fixed some autocomplete bugs

上级 ce8fef36
......@@ -253,12 +253,14 @@ function! sw#sql_split(sql, ...)
let s = canon[0]
let matches = canon[1]
let s = substitute(s, '\V' . delimiter, '#SEPARATOR#', 'g')
for _m in matches
let i = items(_m)
let j = len(matches) - 1
while j >= 0
let i = items(matches[j])
let m = '#' . i[0][0] . '#'
let x = substitute(i[0][1], "\\", "\\\\\\", 'g')
let s = substitute(s, m, x, 'g')
let j = j - 1
let s = substitute(s, '#NEWLINE#', "\n", 'g')
let s = substitute(s, '#ESCAPEDDOUBLEQUOTE#', "\\\\\"", 'g')
let s = substitute(s, '#ESCAPEDSINGLEQUOTE#', "\\\\'", 'g')
......@@ -22,6 +22,18 @@ let s:pattern_identifier = '\v' . s:_pattern_identifier
let s:pattern_reserved_word = '\v\c<(inner|outer|right|left|join|as|using|where|group|order|and|or|not)>'
let s:pattern_subquery = '\v#sq([0-9]+)#'
let s:script_path = expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/../../'
let s:pattern_expressions = '\v\c\(([\s\t ]*select)@![^\)]{-}\)'
function! s:eliminate_sql_comments(sql)
let sql = sw#get_sql_canonical(a:sql)[0]
let sql = substitute(sql, '\v--.{-}#NEWLINE#', '#NEWLINE#', 'g')
let sql = substitute(sql, '\v--.{-}$', '', 'g')
let sql = substitute(sql, '\v\/\*.{-}\*\/', '', 'g')
let sql = substitute(sql, '#NEWLINE#', ' ', 'g')
return sql
if exists('g:sw_plugin_path')
" This is for cygwin. If we are under cygwin, the sqlworkbench will be a
" windows application, and vim will work with linux paths
......@@ -43,11 +55,13 @@ endfunction
function! sw#autocomplete#extract_current_sql()
let sql = sw#sqlwindow#extract_current_sql(1)
let _sql = s:eliminate_sql_comments(sql)
let _sql = substitute(_sql, s:pattern_expressions, '#values#', 'g')
" Check to see that we are not in a subquery
let pattern = '\v\c(\([ \t\s]*select[^\(]*#cursor#).*\)'
if sql =~ pattern
if _sql =~ pattern
" If we are in a subquery, search where it begins.
let l = matchlist(sql, pattern, 'g')
let l = matchlist(sql, '\v\c(\([ \s\t]*select([^s]|s[^e]|se[^l]|sel[^e]|sele[^c]|selec[^t]|select[^\s \t])*#cursor#)', 'g')
if (len(l) >= 1)
" Get the start and end of the subquery
let start = sw#index_of(sql, l[1])
......@@ -265,6 +279,7 @@ function! sw#autocomplete#perform(findstart, base)
elseif b:autocomplete_type == 'select' || b:autocomplete_type == 'update'
" If a select, first get its tables
let tables = s:get_tables(sql, [])
echomsg string(tables)
" If we returned an empty string, then no autocomplete
if string(tables) == ""
return []
......@@ -414,7 +429,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:extract_subqueries(sql)
let pattern = '\v\c(\([ \s\t]*select[^\(\)]+\))'
let s = substitute(a:sql, '\v\c\(([\s\t ]*select)@![^\)]{-}\)', '#values#', 'g')
let s = substitute(a:sql, s:pattern_expressions, '#values#', 'g')
let matches = []
let n = 0
let m = matchstr(s, pattern, '')
......@@ -441,11 +456,7 @@ function! s:get_fields_part(sql)
function! s:get_tables_part(sql)
let sql = sw#get_sql_canonical(a:sql)[0]
let sql = substitute(sql, '\v--.{-}#NEWLINE#', '#NEWLINE#', 'g')
let sql = substitute(sql, '\v--.{-}$', '', 'g')
let sql = substitute(sql, '\v\/\*.{-}\*\/', '', 'g')
let sql = substitute(sql, '#NEWLINE#', ' ', 'g')
let sql = s:eliminate_sql_comments(a:sql)
let _subqueries = s:extract_subqueries(sql)
let sql = _subqueries[0]
let subqueries = _subqueries[1]
......@@ -486,11 +497,12 @@ function! s:canonize_from(from)
function! s:get_subquery_fields(sql, subqueries)
let sql = substitute(a:sql, '\V#values#', '()', 'g')
" If we have a subquery, we just extract the fields out of it. We don't
" care about tables and other stuff. It will probably be identified by an
" alias, and we want to return alias.fields
" Split the fields part by the comma
let fields = split(s:get_fields_part(a:sql), ',')
let fields = split(s:get_fields_part(sql), ',')
let result = []
for field in fields
" First we trim the field
......@@ -511,7 +523,7 @@ function! s:get_subquery_fields(sql, subqueries)
" get_tables_part function to consider the query as a select
" query, and not update query
call sw#session#set_buffer_variable('subquery', 1)
let _tmp = s:get_tables(a:sql, a:subqueries)
let _tmp = s:get_tables(sql, a:subqueries)
for row in _tmp
if (has_key(row, 'fields'))
for f in row['fields']
......@@ -531,7 +543,7 @@ function! s:get_subquery_fields(sql, subqueries)
" Otherwise, get the from part of this subquery
let _r = s:get_tables_part(a:sql)
let _r = s:get_tables_part(sql)
let from = _r[0]
let subqueries = _r[1] + a:subqueries
let from = s:canonize_from(from)
......@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
if exists('g:loaded_vim_sql_workbench') || v:version < 700
"if exists('g:loaded_vim_sql_workbench') || v:version < 700
" finish
let g:loaded_vim_sql_workbench = 1
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