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小傅哥,feat:《Mybatis 手撸专栏》第3章:实现映射器的注册和使用

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package cn.bugstack.mybatis.binding;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.SqlSession;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Map;
* @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack
* @description 映射器代理类
* @date 2022/3/26
* @github https://github.com/fuzhengwei
* @Copyright 公众号:bugstack虫洞栈 | 博客:https://bugstack.cn - 沉淀、分享、成长,让自己和他人都能有所收获!
public class MapperProxy<T> implements InvocationHandler, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6424540398559729838L;
private SqlSession sqlSession;
private final Class<T> mapperInterface;
public MapperProxy(SqlSession sqlSession, Class<T> mapperInterface) {
this.sqlSession = sqlSession;
this.mapperInterface = mapperInterface;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
return method.invoke(this, args);
} else {
return sqlSession.selectOne(method.getName(), args);
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.binding;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.SqlSession;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
* @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack
* @description 映射器代理工厂
* @date 2022/3/26
* @github https://github.com/fuzhengwei/CodeDesignTutorials
* @Copyright 公众号:bugstack虫洞栈 | 博客:https://bugstack.cn - 沉淀、分享、成长,让自己和他人都能有所收获!
public class MapperProxyFactory<T> {
private final Class<T> mapperInterface;
public MapperProxyFactory(Class<T> mapperInterface) {
this.mapperInterface = mapperInterface;
public T newInstance(SqlSession sqlSession) {
final MapperProxy<T> mapperProxy = new MapperProxy<>(sqlSession, mapperInterface);
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(mapperInterface.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{mapperInterface}, mapperProxy);
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.binding;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.SqlSession;
import cn.hutool.core.lang.ClassScanner;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack
* @description 映射器注册机
* @date 2022/04/01
* @github https://github.com/fuzhengwei
* @copyright 公众号:bugstack虫洞栈 | 博客:https://bugstack.cn - 沉淀、分享、成长,让自己和他人都能有所收获!
public class MapperRegistry {
* 将已添加的映射器代理加入到 HashMap
private final Map<Class<?>, MapperProxyFactory<?>> knownMappers = new HashMap<>();
public <T> T getMapper(Class<T> type, SqlSession sqlSession) {
final MapperProxyFactory<T> mapperProxyFactory = (MapperProxyFactory<T>) knownMappers.get(type);
if (mapperProxyFactory == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Type " + type + " is not known to the MapperRegistry.");
try {
return mapperProxyFactory.newInstance(sqlSession);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error getting mapper instance. Cause: " + e, e);
public <T> void addMapper(Class<T> type) {
/* Mapper 必须是接口才会注册 */
if (type.isInterface()) {
if (hasMapper(type)) {
// 如果重复添加了,报错
throw new RuntimeException("Type " + type + " is already known to the MapperRegistry.");
// 注册映射器代理工厂
knownMappers.put(type, new MapperProxyFactory<>(type));
public <T> boolean hasMapper(Class<T> type) {
return knownMappers.containsKey(type);
public void addMappers(String packageName) {
Set<Class<?>> mapperSet = ClassScanner.scanPackage(packageName);
for (Class<?> mapperClass : mapperSet) {
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.session;
* @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack
* @description SqlSession 用来执行SQL,获取映射器,管理事务。
* PS:通常情况下,我们在应用程序中使用的Mybatis的API就是这个接口定义的方法。
* @date 2022/04/01
* @github https://github.com/fuzhengwei
* @copyright 公众号:bugstack虫洞栈 | 博客:https://bugstack.cn - 沉淀、分享、成长,让自己和他人都能有所收获!
public interface SqlSession {
* Retrieve a single row mapped from the statement key
* 根据指定的SqlID获取一条记录的封装对象
* @param <T> the returned object type 封装之后的对象类型
* @param statement sqlID
* @return Mapped object 封装之后的对象
<T> T selectOne(String statement);
* Retrieve a single row mapped from the statement key and parameter.
* 根据指定的SqlID获取一条记录的封装对象,只不过这个方法容许我们可以给sql传递一些参数
* 一般在实际使用中,这个参数传递的是pojo,或者Map或者ImmutableMap
* @param <T> the returned object type
* @param statement Unique identifier matching the statement to use.
* @param parameter A parameter object to pass to the statement.
* @return Mapped object
<T> T selectOne(String statement, Object parameter);
* Retrieves a mapper.
* 得到映射器,这个巧妙的使用了泛型,使得类型安全
* @param <T> the mapper type
* @param type Mapper interface class
* @return a mapper bound to this SqlSession
<T> T getMapper(Class<T> type);
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.session;
* @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack
* @description 工厂模式接口,构建SqlSession的工厂
* @date 2022/04/01
* @github https://github.com/fuzhengwei
* @copyright 公众号:bugstack虫洞栈 | 博客:https://bugstack.cn - 沉淀、分享、成长,让自己和他人都能有所收获!
public interface SqlSessionFactory {
* 打开一个 session
* @return SqlSession
SqlSession openSession();
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.defaults;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.binding.MapperRegistry;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.SqlSession;
* @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack
* @description 默认SqlSession实现类
* @date 2022/04/01
* @github https://github.com/fuzhengwei
* @copyright 公众号:bugstack虫洞栈 | 博客:https://bugstack.cn - 沉淀、分享、成长,让自己和他人都能有所收获!
public class DefaultSqlSession implements SqlSession {
* 映射器注册机
private MapperRegistry mapperRegistry;
public DefaultSqlSession(MapperRegistry mapperRegistry) {
this.mapperRegistry = mapperRegistry;
public <T> T selectOne(String statement) {
return (T) ("你被代理了!" + statement);
public <T> T selectOne(String statement, Object parameter) {
return (T) ("你被代理了!" + "方法:" + statement + " 入参:" + parameter);
public <T> T getMapper(Class<T> type) {
return mapperRegistry.getMapper(type, this);
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.defaults;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.binding.MapperRegistry;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.SqlSession;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
* @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack
* @description 默认的 DefaultSqlSessionFactory
* @date 2022/04/01
* @github https://github.com/fuzhengwei
* @copyright 公众号:bugstack虫洞栈 | 博客:https://bugstack.cn - 沉淀、分享、成长,让自己和他人都能有所收获!
public class DefaultSqlSessionFactory implements SqlSessionFactory {
private final MapperRegistry mapperRegistry;
public DefaultSqlSessionFactory(MapperRegistry mapperRegistry) {
this.mapperRegistry = mapperRegistry;
public SqlSession openSession() {
return new DefaultSqlSession(mapperRegistry);
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.test;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.binding.MapperRegistry;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.SqlSession;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSessionFactory;
import cn.bugstack.mybatis.test.dao.IUserDao;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author 小傅哥,微信:fustack
* @description 单元测试
* @date 2022/3/26
* @github https://github.com/fuzhengwei
* @Copyright 公众号:bugstack虫洞栈 | 博客:https://bugstack.cn - 沉淀、分享、成长,让自己和他人都能有所收获!
public class ApiTest {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiTest.class);
public void test_MapperProxyFactory() {
// 1. 注册 Mapper
MapperRegistry registry = new MapperRegistry();
// 2. 从 SqlSession 工厂获取 Session
SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = new DefaultSqlSessionFactory(registry);
SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession();
// 3. 获取映射器对象
IUserDao userDao = sqlSession.getMapper(IUserDao.class);
// 4. 测试验证
String res = userDao.queryUserName("10001");
logger.info("测试结果:{}", res);
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.test.dao;
public interface ISchoolDao {
String querySchoolName(String uId);
package cn.bugstack.mybatis.test.dao;
public interface IUserDao {
String queryUserName(String uId);
Integer queryUserAge(String uId);
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