提交 60b10804 编写于 作者: fxy060608's avatar fxy060608

feat: withWebEvent

上级 371b4b1b
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
__isUnload: boolean
__isVisible: boolean
__isActive?: boolean // tabBar
__isPage: boolean
export const callSyncHook: (
import { defineComponent, provide, getCurrentInstance, computed } from 'vue'
import { PolySymbol } from '@dcloudio/uni-core'
import { withWebEvent } from '@dcloudio/uni-components'
export const uniLabelKey = PolySymbol(__DEV__ ? 'uniLabel' : 'ul')
const props = {
......@@ -14,8 +15,7 @@ export default /*#__PURE__*/ defineComponent({
setup(props, { emit, slots }) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const vm = instance.proxy!
const pageId = vm.$root!.$page.id
const pageId = instance.root.proxy!.$page.id
const handlers = useProvideLabel()
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export default /*#__PURE__*/ defineComponent({
() => props.for || (slots.default && slots.default.length)
const _onClick = ($event: Event) => {
const _onClick = withWebEvent(($event: Event) => {
const EventTarget = $event.target as HTMLElement
let stopPropagation = /^uni-(checkbox|radio|switch)-/.test(
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export default /*#__PURE__*/ defineComponent({
handler($event, true)
return () => (
<uni-label class={{ 'uni-label-pointer': pointer }} onClick={_onClick}>
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ import { normalizeTarget } from '@dcloudio/uni-shared'
type EventDetail = Record<string, any>
export type CustomEventTrigger = ReturnType<typeof useCustomEvent>
export function withWebEvent(fn: Function) {
return ((fn as any).__wwe = true), fn
export function useCustomEvent(
ref: Ref<HTMLElement | null>,
emit: SetupContext['emit']
import { isPlainObject } from '@vue/shared'
import { watch, onUnmounted, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
export function /*#__PURE__*/ useListeners(
export function useListeners(
props: { id: string },
listeners: Record<string, Function>
) {
......@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ function _addListeners(
watch?: boolean
) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const vm = instance.proxy!
const pageId = vm.$root!.$page.id
const pageId = instance.root.proxy!.$page.id
if (watch && !id) {
// id被置空
......@@ -61,8 +60,7 @@ function _removeListeners(
watch?: boolean
) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const vm = instance.proxy!
const pageId = vm.$root!.$page.id
const pageId = instance.root.proxy!.$page.id
if (watch && !id) {
// id之前不存在
......@@ -14,16 +14,13 @@ export function useScopedAttrs() {
onMounted(() => {
let vm = (getCurrentInstance() as ComponentInternalInstance).proxy
while (vm) {
const $options = vm.$options
const scopeId = $options.__scopeId
let instance = getCurrentInstance()
while (instance) {
const scopeId = (instance.type as any).__scopeId
if (scopeId) {
const attrs: Record<string, string> = {}
attrs[scopeId] = ''
state.attrs = attrs
state.attrs[scopeId] = ''
vm = vm.$parent
instance = instance.__isPage ? null : instance.parent
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ export function useSubscribe(
) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const vm = instance.proxy!
const pageId = name ? 0 : vm.$root!.$page.id
// 不能直接使用instance.proxy.$root,此时可能获取到的是exposed
const pageId = name ? 0 : instance.root.proxy!.$page.id
onMounted(() => {
addSubscribe(name || normalizeEvent(pageId, vm)!, callback)
if (!name) {
export * from './components'
export { useOn, useSubscribe } from './helpers/useSubscribe'
export { useCustomEvent } from './helpers/useEvent'
export { withWebEvent, useCustomEvent } from './helpers/useEvent'
export { useUserAction } from './helpers/useUserAction'
import { ComponentPublicInstance } from 'vue'
import { extend } from '@vue/shared'
import { normalizeTarget } from '@dcloudio/uni-shared'
import { getWindowOffset } from '../../helpers'
// TODO 临时跳过内置组件事件处理
const TempSkipComponents = ['UNI-CHECKBOX', 'UNI-LABEL']
const isClickEvent = (val: Event): val is MouseEvent => val.type === 'click'
const isMouseEvent = (val: Event): val is MouseEvent =>
val.type.indexOf('mouse') === 0
// normalizeNativeEvent
export function $nne(this: ComponentPublicInstance, evt: Event) {
// TODO 目前内置组件底层实现,也会进入以下处理逻辑,可能会有影响
// 目前内置组件底层实现,当需要访问原始event时,请使用withWebEvent包裹
// 用法参考:uni-h5/src/framework/components/page/page-refresh/index.ts
const { currentTarget } = evt
if (!(evt instanceof Event) || !(currentTarget instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return evt
const { tagName } = currentTarget
if (
tagName.indexOf('UNI-') !== 0 ||
tagName === 'UNI-PAGE-WRAPPER' ||
TempSkipComponents.indexOf(tagName) !== -1
) {
// TODO 下拉刷新事件返回原始event,目前硬编码,后续换其他方案解决
if (currentTarget.tagName.indexOf('UNI-') !== 0) {
return evt
......@@ -42,29 +36,34 @@ export function $nne(this: ComponentPublicInstance, evt: Event) {
function createNativeEvent(evt: Event) {
const { type, timeStamp, currentTarget } = evt
const target = normalizeTarget(currentTarget as HTMLElement)
return {
const event = {
detail: {},
currentTarget: target,
preventDefault() {
if (__DEV__) {
'preventDefault is only supported in h5, use `.prevent` instead.'
return evt.preventDefault()
stopPropagation() {
if (__DEV__) {
'stopPropagation is only supported in h5, use `.stop` instead.'
return evt.stopPropagation()
if (__PLATFORM__ === 'h5') {
extend(event, {
preventDefault() {
if (__DEV__) {
'preventDefault is only supported in h5, use `.prevent` instead.'
return evt.preventDefault()
stopPropagation() {
if (__DEV__) {
'stopPropagation is only supported in h5, use `.stop` instead.'
return evt.stopPropagation()
return event
function normalizeClickEvent(
......@@ -8403,7 +8403,19 @@ function createInvoker(initialValue, instance) {
// fixed by xxxxxx
const proxy = instance && instance.proxy;
const normalizeNativeEvent = proxy && proxy.$nne;
callWithAsyncErrorHandling(patchStopImmediatePropagation(e, invoker.value), instance, 5 /* NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER */, [normalizeNativeEvent ? normalizeNativeEvent(e) : e]);
if (normalizeNativeEvent && isArray(invoker.value)) {
const fns = invoker.value;
for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
const fn = fns[i];
callWithAsyncErrorHandling(fn, instance, 5 /* NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER */, [!fn.__wwe ? normalizeNativeEvent(e) : e]);
callWithAsyncErrorHandling(patchStopImmediatePropagation(e, invoker.value), instance, 5 /* NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER */, [
normalizeNativeEvent && !invoker.value.__wwe
? normalizeNativeEvent(e)
: e
invoker.value = initialValue;
......@@ -8448,7 +8460,7 @@ const forcePatchProp = (_, key) => key === 'value';
const patchProp = (el, key, prevValue, nextValue, isSVG = false, prevChildren, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren) => {
// @ts-expect-error fixed by xxxxxx
if (__UNI_FEATURE_WXS__ && key.indexOf('change:') === 0) {
patchWxs(el, key, nextValue, parentComponent);
return patchWxs(el, key, nextValue, parentComponent);
switch (key) {
// special
......@@ -8403,7 +8403,19 @@ function createInvoker(initialValue, instance) {
// fixed by xxxxxx
const proxy = instance && instance.proxy;
const normalizeNativeEvent = proxy && proxy.$nne;
callWithAsyncErrorHandling(patchStopImmediatePropagation(e, invoker.value), instance, 5 /* NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER */, [normalizeNativeEvent ? normalizeNativeEvent(e) : e]);
if (normalizeNativeEvent && isArray(invoker.value)) {
const fns = invoker.value;
for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
const fn = fns[i];
callWithAsyncErrorHandling(fn, instance, 5 /* NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER */, [!fn.__wwe ? normalizeNativeEvent(e) : e]);
callWithAsyncErrorHandling(patchStopImmediatePropagation(e, invoker.value), instance, 5 /* NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER */, [
normalizeNativeEvent && !invoker.value.__wwe
? normalizeNativeEvent(e)
: e
invoker.value = initialValue;
......@@ -8448,7 +8460,7 @@ const forcePatchProp = (_, key) => key === 'value';
const patchProp = (el, key, prevValue, nextValue, isSVG = false, prevChildren, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren) => {
// @ts-expect-error fixed by xxxxxx
if (__UNI_FEATURE_WXS__ && key.indexOf('change:') === 0) {
patchWxs(el, key, nextValue, parentComponent);
return patchWxs(el, key, nextValue, parentComponent);
switch (key) {
// special
......@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ var safeAreaInsets = {
var D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out = safeAreaInsets;
var out = safeAreaInsets;
const onEventPrevent = /* @__PURE__ */ withModifiers(() => {
}, ["prevent"]);
const onEventStop = /* @__PURE__ */ withModifiers(() => {
......@@ -690,10 +690,10 @@ function getWindowOffset() {
const left = parseInt(style2.getPropertyValue("--window-left"));
const right = parseInt(style2.getPropertyValue("--window-right"));
return {
top: top ? top + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top : 0,
bottom: bottom ? bottom + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom : 0,
left: left ? left + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left : 0,
right: right ? right + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right : 0
top: top ? top + out.top : 0,
bottom: bottom ? bottom + out.bottom : 0,
left: left ? left + out.left : 0,
right: right ? right + out.right : 0
const style = document.documentElement.style;
......@@ -857,7 +857,6 @@ function getRealRoute(fromRoute, toRoute) {
fromRouteArray.splice(fromRouteArray.length - i2 - 1, i2 + 1);
return "/" + fromRouteArray.concat(toRouteArray).join("/");
const TempSkipComponents = ["UNI-CHECKBOX", "UNI-LABEL"];
const isClickEvent = (val) => val.type === "click";
const isMouseEvent = (val) => val.type.indexOf("mouse") === 0;
function $nne(evt) {
......@@ -865,8 +864,7 @@ function $nne(evt) {
if (!(evt instanceof Event) || !(currentTarget instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return evt;
const {tagName} = currentTarget;
if (tagName.indexOf("UNI-") !== 0 || tagName === "UNI-PAGE-WRAPPER" || TempSkipComponents.indexOf(tagName) !== -1) {
if (currentTarget.tagName.indexOf("UNI-") !== 0) {
return evt;
const res = createNativeEvent(evt);
......@@ -884,25 +882,30 @@ function $nne(evt) {
function createNativeEvent(evt) {
const {type, timeStamp, currentTarget} = evt;
const target = normalizeTarget(currentTarget);
return {
const event2 = {
detail: {},
currentTarget: target,
preventDefault() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
console.warn("preventDefault is only supported in h5, use `.prevent` instead.");
return evt.preventDefault();
stopPropagation() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
console.warn("stopPropagation is only supported in h5, use `.stop` instead.");
return evt.stopPropagation();
currentTarget: target
extend(event2, {
preventDefault() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
console.warn("preventDefault is only supported in h5, use `.prevent` instead.");
return evt.preventDefault();
stopPropagation() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
console.warn("stopPropagation is only supported in h5, use `.stop` instead.");
return evt.stopPropagation();
return event2;
function normalizeClickEvent(evt, mouseEvt) {
const {x, y} = mouseEvt;
......@@ -1329,7 +1332,7 @@ function normalizePageMeta(pageMeta) {
let offset = rpx2px(refreshOptions.offset);
const {type} = navigationBar;
if (type !== "transparent" && type !== "none") {
offset += NAVBAR_HEIGHT + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top;
offset += NAVBAR_HEIGHT + out.top;
refreshOptions.offset = offset;
refreshOptions.height = rpx2px(refreshOptions.height);
......@@ -3803,6 +3806,7 @@ function setupPage(comp) {
return setupComponent(comp, {
init: initPage,
setup(instance2) {
instance2.__isPage = true;
instance2.root = instance2;
const route = usePageRoute();
if (route.meta.isTabBar) {
......@@ -5031,8 +5035,7 @@ function useListeners(props2, listeners2) {
function _addListeners(id2, listeners2, watch2) {
const instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
const vm = instance2.proxy;
const pageId = vm.$root.$page.id;
const pageId = instance2.root.proxy.$page.id;
if (watch2 && !id2) {
......@@ -5055,8 +5058,7 @@ function _addListeners(id2, listeners2, watch2) {
function _removeListeners(id2, listeners2, watch2) {
const instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
const vm = instance2.proxy;
const pageId = vm.$root.$page.id;
const pageId = instance2.root.proxy.$page.id;
if (watch2 && !id2) {
......@@ -5077,6 +5079,9 @@ function _removeListeners(id2, listeners2, watch2) {
function withWebEvent(fn) {
return fn.__wwe = true, fn;
function useCustomEvent(ref2, emit2) {
return (name, evt, detail) => {
emit2(name, normalizeCustomEvent(name, evt, ref2.value, detail || {}));
......@@ -5167,11 +5172,10 @@ var index$b = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
}) {
const instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
const vm = instance2.proxy;
const pageId = vm.$root.$page.id;
const pageId = instance2.root.proxy.$page.id;
const handlers = useProvideLabel();
const pointer = computed(() => props2.for || slots.default && slots.default.length);
const _onClick = ($event) => {
const _onClick = withWebEvent(($event) => {
const EventTarget = $event.target;
let stopPropagation = /^uni-(checkbox|radio|switch)-/.test(EventTarget.className);
if (!stopPropagation) {
......@@ -5190,7 +5194,7 @@ var index$b = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
handler($event, true);
return () => createVNode("uni-label", {
class: {
"uni-label-pointer": pointer
......@@ -6512,16 +6516,13 @@ function useScopedAttrs() {
attrs: {}
onMounted(() => {
let vm = getCurrentInstance().proxy;
while (vm) {
const $options = vm.$options;
const scopeId = $options.__scopeId;
let instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
while (instance2) {
const scopeId = instance2.type.__scopeId;
if (scopeId) {
const attrs2 = {};
attrs2[scopeId] = "";
state.attrs = attrs2;
state.attrs[scopeId] = "";
vm = vm.$parent;
instance2 = instance2.__isPage ? null : instance2.parent;
return {
......@@ -10320,7 +10321,7 @@ function removeSubscribe(name) {
function useSubscribe(callback, name) {
const instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
const vm = instance2.proxy;
const pageId = name ? 0 : vm.$root.$page.id;
const pageId = name ? 0 : instance2.root.proxy.$page.id;
onMounted(() => {
addSubscribe(name || normalizeEvent(pageId, vm), callback);
if (!name) {
......@@ -11428,7 +11429,7 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", () => {
const windowWidth = getWindowWidth(screenWidth);
let windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
const language = navigator.language;
const statusBarHeight = D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top;
const statusBarHeight = out.top;
let osname;
let osversion;
let model;
......@@ -11541,12 +11542,12 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", () => {
const system = `${osname} ${osversion}`;
const platform = osname.toLocaleLowerCase();
const safeArea = {
left: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left,
right: windowWidth - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
top: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top,
bottom: windowHeight - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom,
width: windowWidth - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
height: windowHeight - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom
left: out.left,
right: windowWidth - out.right,
top: out.top,
bottom: windowHeight - out.bottom,
width: windowWidth - out.left - out.right,
height: windowHeight - out.top - out.bottom
const {top: windowTop, bottom: windowBottom} = getWindowOffset();
windowHeight -= windowTop;
......@@ -11566,10 +11567,10 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", () => {
safeAreaInsets: {
top: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top,
right: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
bottom: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom,
left: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left
top: out.top,
right: out.right,
bottom: out.bottom,
left: out.left
......@@ -14392,7 +14393,7 @@ function usePageRefresh(refreshRef) {
refreshControllerElemStyle.clip = "rect(" + (45 - y) + "px,45px,45px,-5px)";
refreshControllerElemStyle.transform = "translate3d(-50%, " + y + "px, 0)";
function onTouchstartPassive(ev) {
const onTouchstartPassive = withWebEvent((ev) => {
const touch = ev.changedTouches[0];
touchId = touch.identifier;
startY = touch.pageY;
......@@ -14401,8 +14402,8 @@ function usePageRefresh(refreshRef) {
} else {
canRefresh = true;
function onTouchmove(ev) {
const onTouchmove = withWebEvent((ev) => {
if (!canRefresh) {
......@@ -14436,8 +14437,8 @@ function usePageRefresh(refreshRef) {
function onTouchend(ev) {
const onTouchend = withWebEvent((ev) => {
if (!processDeltaY(ev, touchId, startY)) {
......@@ -14458,7 +14459,7 @@ function usePageRefresh(refreshRef) {
function aborting(callback) {
if (!refreshControllerElem) {
......@@ -14575,4 +14576,4 @@ function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
_sfc_main.render = _sfc_render;
export {_sfc_main$1 as AsyncErrorComponent, _sfc_main as AsyncLoadingComponent, _sfc_main$d as Audio, index$d as Button, _sfc_main$c as Canvas, index$a as Checkbox, index$c as CheckboxGroup, index$9 as Editor, index$e as Form, index$8 as Icon, index$7 as Image, Input, index$b as Label, LayoutComponent, _sfc_main$b as MovableView, _sfc_main$a as Navigator, index as PageComponent, index$6 as Progress, _sfc_main$9 as Radio, _sfc_main$8 as RadioGroup, ResizeSensor, _sfc_main$7 as RichText, _sfc_main$6 as ScrollView, _sfc_main$5 as Slider, _sfc_main$4 as SwiperItem, _sfc_main$3 as Switch, index$5 as Text, index$4 as Textarea, UniServiceJSBridge$1 as UniServiceJSBridge, UniViewJSBridge$1 as UniViewJSBridge, index$2 as Video, index$3 as View, index$1 as WebView, addInterceptor, arrayBufferToBase64, base64ToArrayBuffer, canIUse, chooseFile, chooseImage, chooseVideo, clearStorage, clearStorageSync, closeSocket, connectSocket, createInnerAudioContext, createIntersectionObserver, createSelectorQuery, createVideoContext, cssBackdropFilter, cssConstant, cssEnv, cssVar, downloadFile, getApp$1 as getApp, getCurrentPages$1 as getCurrentPages, getFileInfo, getImageInfo, getLocation, getNetworkType, getStorage, getStorageInfo, getStorageInfoSync, getStorageSync, getSystemInfo, getSystemInfoSync, getVideoInfo, hideKeyboard, hideLoading, hideNavigationBarLoading, hideTabBar, hideTabBarRedDot, hideToast, loadFontFace, makePhoneCall, navigateBack, navigateTo, offAccelerometerChange, offCompassChange, offNetworkStatusChange, onAccelerometerChange, onCompassChange, onNetworkStatusChange, onSocketClose, onSocketError, onSocketMessage, onSocketOpen, onTabBarMidButtonTap, openDocument, pageScrollTo, index$f as plugin, promiseInterceptor, reLaunch, redirectTo, removeInterceptor, removeStorage, removeStorageSync, removeTabBarBadge, request, sendSocketMessage, setNavigationBarColor, setNavigationBarTitle, setStorage, setStorageSync, setTabBarBadge, setTabBarItem, setTabBarStyle, setupApp, setupPage, showLoading, showModal, showNavigationBarLoading, showTabBar, showTabBarRedDot, showToast, startAccelerometer, startCompass, startPullDownRefresh, stopAccelerometer, stopCompass, stopPullDownRefresh, switchTab, uni$1 as uni, uploadFile, upx2px, useCustomEvent, useOn, useSubscribe, useUserAction, vibrateLong, vibrateShort};
export {_sfc_main$1 as AsyncErrorComponent, _sfc_main as AsyncLoadingComponent, _sfc_main$d as Audio, index$d as Button, _sfc_main$c as Canvas, index$a as Checkbox, index$c as CheckboxGroup, index$9 as Editor, index$e as Form, index$8 as Icon, index$7 as Image, Input, index$b as Label, LayoutComponent, _sfc_main$b as MovableView, _sfc_main$a as Navigator, index as PageComponent, index$6 as Progress, _sfc_main$9 as Radio, _sfc_main$8 as RadioGroup, ResizeSensor, _sfc_main$7 as RichText, _sfc_main$6 as ScrollView, _sfc_main$5 as Slider, _sfc_main$4 as SwiperItem, _sfc_main$3 as Switch, index$5 as Text, index$4 as Textarea, UniServiceJSBridge$1 as UniServiceJSBridge, UniViewJSBridge$1 as UniViewJSBridge, index$2 as Video, index$3 as View, index$1 as WebView, addInterceptor, arrayBufferToBase64, base64ToArrayBuffer, canIUse, chooseFile, chooseImage, chooseVideo, clearStorage, clearStorageSync, closeSocket, connectSocket, createInnerAudioContext, createIntersectionObserver, createSelectorQuery, createVideoContext, cssBackdropFilter, cssConstant, cssEnv, cssVar, downloadFile, getApp$1 as getApp, getCurrentPages$1 as getCurrentPages, getFileInfo, getImageInfo, getLocation, getNetworkType, getStorage, getStorageInfo, getStorageInfoSync, getStorageSync, getSystemInfo, getSystemInfoSync, getVideoInfo, hideKeyboard, hideLoading, hideNavigationBarLoading, hideTabBar, hideTabBarRedDot, hideToast, loadFontFace, makePhoneCall, navigateBack, navigateTo, offAccelerometerChange, offCompassChange, offNetworkStatusChange, onAccelerometerChange, onCompassChange, onNetworkStatusChange, onSocketClose, onSocketError, onSocketMessage, onSocketOpen, onTabBarMidButtonTap, openDocument, pageScrollTo, index$f as plugin, promiseInterceptor, reLaunch, redirectTo, removeInterceptor, removeStorage, removeStorageSync, removeTabBarBadge, request, sendSocketMessage, setNavigationBarColor, setNavigationBarTitle, setStorage, setStorageSync, setTabBarBadge, setTabBarItem, setTabBarStyle, setupApp, setupPage, showLoading, showModal, showNavigationBarLoading, showTabBar, showTabBarRedDot, showToast, startAccelerometer, startCompass, startPullDownRefresh, stopAccelerometer, stopCompass, stopPullDownRefresh, switchTab, uni$1 as uni, uploadFile, upx2px, useCustomEvent, useOn, useSubscribe, useUserAction, vibrateLong, vibrateShort, withWebEvent};
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-api'
import { useSubscribe } from '@dcloudio/uni-components'
import { useSubscribe, withWebEvent } from '@dcloudio/uni-components'
import { usePageMeta } from '../../../setup/provide'
function processDeltaY(
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ export function usePageRefresh(refreshRef: Ref) {
refreshControllerElemStyle.transform = 'translate3d(-50%, ' + y + 'px, 0)'
function onTouchstartPassive(ev: TouchEvent) {
const onTouchstartPassive = withWebEvent((ev: TouchEvent) => {
const touch = ev.changedTouches[0]
touchId = touch.identifier
startY = touch.pageY
......@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ export function usePageRefresh(refreshRef: Ref) {
} else {
canRefresh = true
function onTouchmove(ev: TouchEvent) {
const onTouchmove = withWebEvent((ev: TouchEvent) => {
if (!canRefresh) {
......@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ export function usePageRefresh(refreshRef: Ref) {
function onTouchend(ev: TouchEvent) {
const onTouchend = withWebEvent((ev: TouchEvent) => {
if (!processDeltaY(ev, touchId, startY)) {
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ export function usePageRefresh(refreshRef: Ref) {
function aborting(callback: Function) {
if (!refreshControllerElem) {
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ export function setupPage(comp: any) {
return setupComponent(comp, {
init: initPage,
setup(instance) {
instance.__isPage = true // 标记当前组件是页面
instance.root = instance // 组件root指向页面
const route = usePageRoute()
if (route.meta.isTabBar) {
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