提交 b741971a 编写于 作者: D DCloud_LXH

feat(h5): createInnerAudioContext、hideKeyboard

上级 59c30bfc
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ export * from './service/ui/tabBar'
// protocols
export * from './protocols/base/canIUse'
export * from './protocols/context/context'
export * from './protocols/device/makePhoneCall'
export * from './protocols/device/setClipboardData'
export * from './protocols/device/accelerometer'
......@@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ export * from './protocols/storage/storage'
export * from './protocols/file/getFileInfo'
export * from './protocols/file/openDocument'
export * from './protocols/keyboard/keyboard'
export * from './protocols/location/chooseLocation'
export * from './protocols/location/getLocation'
export * from './protocols/location/openLocation'
......@@ -30,3 +30,6 @@ export const CreateCanvasContextProtocol: ProtocolOptions<String | Object>[] = [
type: Object,
export const API_CREATE_INNER_AUDIO_CONTEXT = 'createInnerAudioContext'
export type API_TYPE_CREATEE_INNER_AUDIO_CONTEXT = typeof uni.createInnerAudioContext
export const API_HIDE_KEYBOARD = 'hideKeyboard'
export type API_TYPE_HIDE_KEYBOARD = typeof uni.hideKeyboard
......@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ var safeAreaInsets = {
var out = safeAreaInsets;
var D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out = safeAreaInsets;
function getWindowOffset() {
const style = document.documentElement.style;
const top = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("--window-top"));
......@@ -612,10 +612,10 @@ function getWindowOffset() {
const left = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("--window-left"));
const right = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("--window-right"));
return {
top: top ? top + out.top : 0,
bottom: bottom ? bottom + out.bottom : 0,
left: left ? left + out.left : 0,
right: right ? right + out.right : 0
top: top ? top + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top : 0,
bottom: bottom ? bottom + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom : 0,
left: left ? left + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left : 0,
right: right ? right + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right : 0
function findUniTarget($event, $el) {
......@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ function normalizePageMeta(pageMeta) {
let offset = rpx2px(refreshOptions.offset);
const {type} = navigationBar;
if (type !== "transparent" && type !== "none") {
offset += NAVBAR_HEIGHT + out.top;
offset += NAVBAR_HEIGHT + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top;
refreshOptions.height = rpx2px(refreshOptions.height);
refreshOptions.range = rpx2px(refreshOptions.range);
......@@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ var subscriber = {
function hideKeyboard() {
function hideKeyboard$1() {
function iosHideKeyboard() {
......@@ -1680,7 +1680,7 @@ var keyboard = {
initKeyboard(el) {
el.addEventListener("focus", () => {
this.hideKeyboardTemp = function() {
UniViewJSBridge.subscribe("hideKeyboard", this.hideKeyboardTemp);
document.addEventListener("click", iosHideKeyboard, false);
......@@ -4309,6 +4309,7 @@ const promiseInterceptor = {
const API_CREATE_VIDEO_CONTEXT = "createVideoContext";
const API_CREATE_INNER_AUDIO_CONTEXT = "createInnerAudioContext";
const RATES = [0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2];
class VideoContext {
constructor(id2, vm) {
......@@ -4508,6 +4509,7 @@ const OpenDocumentProtocol = {
fileType: String
const API_HIDE_KEYBOARD = "hideKeyboard";
const API_GET_LOCATION = "getLocation";
const coordTypes = ["WGS84", "GCJ02"];
const GetLocationOptions = {
......@@ -10663,6 +10665,156 @@ const canIUse = defineSyncApi(API_CAN_I_USE, (schema) => {
return true;
}, CanIUseProtocol);
const innerAudioContextEventNames = [
const innerAudioContextOffEventNames = [
const propertys = [
class InnerAudioContext {
constructor() {
this._src = "";
var audio = this._audio = new Audio();
this._stoping = false;
propertys.forEach((property) => {
Object.defineProperty(this, property, {
set: property === "src" ? (src) => {
audio.src = getRealPath(src);
this._src = src;
return src;
} : (val) => {
audio.setAttribute(property, val);
return val;
get: property === "src" ? () => {
return this._src;
} : () => {
return audio[property];
this.startTime = 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, "obeyMuteSwitch", {
set: () => false,
get: () => false
Object.defineProperty(this, "buffered", {
set: () => false,
get() {
var buffered = audio.buffered;
if (buffered.length) {
return buffered.end(buffered.length - 1);
} else {
return 0;
this._events = {};
innerAudioContextEventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
this._events[eventName] = [];
audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", () => {
var startTime = Number(this.startTime) || 0;
if (startTime > 0) {
audio.currentTime = startTime;
var eventNames = [
var stopEventNames = ["canplay", "pause", "seeking", "seeked", "timeUpdate"];
eventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
audio.addEventListener(eventName.toLowerCase(), () => {
if (this._stoping && stopEventNames.indexOf(eventName) >= 0) {
const EventName = `on${eventName.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${eventName.substr(1)}`;
this._events[EventName].forEach((callback) => {
}, false);
play() {
this._stoping = false;
pause() {
stop() {
this._stoping = true;
this._audio.currentTime = 0;
this._events.onStop.forEach((callback) => {
seek(position) {
this._stoping = false;
position = Number(position);
if (typeof position === "number" && !isNaN(position)) {
this._audio.currentTime = position;
destroy() {
innerAudioContextEventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
InnerAudioContext.prototype[eventName] = function(callback) {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
innerAudioContextOffEventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
InnerAudioContext.prototype[eventName] = function(callback) {
var handle = this._events[eventName.replace("off", "on")];
var index2 = handle.indexOf(callback);
if (index2 >= 0) {
handle.splice(index2, 1);
const createInnerAudioContext = defineSyncApi(API_CREATE_INNER_AUDIO_CONTEXT, () => {
return new InnerAudioContext();
const makePhoneCall = defineAsyncApi(API_MAKE_PHONE_CALL, ({phoneNumber}, {resolve}) => {
window.location.href = `tel:${phoneNumber}`;
return resolve();
......@@ -10676,7 +10828,7 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", () => {
const windowWidth = getWindowWidth(screenWidth);
let windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
const language = navigator.language;
const statusBarHeight = out.top;
const statusBarHeight = D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top;
let osname;
let osversion;
let model;
......@@ -10789,12 +10941,12 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", () => {
const system = `${osname} ${osversion}`;
const platform = osname.toLocaleLowerCase();
const safeArea = {
left: out.left,
right: windowWidth - out.right,
top: out.top,
bottom: windowHeight - out.bottom,
width: windowWidth - out.left - out.right,
height: windowHeight - out.top - out.bottom
left: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left,
right: windowWidth - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
top: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top,
bottom: windowHeight - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom,
width: windowWidth - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
height: windowHeight - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom
const {top: windowTop, bottom: windowBottom} = getWindowOffset();
windowHeight -= windowTop;
......@@ -10814,10 +10966,10 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", () => {
safeAreaInsets: {
top: out.top,
right: out.right,
bottom: out.bottom,
left: out.left
top: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top,
right: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
bottom: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom,
left: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left
......@@ -11180,6 +11332,13 @@ const openDocument = defineAsyncApi(API_OPEN_DOCUMENT, ({filePath}, {resolve}) =
return resolve();
}, OpenDocumentProtocol, OpenDocumentOptions);
const hideKeyboard = defineAsyncApi(API_HIDE_KEYBOARD, (args, {resolve, reject}) => {
const activeElement = document.activeElement;
if (activeElement && (activeElement.tagName === "TEXTAREA" || activeElement.tagName === "INPUT")) {
function getServiceAddress() {
return window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
......@@ -11828,14 +11987,14 @@ ${e2};at socketTask.on${capitalize(name)} callback function
const propertys = [
const propertys2 = [
propertys.forEach((property) => {
propertys2.forEach((property) => {
Object.defineProperty(this, property, {
get() {
return webSocket[property];
......@@ -12306,6 +12465,7 @@ var api = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
......@@ -12334,6 +12494,7 @@ var api = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
......@@ -13404,4 +13565,4 @@ function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
_sfc_main.render = _sfc_render;
export {_sfc_main$1 as AsyncErrorComponent, _sfc_main as AsyncLoadingComponent, _sfc_main$l as Audio, index$5 as Button, _sfc_main$k as Canvas, _sfc_main$j as Checkbox, _sfc_main$i as CheckboxGroup, _sfc_main$h as Editor, index$6 as Form, index$4 as Icon, index$3 as Image, _sfc_main$g as Input, _sfc_main$f as Label, LayoutComponent, _sfc_main$e as MovableView, _sfc_main$d as Navigator, index as PageComponent, _sfc_main$c as Progress, _sfc_main$b as Radio, _sfc_main$a as RadioGroup, ResizeSensor, _sfc_main$9 as RichText, _sfc_main$8 as ScrollView, _sfc_main$7 as Slider, _sfc_main$6 as SwiperItem, _sfc_main$5 as Switch, index$2 as Text, _sfc_main$4 as Textarea, UniServiceJSBridge$1 as UniServiceJSBridge, UniViewJSBridge$1 as UniViewJSBridge, _sfc_main$3 as Video, index$1 as View, addInterceptor, arrayBufferToBase64, base64ToArrayBuffer, canIUse, chooseFile, chooseImage, chooseVideo, clearStorage, clearStorageSync, closeSocket, connectSocket, createIntersectionObserver, createSelectorQuery, createVideoContext, cssBackdropFilter, cssConstant, cssEnv, cssVar, downloadFile, getApp$1 as getApp, getCurrentPages$1 as getCurrentPages, getFileInfo, getImageInfo, getLocation, getNetworkType, getStorage, getStorageInfo, getStorageInfoSync, getStorageSync, getSystemInfo, getSystemInfoSync, getVideoInfo, hideLoading, hideNavigationBarLoading, hideTabBar, hideTabBarRedDot, hideToast, makePhoneCall, navigateBack, navigateTo, offAccelerometerChange, offCompassChange, offNetworkStatusChange, onAccelerometerChange, onCompassChange, onNetworkStatusChange, onSocketClose, onSocketError, onSocketMessage, onSocketOpen, onTabBarMidButtonTap, openDocument, index$7 as plugin, promiseInterceptor, reLaunch, redirectTo, removeInterceptor, removeStorage, removeStorageSync, removeTabBarBadge, request, sendSocketMessage, setNavigationBarColor, setNavigationBarTitle, setStorage, setStorageSync, setTabBarBadge, setTabBarItem, setTabBarStyle, setupApp, setupPage, showActionSheet, showLoading, showModal, showNavigationBarLoading, showTabBar, showTabBarRedDot, showToast, startAccelerometer, startCompass, stopAccelerometer, stopCompass, switchTab, uni$1 as uni, uploadFile, upx2px, useCustomEvent, usePageRoute, useSubscribe, vibrateLong, vibrateShort};
export {_sfc_main$1 as AsyncErrorComponent, _sfc_main as AsyncLoadingComponent, _sfc_main$l as Audio, index$5 as Button, _sfc_main$k as Canvas, _sfc_main$j as Checkbox, _sfc_main$i as CheckboxGroup, _sfc_main$h as Editor, index$6 as Form, index$4 as Icon, index$3 as Image, _sfc_main$g as Input, _sfc_main$f as Label, LayoutComponent, _sfc_main$e as MovableView, _sfc_main$d as Navigator, index as PageComponent, _sfc_main$c as Progress, _sfc_main$b as Radio, _sfc_main$a as RadioGroup, ResizeSensor, _sfc_main$9 as RichText, _sfc_main$8 as ScrollView, _sfc_main$7 as Slider, _sfc_main$6 as SwiperItem, _sfc_main$5 as Switch, index$2 as Text, _sfc_main$4 as Textarea, UniServiceJSBridge$1 as UniServiceJSBridge, UniViewJSBridge$1 as UniViewJSBridge, _sfc_main$3 as Video, index$1 as View, addInterceptor, arrayBufferToBase64, base64ToArrayBuffer, canIUse, chooseFile, chooseImage, chooseVideo, clearStorage, clearStorageSync, closeSocket, connectSocket, createInnerAudioContext, createIntersectionObserver, createSelectorQuery, createVideoContext, cssBackdropFilter, cssConstant, cssEnv, cssVar, downloadFile, getApp$1 as getApp, getCurrentPages$1 as getCurrentPages, getFileInfo, getImageInfo, getLocation, getNetworkType, getStorage, getStorageInfo, getStorageInfoSync, getStorageSync, getSystemInfo, getSystemInfoSync, getVideoInfo, hideKeyboard, hideLoading, hideNavigationBarLoading, hideTabBar, hideTabBarRedDot, hideToast, makePhoneCall, navigateBack, navigateTo, offAccelerometerChange, offCompassChange, offNetworkStatusChange, onAccelerometerChange, onCompassChange, onNetworkStatusChange, onSocketClose, onSocketError, onSocketMessage, onSocketOpen, onTabBarMidButtonTap, openDocument, index$7 as plugin, promiseInterceptor, reLaunch, redirectTo, removeInterceptor, removeStorage, removeStorageSync, removeTabBarBadge, request, sendSocketMessage, setNavigationBarColor, setNavigationBarTitle, setStorage, setStorageSync, setTabBarBadge, setTabBarItem, setTabBarStyle, setupApp, setupPage, showActionSheet, showLoading, showModal, showNavigationBarLoading, showTabBar, showTabBarRedDot, showToast, startAccelerometer, startCompass, stopAccelerometer, stopCompass, switchTab, uni$1 as uni, uploadFile, upx2px, useCustomEvent, usePageRoute, useSubscribe, vibrateLong, vibrateShort};
import { getRealPath } from '@dcloudio/uni-platform'
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-api'
import type { API_TYPE_CREATEE_INNER_AUDIO_CONTEXT } from '@dcloudio/uni-api'
//#region types
type InnerAudioContextEvent =
| 'onCanplay'
| 'onPlay'
| 'onPause'
| 'onStop'
| 'onEnded'
| 'onTimeUpdate'
| 'onError'
| 'onWaiting'
| 'onSeeking'
| 'onSeeked'
type InnerAudioContextOff =
| 'offCanplay'
| 'offPlay'
| 'offPause'
| 'offStop'
| 'offEnded'
| 'offTimeUpdate'
| 'offError'
| 'offWaiting'
| 'offSeeking'
| 'offSeeked'
type Property =
| 'src'
| 'autoplay'
| 'loop'
| 'duration'
| 'currentTime'
| 'paused'
| 'volume'
type InnerAudioProperty = keyof Pick<HTMLMediaElement, Property>
type VoidFunction = (callback: (result: any) => void) => void
* 可以批量设置的监听事件
const innerAudioContextEventNames: InnerAudioContextEvent[] = [
const innerAudioContextOffEventNames: InnerAudioContextOff[] = [
// 和audio对象同名同效果的属性
const propertys: InnerAudioProperty[] = [
* 音频上下文对象
class InnerAudioContext implements UniApp.InnerAudioContext {
* 当前音频的长度(单位:s),只有在当前有合法的 src 时返回
duration!: number
* 当前音频的播放位置(单位:s),只有在当前有合法的 src 时返回
currentTime!: number
* 当前是是否暂停或停止状态,true 表示暂停或停止,false 表示正在播放
paused!: boolean
* 音频的数据链接,用于直接播放。
src!: string
* 音频缓冲的时间点,仅保证当前播放时间点到此时间点内容已缓冲
buffered!: number
* 是否自动开始播放,默认 false
autoplay!: boolean
* 是否循环播放,默认 false
loop!: boolean
* 是否遵循系统静音开关,当此参数为 false 时,即使用户打开了静音开关,也能继续发出声音,默认值 true
obeyMuteSwitch!: boolean
* 音量。范围 0~1。
volume!: number
* 原始音频对象
_audio: HTMLAudioElement
* 是否暂停中
_stoping: boolean
* 开始时间
startTime: number
* 事件监听
_events: Partial<Record<InnerAudioContextEvent, Array<Function>>>
* 音频地址
_src: string = ''
* 音频上下文初始化
constructor() {
var audio = (this._audio = new Audio())
this._stoping = false
propertys.forEach((property) => {
Object.defineProperty(this, property, {
property === 'src'
? (src) => {
audio.src = getRealPath(src)
this._src = src
return src
: (val) => {
// audio[property] = val
audio.setAttribute(property, val)
return val
property === 'src'
? () => {
return this._src
: () => {
return audio[property]
this.startTime = 0
Object.defineProperty(this, 'obeyMuteSwitch', {
set: () => false,
get: () => false,
Object.defineProperty(this, 'buffered', {
set: () => false,
get() {
var buffered = audio.buffered
if (buffered.length) {
return buffered.end(buffered.length - 1)
} else {
return 0
// 初始化事件监听列表
this._events = {}
innerAudioContextEventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
this._events[eventName] = []
audio.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => {
var startTime = Number(this.startTime) || 0
if (startTime > 0) {
audio.currentTime = startTime
// 和audio对象同名同效果的事件
var eventNames = [
var stopEventNames = ['canplay', 'pause', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'timeUpdate']
eventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
() => {
// stop事件过滤
if (this._stoping && stopEventNames.indexOf(eventName) >= 0) {
const EventName = `on${eventName
.substr(0, 1)
.toUpperCase()}${eventName.substr(1)}` as InnerAudioContextEvent
this._events[EventName]!.forEach((callback) => {
* 播放
play() {
this._stoping = false
* 暂停
pause() {
* 停止
stop() {
this._stoping = true
this._audio.currentTime = 0
this._events.onStop!.forEach((callback) => {
* 跳转到
* @param {number} position
seek(position: number) {
this._stoping = false
position = Number(position)
if (typeof position === 'number' && !isNaN(position)) {
this._audio.currentTime = position
* 销毁
destroy() {
'onCanplay': VoidFunction
'onPlay': VoidFunction
'onPause': VoidFunction
'onStop': VoidFunction
'onEnded': VoidFunction
'onTimeUpdate': VoidFunction
'onError': VoidFunction
'onWaiting': VoidFunction
'onSeeking': VoidFunction
'onSeeked': VoidFunction
'offCanplay': VoidFunction
'offPlay': VoidFunction
'offPause': VoidFunction
'offStop': VoidFunction
'offEnded': VoidFunction
'offTimeUpdate': VoidFunction
'offError': VoidFunction
'offWaiting': VoidFunction
'offSeeking': VoidFunction
'offSeeked': VoidFunction
// 批量设置音频上下文事件监听方法
innerAudioContextEventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
InnerAudioContext.prototype[eventName] = function (callback: Function) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
// 批量设置音频上下文事件取消监听方法
innerAudioContextOffEventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
InnerAudioContext.prototype[eventName] = function (callback: Function) {
var handle = this._events[
eventName.replace('off', 'on') as InnerAudioContextEvent
var index = handle!.indexOf(callback)
if (index >= 0) {
handle!.splice(index, 1)
* 创建音频上下文
export const createInnerAudioContext = defineSyncApi<API_TYPE_CREATEE_INNER_AUDIO_CONTEXT>(
() => {
return new InnerAudioContext()
export * from './base/canIUse'
export * from './context/createInnerAudioContext'
export * from './device/makePhoneCall'
export * from './device/getSystemInfo'
export * from './device/getSystemInfoSync'
......@@ -13,6 +15,8 @@ export * from './storage/storage'
export * from './file/getFileInfo'
export * from './file/openDocument'
export * from './keyboard/keyboard'
export * from './media/getImageInfo'
export * from './media/getVideoInfo'
export * from './media/chooseFile'
import { API_HIDE_KEYBOARD, defineAsyncApi } from '@dcloudio/uni-api'
import type { API_TYPE_HIDE_KEYBOARD } from '@dcloudio/uni-api'
export const hideKeyboard = defineAsyncApi<API_TYPE_HIDE_KEYBOARD>(
(args, { resolve, reject }) => {
const activeElement = document.activeElement as HTMLInputElement
if (
activeElement &&
(activeElement.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' ||
activeElement.tagName === 'INPUT')
) {
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