1. 15 1月, 2015 1 次提交
  2. 14 1月, 2015 2 次提交
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      Synthesized VB names · e7a20119
      TomasMatousek 提交于
      1) Assigns each member a "member ordinal" - the index in the members array of the containing type. The ordinal is propagated thru lowering rewriters which uses it to make generated names unique.
           2) We no longer calculate "overload ordinal" for names of state machine types, we use the member ordinal of the async/iterator method instead.
           3) Removes GenerateTempNumber from TypeCompilationState. Combination of method ordinal and other indices is used to make generated names unique:
           - Display classes use ordinal of the method containing the lambda and closure scope ordinal (unique within a method). Static display class is shared across all non-generic methods of a containing class and thus doesn't need a unique number in name.
           - Lambda methods include containing method ordinal (unless emitted to a display class whose name already includes it) and lambda ordinal (unique within a method).
           - The same for fields caching lambdas.
           - Delegate relaxation stubs and their closures have a separate numbering and are distinguished from regular lambdas/closures, since they are immutable and EnC doesn't need to map them across generations.
           - Late-bound AddressOf operator oddly creates real closure and is thus not considered a delegate relaxation for the purposes of synthesized naming.
           - Properties generated to override inherited WithEvent properties are assigned ids in the source order of Handles clauses.
           In order to guarantee uniqueness of the names added during EnC include generation ordinal in synthesized names  wherever we use method ordinal. Generation ordinal 0 (regular build) is omitted - the additional number is only added to names of synthesized members created during EnC compilation. (changeset 1395267)
  3. 07 1月, 2015 1 次提交
  4. 24 12月, 2014 1 次提交
  5. 03 11月, 2014 1 次提交
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      StateMachineType numbering · 2266c528
      TomasMatousek 提交于
      Use the same algorithm for state machine type name generation for iterators that is used for async in both C# and VB.
      Preserve the name of the state machine when emitting EnC delta. (changeset 1365145)
  6. 29 10月, 2014 2 次提交
  7. 04 10月, 2014 1 次提交
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      EnC: Local variable mapping rewrite. · 916b9efa
      TomasMatousek 提交于
      Current approach and issues
           When emitting method body of a method updated during EnC the compiler needs to assign local variables the same slots they had before the edit, so that state stored in those locals gets preserved.
           To implement this slot mapping we used to encode information into synthesized variable names that identified the syntax node that produced the variable and ultimately allowed us to calculate the slot mapping.
           For user variables we identified the slot by name. In both cases we relied on an assumption that the compiler assigns slots in syntax order. This assumption is false in some cases. We could make it true but the requirement would be fragile and hard to enforce when new features are implemented in the compiler since the entire lowering pipeline would need to preserve the assumption.
           New approach
           In the new approach we calculate a "syntax offset" for each user-defined and long-lived synthesized variable. Every such variable symbol has to be associated with a syntax node (its declarator). In usual cases this is the textual distance of the declarator from the start of the method body. It gets a bit complicated when the containing method body is not contiguous (constructors). If the variable is in the body of the constructor the definition of syntax offset is the same. If the variable is defined in a constructor  initializer or in a member initializer (this is only possible when declaration expressions or closures in primary constructors are involved) then the distance is a negative sum of the widths of all the initializers that succeed the declarator of the variable in the emitted constructor body plus the relative offset of the declarator from the start of the containing initializer.
           If a single node is a declarator for multiple variables of the same synthesized kind (it can only happen for synthesized variables) we calculate additional number "ordinal" for such variable. We assign the ordinals to the synthesized variables with the same kind and syntax offset in the order as they appear in the lowered bound tree. It is important that a valid EnC edit can't change the ordinal of a synthesized variable. If it could it would need to be assigned a different kind or associated with a different declarator node.
           To support EnC of async method we will assign another number "subordinal" to certain synthesized locals (produced by spilling by-ref variables) to simplify the mapping. Assigning of such number is not yet implemented in this change.
           Together (syntax offset, ordinal, subordinal) form a LocalDebugId of a variable. Since this id needs to be stored in PDB for both user-defined and long-lived synthesized variables we can’t encode it in the name of the variable (the names of user-defined variables have to be their user specified names). Therefore this change introduces a new custom debug info record that is associated with a method. The record encodes the kind and id for each local slot of the method.
           As a consequence we no longer emit names for synthesized long-lived variables (“CS$...”) unless it’s necessary for backward comp with Dev12 EE (only display class local names need to be emitted for this reason). (changeset 1348066)
  8. 10 9月, 2014 2 次提交
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      Port C# synthesized symbol refactoring work to VB · 00beb1f7
      wochae 提交于
      This is a part of porting C# synthesized refactoring work where the names of long-lived variables follow a naming pattern that allows us to reverse-engineer the SynthesizedLocalKind value from the variable name. Especially in this change, we give a synthesized variable an explicit name based on its SynthesizedLocalKind at emit time, not at local symbol creation time. (changeset 1324862)
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      Refactoring of EnC local mapping to enable mapping fields of state machines in... · afbec6e5
      TomasMatousek 提交于
      Refactoring of EnC local mapping to enable mapping fields of state machines in subsequent changesets.
           Merges FullLocalSlotManager and EncLocalSlotManager into the base class. Instead of subclassing we now delegate the slot allocation implementation to an optional VariableSlotAllocator. If not present, the standard (non-EnC) allocation kicks in.
           Adds CommonSynthesizedLocalKind enum for synthesized variable kinds that should be shared between VB and C#.
           Currently VariableSlotAllocator only provides slots for locals. In subsequent changes it will provide slots for state machine fields as well. Hence it is passed into iterator and async rewriters. (changeset 1320562)
  9. 15 8月, 2014 2 次提交
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      Replaces CompilationOptions.Optimize and... · 9fbe1432
      TomasMatousek 提交于
      Replaces CompilationOptions.Optimize and CompilationOptions.DebugInformationKind with a single enum OptimizationLevel that has two values: Release and Debug.
      Removes dependency in IL generation on whether PDB stream is passed to Emit or not. IL shall only differ between Release and Debug.
      Command line arguments /optimize, /debug and /pdb remain the same, their values map to either Release or Debug. The value of /optimize is mapped to Release or Debug. /debug+, /debug:full and /debug:pdbonly have all the same effect - enable generating PDB file. They don't influence the generated IL.
      Debug information/instrumentation (sequence points, dead stores, nops, etc.) doesn't need to be emitted for synthesized methods that don't contain user code (property GenerateDebugInfo on a symbol returns true).
      During lowering always create bound sequence nodes. In some scenarios (PDB stream is not passed, we are emitting helper that contains no user code) these nodes are not used. However, in mainstream scenarios we always emit PDBs, so optimizing the bound nodes away is optimizing for uncommon case and just increases test matrix. Lambda, iterator and async lowering have to handle presence of bound sequence point nodes. We get more test coverage if they are always present.
      Another reason why to always create bound sequence points is to avoid complexity and ambiguity when checking if a symbol needs debug information. Some symbols might need debug information during some lowering phases but not other. For example, the generated body of a method symbol that represents an async kick-off method doesn't need debug information since it doesn't contain any user code. However, all source code contained in an async method should have debug information emitted. Bound tree for such code is lowered in the context of the async method symbol, so the value of GenerateDebugInfo for the async method symbol would need to differ depending on which phase of compilation are we in.
      Finally, IL body deduplication can always be enabled (in Release and Debug), even in EnC scenarios. Removing another compiler knob further simplifies testing.
       (changeset 1316430)
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      Port C# "Rationalize synthesized variables" work to VB · a2cce827
      wochae 提交于
      This change introduces SynthesizedLocalKind to differentiate short-lived (temporary) and long-lived synthesized variables in a similar way C# does. Accordingly, SynthesizedLocal combines existing TempLocalSymbol and NamedTempLocalSymbol into one by using this kind since short-lived does not have a name. (changeset 1316011)
  10. 05 8月, 2014 1 次提交
  11. 30 7月, 2014 1 次提交
  12. 24 7月, 2014 1 次提交
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      Refactor synthesized symbols in VB · 1a2cbbae
      wochae 提交于
      This change refactors synthesized symbols in VB so that all symbols produced during lowering phase implement an interface (ISynthesizedMethodBodyImplementationSymbol) that can be used in the emit phase, which will be a part of next change. Note that it is a port of C#'s earlier work to VB. (changeset 1304109)
  13. 20 6月, 2014 1 次提交
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      Splits Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp and... · fc3b332f
      TomasMatousek 提交于
      Splits Microsoft.CodeAnalysis, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic into portable and desktop assemblies.
      Existing Core\Source, CSharp\Source and VisualBasic\Source directories are renamed to Core\Portable, CSharp\Portable and VisualBasic\Portable.
      New sibling Desktop folders are added and non-portable source is moved there.
      "System.Runtime" references has to be removed in order for the portable project system magic to automatically add facade references.
       (changeset 1281686)
  14. 19 3月, 2014 1 次提交