windi.config.ts 1.7 KB
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import lineClamp from 'windicss/plugin/line-clamp';
import colors from 'windicss/colors';

import { defineConfig } from 'vite-plugin-windicss';

export default defineConfig({
  darkMode: 'class',
  plugins: [lineClamp, createEnterPlugin()],
  theme: {
    extend: {
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    screens: {
      sm: '576px',
      md: '768px',
      lg: '992px',
      xl: '1200px',
      '2xl': '1600px',
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 * Used for animation when the element is displayed
 * @param maxOutput The larger the maxOutput output, the larger the generated css volume
function createEnterPlugin(maxOutput = 10) {
  const createCss = (index: number, d = 'x') => {
    const upd = d.toUpperCase();
    return {
      [`*> .enter-${d}:nth-child(${index})`]: {
        transform: `translate${upd}(50px)`,
      [`*> .-enter-${d}:nth-child(${index})`]: {
        transform: `translate${upd}(-50px)`,
      [`* > .enter-${d}:nth-child(${index}),* > .-enter-${d}:nth-child(${index})`]: {
        'z-index': `${10 - index}`,
        opacity: '0',
        animation: `enter-${d}-animation 0.4s ease-in-out 0.3s`,
        'animation-fill-mode': 'forwards',
        'animation-delay': `${(index * 1) / 10}s`,
  const handler = ({ addBase }) => {
    for (let index = 1; index < maxOutput; index++) {
        ...createCss(index, 'x'),
        ...createCss(index, 'y'),

      [`@keyframes enter-x-animation`]: {
        to: {
          opacity: '1',
          transform: 'translateX(0)',
      [`@keyframes enter-y-animation`]: {
        to: {
          opacity: '1',
          transform: 'translateY(0)',
  return { handler };