SqlTask.java 22.3 KB
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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.task.sql;

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import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.datasource.api.plugin.DataSourceClientProvider;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.datasource.api.utils.CommonUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.datasource.api.utils.DatasourceUtil;
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import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.task.api.AbstractTaskExecutor;
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import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.task.api.TaskException;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.task.util.MapUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.datasource.BaseConnectionParam;
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import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.enums.DbType;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.enums.TaskTimeoutStrategy;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.AbstractParameters;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.Direct;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.Property;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.TaskAlertInfo;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.TaskConstants;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.paramparser.ParamUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.paramparser.ParameterUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.request.SQLTaskExecutionContext;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.request.TaskRequest;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.task.request.UdfFuncRequest;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.utils.JSONUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.utils.StringUtils;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
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import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
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import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.slf4j.Logger;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;

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public class SqlTask extends AbstractTaskExecutor {
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     * taskExecutionContext
    private TaskRequest taskExecutionContext;

     * sql parameters
    private SqlParameters sqlParameters;

     * base datasource
    private BaseConnectionParam baseConnectionParam;

     * create function format
    private static final String CREATE_FUNCTION_FORMAT = "create temporary function {0} as ''{1}''";

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     * default query sql limit
    private static final int QUERY_LIMIT = 10000;

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     * Abstract Yarn Task
     * @param taskRequest taskRequest
    public SqlTask(TaskRequest taskRequest) {
        this.taskExecutionContext = taskRequest;
        this.sqlParameters = JSONUtils.parseObject(taskExecutionContext.getTaskParams(), SqlParameters.class);

        assert sqlParameters != null;
        if (!sqlParameters.checkParameters()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("sql task params is not valid");

    public AbstractParameters getParameters() {
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        return sqlParameters;
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    public void handle() throws Exception {
        // set the name of the current thread
        String threadLoggerInfoName = String.format(TaskConstants.TASK_LOG_INFO_FORMAT, taskExecutionContext.getTaskAppId());

        logger.info("Full sql parameters: {}", sqlParameters);
        logger.info("sql type : {}, datasource : {}, sql : {} , localParams : {},udfs : {},showType : {},connParams : {},varPool : {} ,query max result limit  {}",
        try {
            SQLTaskExecutionContext sqlTaskExecutionContext = taskExecutionContext.getSqlTaskExecutionContext();

            // get datasource
            baseConnectionParam = (BaseConnectionParam) DatasourceUtil.buildConnectionParams(

            // ready to execute SQL and parameter entity Map
            SqlBinds mainSqlBinds = getSqlAndSqlParamsMap(sqlParameters.getSql());
            List<SqlBinds> preStatementSqlBinds = Optional.ofNullable(sqlParameters.getPreStatements())
                    .orElse(new ArrayList<>())
            List<SqlBinds> postStatementSqlBinds = Optional.ofNullable(sqlParameters.getPostStatements())
                    .orElse(new ArrayList<>())

            List<String> createFuncs = createFuncs(sqlTaskExecutionContext.getUdfFuncTenantCodeMap(),
                    sqlTaskExecutionContext.getDefaultFS(), logger);
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            // execute sql task
            executeFuncAndSql(mainSqlBinds, preStatementSqlBinds, postStatementSqlBinds, createFuncs);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("sql task error: {}", e.toString());
            throw e;

     * execute function and sql
     * @param mainSqlBinds main sql binds
     * @param preStatementsBinds pre statements binds
     * @param postStatementsBinds post statements binds
     * @param createFuncs create functions
    public void executeFuncAndSql(SqlBinds mainSqlBinds,
                                  List<SqlBinds> preStatementsBinds,
                                  List<SqlBinds> postStatementsBinds,
                                  List<String> createFuncs) throws Exception {
        Connection connection = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        try {

            // create connection
            connection = DataSourceClientProvider.getInstance().getConnection(DbType.valueOf(sqlParameters.getType()), baseConnectionParam);
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            // create temp function
            if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(createFuncs)) {
                createTempFunction(connection, createFuncs);

            // pre sql
            preSql(connection, preStatementsBinds);
            stmt = prepareStatementAndBind(connection, mainSqlBinds);

            String result = null;
            // decide whether to executeQuery or executeUpdate based on sqlType
            if (sqlParameters.getSqlType() == SqlType.QUERY.ordinal()) {
                // query statements need to be convert to JsonArray and inserted into Alert to send
                resultSet = stmt.executeQuery();
                result = resultProcess(resultSet);

            } else if (sqlParameters.getSqlType() == SqlType.NON_QUERY.ordinal()) {
                // non query statement
                String updateResult = String.valueOf(stmt.executeUpdate());
                result = setNonQuerySqlReturn(updateResult, sqlParameters.getLocalParams());
            //deal out params
            postSql(connection, postStatementsBinds);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("execute sql error: {}", e.getMessage());
            throw e;
        } finally {
            close(resultSet, stmt, connection);

    private String setNonQuerySqlReturn(String updateResult, List<Property> properties) {
        String result = null;
        for (Property info : properties) {
            if (Direct.OUT == info.getDirect()) {
                List<Map<String, String>> updateRL = new ArrayList<>();
                Map<String, String> updateRM = new HashMap<>();
                updateRM.put(info.getProp(), updateResult);
                result = JSONUtils.toJsonString(updateRL);
        return result;

     * result process
     * @param resultSet resultSet
     * @throws Exception Exception
    private String resultProcess(ResultSet resultSet) throws Exception {
        ArrayNode resultJSONArray = JSONUtils.createArrayNode();
        if (resultSet != null) {
            ResultSetMetaData md = resultSet.getMetaData();
            int num = md.getColumnCount();

            int rowCount = 0;
            int limit = sqlParameters.getLimit() == 0 ? QUERY_LIMIT : sqlParameters.getLimit();
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            while (rowCount < limit && resultSet.next()) {
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                ObjectNode mapOfColValues = JSONUtils.createObjectNode();
                for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
                    mapOfColValues.set(md.getColumnLabel(i), JSONUtils.toJsonNode(resultSet.getObject(i)));
            int displayRows = sqlParameters.getDisplayRows() > 0 ? sqlParameters.getDisplayRows() : TaskConstants.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ROWS;
            displayRows = Math.min(displayRows, resultJSONArray.size());
            logger.info("display sql result {} rows as follows:", displayRows);
            for (int i = 0; i < displayRows; i++) {
                String row = JSONUtils.toJsonString(resultJSONArray.get(i));
                logger.info("row {} : {}", i + 1, row);
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            if (resultSet.next()) {
                logger.info("sql result limit : {} exceeding results are filtered", limit);
                String log = String.format("sql result limit : %d exceeding results are filtered", limit);
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        String result = JSONUtils.toJsonString(resultJSONArray);
        if (sqlParameters.getSendEmail() == null || sqlParameters.getSendEmail()) {
            sendAttachment(sqlParameters.getGroupId(), StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sqlParameters.getTitle())
                    ? sqlParameters.getTitle()
                    : taskExecutionContext.getTaskName() + " query result sets", result);
        logger.debug("execute sql result : {}", result);
        return result;

     * send alert as an attachment
     * @param title title
     * @param content content
    private void sendAttachment(int groupId, String title, String content) {
        TaskAlertInfo taskAlertInfo = new TaskAlertInfo();

     * pre sql
     * @param connection connection
     * @param preStatementsBinds preStatementsBinds
    private void preSql(Connection connection,
                        List<SqlBinds> preStatementsBinds) throws Exception {
        for (SqlBinds sqlBind : preStatementsBinds) {
            try (PreparedStatement pstmt = prepareStatementAndBind(connection, sqlBind)) {
                int result = pstmt.executeUpdate();
                logger.info("pre statement execute result: {}, for sql: {}", result, sqlBind.getSql());


     * post sql
     * @param connection connection
     * @param postStatementsBinds postStatementsBinds
    private void postSql(Connection connection,
                         List<SqlBinds> postStatementsBinds) throws Exception {
        for (SqlBinds sqlBind : postStatementsBinds) {
            try (PreparedStatement pstmt = prepareStatementAndBind(connection, sqlBind)) {
                int result = pstmt.executeUpdate();
                logger.info("post statement execute result: {},for sql: {}", result, sqlBind.getSql());

     * create temp function
     * @param connection connection
     * @param createFuncs createFuncs
    private void createTempFunction(Connection connection,
                                    List<String> createFuncs) throws Exception {
        try (Statement funcStmt = connection.createStatement()) {
            for (String createFunc : createFuncs) {
                logger.info("hive create function sql: {}", createFunc);

     * close jdbc resource
     * @param resultSet resultSet
     * @param pstmt pstmt
     * @param connection connection
    private void close(ResultSet resultSet,
                       PreparedStatement pstmt,
                       Connection connection) {
        if (resultSet != null) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                logger.error("close result set error : {}", e.getMessage(), e);

        if (pstmt != null) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                logger.error("close prepared statement error : {}", e.getMessage(), e);

        if (connection != null) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                logger.error("close connection error : {}", e.getMessage(), e);

     * preparedStatement bind
     * @param connection connection
     * @param sqlBinds sqlBinds
     * @return PreparedStatement
     * @throws Exception Exception
    private PreparedStatement prepareStatementAndBind(Connection connection, SqlBinds sqlBinds) {
        // is the timeout set
        boolean timeoutFlag = taskExecutionContext.getTaskTimeoutStrategy() == TaskTimeoutStrategy.FAILED
                || taskExecutionContext.getTaskTimeoutStrategy() == TaskTimeoutStrategy.WARNFAILED;
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        try {
            PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlBinds.getSql());
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            if (timeoutFlag) {
            Map<Integer, Property> params = sqlBinds.getParamsMap();
            if (params != null) {
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, Property> entry : params.entrySet()) {
                    Property prop = entry.getValue();
                    ParameterUtils.setInParameter(entry.getKey(), stmt, prop.getType(), prop.getValue());
            logger.info("prepare statement replace sql : {} ", stmt);
            return stmt;
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            throw new TaskException("SQL task prepareStatementAndBind error", exception);


     * regular expressions match the contents between two specified strings
     * @param content content
     * @param rgex rgex
     * @param sqlParamsMap sql params map
     * @param paramsPropsMap params props map
    public void setSqlParamsMap(String content, String rgex, Map<Integer, Property> sqlParamsMap, Map<String, Property> paramsPropsMap) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(rgex);
        Matcher m = pattern.matcher(content);
        int index = 1;
        while (m.find()) {

            String paramName = m.group(1);
            Property prop = paramsPropsMap.get(paramName);

            if (prop == null) {
                logger.error("setSqlParamsMap: No Property with paramName: {} is found in paramsPropsMap of task instance"
                        + " with id: {}. So couldn't put Property in sqlParamsMap.", paramName, taskExecutionContext.getTaskInstanceId());
            } else {
                sqlParamsMap.put(index, prop);
                logger.info("setSqlParamsMap: Property with paramName: {} put in sqlParamsMap of content {} successfully.", paramName, content);


     * print replace sql
     * @param content content
     * @param formatSql format sql
     * @param rgex rgex
     * @param sqlParamsMap sql params map
    private void printReplacedSql(String content, String formatSql, String rgex, Map<Integer, Property> sqlParamsMap) {
        //parameter print style
        logger.info("after replace sql , preparing : {}", formatSql);
        StringBuilder logPrint = new StringBuilder("replaced sql , parameters:");
        if (sqlParamsMap == null) {
            logger.info("printReplacedSql: sqlParamsMap is null.");
        } else {
            for (int i = 1; i <= sqlParamsMap.size(); i++) {
        logger.info("Sql Params are {}", logPrint);

     * ready to execute SQL and parameter entity Map
     * @return SqlBinds
    private SqlBinds getSqlAndSqlParamsMap(String sql) {
        Map<Integer, Property> sqlParamsMap = new HashMap<>();
        StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        // combining local and global parameters
        Map<String, Property> paramsMap = ParamUtils.convert(taskExecutionContext, getParameters());

        // spell SQL according to the final user-defined variable
        if (paramsMap == null) {
            return new SqlBinds(sqlBuilder.toString(), sqlParamsMap);

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sqlParameters.getTitle())) {
            String title = ParameterUtils.convertParameterPlaceholders(sqlParameters.getTitle(),
            logger.info("SQL title : {}", title);

        //replace variable TIME with $[YYYYmmddd...] in sql when history run job and batch complement job
        sql = ParameterUtils.replaceScheduleTime(sql, taskExecutionContext.getScheduleTime());
        // special characters need to be escaped, ${} needs to be escaped
        String rgex = "['\"]*\\$\\{(.*?)\\}['\"]*";
        setSqlParamsMap(sql, rgex, sqlParamsMap, paramsMap);
        //Replace the original value in sql !{...} ,Does not participate in precompilation
        String rgexo = "['\"]*\\!\\{(.*?)\\}['\"]*";
        sql = replaceOriginalValue(sql, rgexo, paramsMap);
        // replace the ${} of the SQL statement with the Placeholder
        String formatSql = sql.replaceAll(rgex, "?");

        // print repalce sql
        printReplacedSql(sql, formatSql, rgex, sqlParamsMap);
        return new SqlBinds(sqlBuilder.toString(), sqlParamsMap);

    private String replaceOriginalValue(String content, String rgex, Map<String, Property> sqlParamsMap) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(rgex);
        while (true) {
            Matcher m = pattern.matcher(content);
            if (!m.find()) {
            String paramName = m.group(1);
            String paramValue = sqlParamsMap.get(paramName).getValue();
            content = m.replaceFirst(paramValue);
        return content;

     * create function list
     * @param udfFuncTenantCodeMap key is udf function,value is tenant code
     * @param logger logger
     * @return create function list
    public static List<String> createFuncs(Map<UdfFuncRequest, String> udfFuncTenantCodeMap, String defaultFS, Logger logger) {
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        if (MapUtils.isEmpty(udfFuncTenantCodeMap)) {
            logger.info("can't find udf function resource");
            return null;
        List<String> funcList = new ArrayList<>();
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        // build jar sql
        buildJarSql(funcList, udfFuncTenantCodeMap, defaultFS);

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        // build temp function sql
        buildTempFuncSql(funcList, new ArrayList<>(udfFuncTenantCodeMap.keySet()));

        return funcList;

     * build temp function sql
     * @param sqls sql list
     * @param udfFuncRequests udf function list
    private static void buildTempFuncSql(List<String> sqls, List<UdfFuncRequest> udfFuncRequests) {
        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(udfFuncRequests)) {
            for (UdfFuncRequest udfFuncRequest : udfFuncRequests) {
                        .format(CREATE_FUNCTION_FORMAT, udfFuncRequest.getFuncName(), udfFuncRequest.getClassName()));

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     * build jar sql
     * @param sqls                  sql list
     * @param udfFuncTenantCodeMap  key is udf function,value is tenant code
    private static void buildJarSql(List<String> sqls, Map<UdfFuncRequest,String> udfFuncTenantCodeMap, String defaultFS) {
        String resourceFullName;
        Set<Entry<UdfFuncRequest, String>> entries = udfFuncTenantCodeMap.entrySet();
        for (Map.Entry<UdfFuncRequest, String> entry : entries) {
            String prefixPath = defaultFS.startsWith("file://") ? "file://" : defaultFS;
            String uploadPath = CommonUtils.getHdfsUdfDir(entry.getValue());
            resourceFullName = entry.getKey().getResourceName();
            resourceFullName = resourceFullName.startsWith("/") ? resourceFullName : String.format("/%s", resourceFullName);
            sqls.add(String.format("add jar %s%s%s", prefixPath, uploadPath, resourceFullName));

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