bSeparate=False , axis_type=axis_type )
xms = xs - x_means #(x_means*np.array([[1 for i in range(np.shape(xs)[1]) ]]).T).T # THIS CAN BE IMPROVED
yms = ys - y_means #(y_means*np.array([[1 for i in range(np.shape(ys)[1]) ]]).T).T # THIS CAN BE IMPROVED
r = np.dot( yms , xms.T ) / np.sqrt( (yms*yms).sum(axis=1).reshape(len(yms),1) @ (xms*xms).sum(axis=1).reshape(1,len(xms)) )
if not TOL is None : # DEV
r = 1 - r
r = r * ( np.abs(r)>TOL )
r = 1 - r
return ( r )
def spearmanrho ( xs:np.array , ys:np.array ) -> np.array :
if 'pandas' in str(type(xs)).lower() or 'series' in str(type(xs)).lower() or 'dataframe' in str(type(xs)).lower() :
xs = xs.values
if 'pandas' in str(type(ys)).lower() or 'series' in str(type(ys)).lower() or 'dataframe' in str(type(ys)).lower() :
ys = ys.values
from scipy.stats import rankdata
xs_ = np.array( [ rankdata(x,'average') for x in xs] )
ys_ = np.array( [ rankdata(y,'average') for y in ys] )
return ( correlation_core(xs_,ys_ , axis_type = '1' ) )
def pearsonrho ( xs:np.array , ys:np.array ) -> np.array :
return ( correlation_core ( xs , ys , axis_type = '1' ) )
def tjornhammarrho( xs:np.array , ys:np.array , axis_type:str = None , bRanked:bool=True )-> np.array :
if bRanked:
if 'pandas' in str(type(xs)).lower() or 'series' in str(type(xs)).lower() or 'dataframe' in str(type(xs)).lower() :
xs = xs.values
if 'pandas' in str(type(ys)).lower() or 'series' in str(type(ys)).lower() or 'dataframe' in str(type(ys)).lower() :
ys = ys.values
from scipy.stats import rankdata
xs = np.array( [ rankdata(x,'average') for x in xs] )
ys = np.array( [ rankdata(y,'average') for y in ys] )
return ( correlation_core( xs , ys , axis_type = axis_type ) )
def gCA ( data:np.array, centering:int = 0 ) -> tuple[np.array] :
if centering<0 :
......@@ -2611,3 +2641,19 @@ if __name__ == '__main__' :
for i in range(6):
Fi = 2**(2**i)+1
print ("Fermats ",i,"th number = ", Fi, " and is it Prime?", impq.isItPrime(Fi) )
from scipy.stats import spearmanr,pearsonr
df = pd.read_csv( "cl_analyte_df.tsv" , sep='\t', index_col=0 ).iloc[:2000,:]
print ( "HERE" )
print ( df )
import time
rs0 = spearmanr( df.T )[0]
rs1 = spearmanrho( df,df )
rs2 = tjornhammarrho( df , df )
t3 = time.time()
print ( rs0,rs1,rs2 )
print ( t1-t0 , t2-t1 ,t3-t2 )
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