未验证 提交 133990ce 编写于 作者: Q qkqpttgf 提交者: GitHub

theme change move out

上级 23fa448a
......@@ -2433,7 +2433,15 @@ function render_list($path = '', $files = '')
$html .= $tmp[1];
while (strpos($html, '<!--timezone-->')) $html = str_replace('<!--timezone-->', $_SERVER['timezone'], $html);
$theme_arr = scandir('theme');
// 最后清除换行
while (strpos($html, "\r\n\r\n")) $html = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n", $html);
//while (strpos($html, PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL)) $html = str_replace(PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL, $html);
$exetime = round(microtime(true)-$_SERVER['php_starttime'],3);
$html = str_replace('<!--FootStr-->', date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." ".getconstStr('Week')[date("w")]." ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' Runtime:'.$exetime.'s Mem:'.size_format(memory_get_usage()), $html);
$theme_arr = scandir('theme');
$html .= '
<div style="position: fixed;right: 10px;bottom: 10px;/*color: rgba(247,247,249,0);*/">
<select name="theme" onchange="changetheme(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex].value)">
......@@ -2453,14 +2461,6 @@ function render_list($path = '', $files = '')
// 最后清除换行
while (strpos($html, "\r\n\r\n")) $html = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n", $html);
//while (strpos($html, PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL)) $html = str_replace(PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL, $html);
$exetime = round(microtime(true)-$_SERVER['php_starttime'],3);
$html = str_replace('<!--FootStr-->', date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." ".getconstStr('Week')[date("w")]." ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' Runtime:'.$exetime.'s Mem:'.size_format(memory_get_usage()), $html);
$html = $authinfo . $html;
if (isset($_SERVER['Set-Cookie'])) return output($html, $statusCode, [ 'Set-Cookie' => $_SERVER['Set-Cookie'], 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' ]);
return output($html,$statusCode);
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