未验证 提交 1bee94cf 编写于 作者: Q qkqpttgf 提交者: GitHub

define error message

上级 f57ddf02
......@@ -112,7 +112,9 @@ function setConfig($arr, $disktag = '')
//echo '<pre>'. json_encode($envs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT).'</pre>';
$prestr = '<?php $configs = \'' . PHP_EOL;
$aftstr = PHP_EOL . '\';';
return file_put_contents('config.php', $prestr . json_encode($envs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . $aftstr);
$response = file_put_contents('config.php', $prestr . json_encode($envs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . $aftstr);
if ($response>0) return json_encode( [ 'response' => 'success' ] );
return json_encode( [ 'message' => 'Failed to write config.', 'code' => 'failed' ] );
function install()
......@@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ function install()
$tmp['admin'] = $_POST['admin'];
//$tmp['language'] = $_COOKIE['language'];
$tmp['timezone'] = $_COOKIE['timezone'];
$response = setConfig($tmp);
$response = setConfigResponse( setConfig($tmp) );
if (api_error($response)) {
$html = api_error_msg($response);
$title = 'Error';
......@@ -253,19 +255,19 @@ function RewriteEngineOn()
function api_error($response)
return !$response;
return isset($response['message']);
function api_error_msg($response)
return $response . '<br>
Can not write config to file.<br>
return $response['code'] . '<br>
' . $response['message'] . '<br>
<button onclick="location.href = location.href;">'.getconstStr('Refresh').'</button>';
function setConfigResponse($response)
return $response;
return json_decode($response, true);
function OnekeyUpate($auth = 'qkqpttgf', $project = 'OneManager-php', $branch = 'master')
......@@ -318,15 +320,21 @@ function moveFolder($from, $to)
$fromfile = $from.'/'.$filename;
$tofile = $to.'/'.$filename;
if(is_dir($fromfile)){// 如果读取的某个对象是文件夹,则递归
moveFolder($fromfile, $tofile);
$response = moveFolder($fromfile, $tofile);
if (api_error(setConfigResponse($response))) return $response;
//if (file_exists($tofile)) unlink($tofile);
rename($fromfile, $tofile);
$response = rename($fromfile, $tofile);
if (!$response) {
$tmp['code'] = "Move Failed";
$tmp['message'] = "Can not move " . $fromfile . " to " . $tofile;
return json_encode($tmp);
if (file_exists($fromfile)) unlink($fromfile);
return 1;
return json_encode( [ 'response' => 'success' ] );
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