提交 863b3ef9 编写于 作者: lwplvx's avatar lwplvx

Update README.md

上级 fb357968
......@@ -6,74 +6,3 @@
1) 使用 httpvueload (生成环境不推荐)
2) 之前阅读过一篇博客,已经测试过了,尽快找处理,把示例代码写出来
This is a simple pipeline example for a .NET Core application, showing just
how easy it is to get up and running with .NET development using GitLab.
# Reference links
- [GitLab CI Documentation](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/)
- [.NET Hello World tutorial](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/learn/dotnet/hello-world-tutorial/)
If you're new to .NET you'll want to check out the tutorial, but if you're
already a seasoned developer considering building your own .NET app with GitLab,
this should all look very familiar.
## What's contained in this project
The root of the repository contains the out of the `dotnet new console` command,
which generates a new console application that just prints out "Hello, World."
It's a simple example, but great for demonstrating how easy GitLab CI is to
use with .NET. Check out the `Program.cs` and `dotnetcore.csproj` files to
see how these work.
In addition to the .NET Core content, there is a ready-to-go `.gitignore` file
sourced from the the .NET Core [.gitignore](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/.gitignore). This
will help keep your repository clean of build files and other configuration.
Finally, the `.gitlab-ci.yml` contains the configuration needed for GitLab
to build your code. Let's take a look, section by section.
First, we note that we want to use the official Microsoft .NET SDK image
to build our project.
image: microsoft/dotnet:latest
We're defining two stages here: `build`, and `test`. As your project grows
in complexity you can add more of these.
- build
- test
Next, we define our build job which simply runs the `dotnet build` command and
identifies the `bin` folder as the output directory. Anything in the `bin` folder
will be automatically handed off to future stages, and is also downloadable through
the web UI.
stage: build
- "dotnet build"
- bin/
Similar to the build step, we get our test output simply by running `dotnet test`.
stage: test
- "dotnet test"
This should be enough to get you started. There are many, many powerful options
for your `.gitlab-ci.yml`. You can read about them in our documentation
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