1. 03 6月, 2015 1 次提交
  2. 02 6月, 2015 2 次提交
  3. 01 6月, 2015 3 次提交
    • M
      Merge pull request #3162 from mavasani/StatefulAnalyzer_Analyzer · 61e73457
      Manish Vasani 提交于
      Add an analyzer that detects incorrect action registrations for stateful analyzers.
      Fixes #2949 
    • M
      Add an analyzer that detects incorrect action registrations for stateful analyzers. · 7824bb4c
      Manish Vasani 提交于
      Fixes #2949
      User scenario: User writes an analyzer that either defines a CompilationStartAction or CodeBlockStartAction to perform stateful analysis on the compilation/code block.
      An analyzer start action enables performing stateful analysis over a given code unit, such as a code block, compilation, etc. Careful design is necessary to achieve efficient analyzer execution without memory leaks. This analyzer provides the following guidelines for writing such analyzers:
      1. Define a new scope for the registered start action, possibly with a private nested type for analyzing each code unit.
      2. If required, define and initialize state in the start action.
      3. Register at least one non-end action that refers to this state in the start action. If no such action is necessary, consider replacing the start action with a non-start action. For example, a CodeBlockStartAction with no registered actions or only a registered CodeBlockEndAction should be replaced with a CodeBlockAction.
      4. If required, register an end action to report diagnostics based on the final state.
      Fix description: We already have an analyzer flagging RegisterXXXAction invocations for other incorrect usages. This change adds 2 more rules to this analyzer to flag:
      1. Start analysis context objects with only a registered end action.
      2. Start analysis context objects with no registered actions.
      Testing: Added unit tests for this analyzer + manual testing. Verified existing tests pass.
    • H
      Merge pull request #3152 from heejaechang/compilerhelp3 · a7799b22
      Heejae Chang 提交于
      changed bing search to use bing dev search
  4. 30 5月, 2015 18 次提交
    • H
      Merge pull request #2986 from heejaechang/cachefix2 · fb8e2830
      Heejae Chang 提交于
      fixed explicit cache bug in solution crawler
    • D
      Merge pull request #3191 from jasonmalinowski/always-copylocal-buildtasks · 2d1cc3f2
      David Poeschl 提交于
      Force Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis into the VSIX
    • J
      Force Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis into the VSIX · f3662578
      Jason Malinowski 提交于
      When we build VisualStudioSetup.csproj, we include a bunch of assemblies from
      other projects into the VSIX. This is done through ProjectReferences to the
      other projects that produce each binary. It turns out this worked via some more
      magic than we expected: when we had a ProjectReference, we typically had the
      following metadata:
          <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Compilers\Core\Portable\CodeAnalysis.csproj">
      When the VSIX targets run, they would collect all the files that need to be put
      into the VSIX. When it would encounter this ProjectReference, it would actually
      try to include the output twice. One copy (call it Copy A) would come from the
      Binaries folder simply by virtue that the binary was a reference from the
      VisualStudioSetup project and must be copied local. The other copy (Copy B) was
      coming from the obj directory, because the VSIX targets see us specifying the
      BuiltProject- OutputGroup and that output group's items point to obj. (There is
      metadata that points to the Binaries folder but that is getting ignored by the
      VSIX targets.) The VSIX packaging task would realize we were adding two copies
      of a file, it'd arbitrarily pick the first one, which happened to be the one in
      the Binaries folder.
      This magic blows up in one very special case. If the project's binary happens to
      be also found in the GAC, the default behavior of MSBuild is to no longer count
      that binary as CopyLocal. Thus, when the VSIX tried to include a binary that was
      in the GAC (in this case, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis.dll), it'd decide
      it didn't need to copy it local at all. Thus Copy A in the earlier description
      didn't exist, and so the VSIX packager would fall back to using Copy B, the copy
      of the assembly from the obj folder. When we're doing a signed build, Copy A and
      Copy B are actually different -- one is signed, one isn't, and so a lack of Copy
      A being given to the VSIX packager meant that we'd end up including unsigned
      assemblies in our (supposedly) fully signed VSIX.
      The "fun" part is during non-signed builds Copy A is included, since the
      locally-built binary (with version isn't in the GAC. Thus if you
      try to reproduce the strange MSBuild behavior on a regular build you don't see
      it and you don't understand why.
      There are two quick fixes:
      1. Un-GAC Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis on any machines that need to do a
         proper signed build.
      2. Force the DLL to be copied local. We take this approach since it's best to
         not be subject to the whims of the GAC if we can be.
      Long term, we probably should fix the VSIX targets to never look in the obj
      folder. They found the obj folder by looking at the items from the
      BuiltProjectOutputGroup, but didn't look at the appropriate metadata that would
      have let it realize it should really copy from Binaries. This Copy A vs. Copy B
      fight happens with any VSIX project, and it'd be best to avoid that.
    • A
      Merge pull request #3160 from AlekseyTs/Bug1175704 · 79dc5561
      AlekseyTs 提交于
      Ensure PeNamedTypeSymbol.GetFieldsToEmit returns backing fields for events.
    • M
      Merge pull request #3151 from mattwar/Bug3078 · ae50775d
      Matt Warren 提交于
      Add metadata cache to default metadata service
    • M
      Merge pull request #3184 from mattwar/Bug1171470 · fa7e6d11
      Matt Warren 提交于
      Still enable smart indent when auto-format on close brace is off
    • R
      Rename dashboard navigation tweaks · 7409dbdd
      Ravi Chande 提交于
      * Dashboard is no longer focused when starting inline rename
      * F2 outside a rename field commits the current session and starts a new
      * F2 within a rename field focuses the dashboard
    • D
      Merge pull request #3181 from DustinCampbell/fix-codetypefromfullname · 955d564b
      Dustin Campbell 提交于
      Make CodeModel.CodeTypeFromFullName rational when returning types that appear in generated code files
    • D
      Merge pull request #3158 from DustinCampbell/fix-3147 · 8ca01a50
      Dustin Campbell 提交于
      Ensure that FormattableString is preferred by Introduce Explaining Variable and Extract Method
    • M
      Merge pull request #3105 from mavasani/DuplicateAnalyzerCallbacks · 0154c371
      Manish Vasani 提交于
      Prevent duplicate invocations of per-compilation analyzer actions for a given symbol/syntax node in IDE.
      User scenario: An analyzer author writes a compilation end analyzer, which registers symbol and/or syntax node actions to maintain some state about them, and a compilation end action to report diagnostics based on the final sate. When running in the IDE, the analyzer will get duplicate callbacks to the symbol/syntax node actions for the same symbol/node in the compilation: once while computing active document diagnostics and once while computing project diagnostics. This can cause one of the following issues:
        1. Crash the analyzer if it is using some map keyed on the callback symbol/node, and doesn't handle duplicate callbacks.
        2. Corrupt the analyzer state by recording the state twice for a single symbol/node.
        3. Possibly cause the analyzer to enter a race or deadlock.
      Fix Description: Fix is to ensure that when computing the compilation end diagnostics for such stateful analyzers, we use a new instance of the analyzer. All the compilation wide actions are then invoked on this new instance of the analyzer, avoiding duplicate callbacks into the same instance.
      Fixes #248 
      Testing: Added a regression test + existing tests.
      Approved 5/29 by ML Shiproom.
    • K
      Merge pull request #3134 from KevinH-MS/stabilization · e30ebe5b
      Kevin Halverson 提交于
      Improve performance of IVsLanguageDebugInfo.GetNameOfLocation...
    • K
      Improve performance of IVsLanguageDebugInfo.GetNameOfLocation... · 7a469d30
      Kevin Halverson 提交于
      Previously, we would fetch a SemanticModel and build containing Symbols
      for each breakpoint location.  This could be very expensive in a large
      solution.  However, for the purposes of providing parity with the old
      implementation, it is adequate to just inspect Syntax.
      (fixes #1977)
    • M
      Merge pull request #3173 from mavasani/error_localization · af8a59e6
      Manish Vasani 提交于
      Do not localize diagnostic severity in the diagnostic formatter
      Fixes internal bug 1093063: 'csc2.exe'/ 'vbc2.exe' will ICE (exit with Code 1) when trying to report errors on localized installs
      User scenario: Create a default VB/C# project on a localized OS, introduce some errors/warnings and build the project from the command line through msbuild.
      Expected: Compiler diagnostics show up in the build output.
      Actual: No diagnostics are displayed, and msbuild exits with code 1.
      Fix Description: MSBuild tasks have a specific parsing logic to look for non-localized diagnostic severity strings such as "error" and "warning" in the compiler output to detect errors and warnings. Our diagnostic formatter was localizing these severity strings, causing the msbuild parsing to fail on localized OS. Fix is to match the Dev12 compiler behavior by not localizing the severity strings.
      Testing: Added regression tests + existing tests
    • M
      Do not localize diagnostic severity in the diagnostic formatter. · dab32bf4
      Manish Vasani 提交于
      Fixes internal bug 1093063: 'csc2.exe'/ 'vbc2.exe' will ICE (exit with Code 1) when trying to report errors on localized installs
      User scenario: Create a default VB/C# project on a localized OS, introduce some errors/warnings and build the project from the command line through msbuild.
      Expected: Compiler diagnostics show up in the build output.
      Actual: No diagnostics are displayed, and msbuild exits with code 1.
      Fix: MSBuild tasks have a specific parsing logic to look for non-localized diagnostic severity strings such as "error" and "warning" in the compiler output to detect errors and warnings. Our diagnostic formatter was localizing these severity strings, causing the msbuild parsing to fail on localized OS. Fix is to match the Dev12 compiler behavior by not localizing the severity strings.
      Testing: Added regression tests + existing tests.
    • A
      Merge pull request #3154 from AlekseyTs/Bug1173179 · 69949f67
      AlekseyTs 提交于
      Emit DebuggerStepThroughAttribute on async kick off method in order to improve stepping behavior during debugging.
    • M
    • D
      Make CodeModel.CodeTypeFromFullName somewhat rational when processing generated code · 9a71fad6
      Dustin Campbell 提交于
      CodeModel.CodeTypeFromFullName should prefer locations within source
      files that are not generated (using the same heuristic we use within the
      Generate Type dialog to determine whether a source file is "generated").
      However, if the locations are *all* within generated sources, just
      return the first one.
      Scenario: this addresses a scenario where CodeModel.CodeTypeFromFullName
      is used to determine the right place to modify user code. In the case of
      XAML apps, there are several generated files that shouldn't be modified
      (i.e. .g.i.cs .g.cs, etc.). Previously, CodeTypeFromFullName might
      return one of these files as a location, breaking whatever feature was
      trying to modify the user's code.
      Unit tests have been added for this scenario in C# and VB that test a
      handful of permutations of generated and non-generated code with partial
      classes. Additionally, the Code Model unit testing infrastructure has
      been updated to support TestWorkspaces with multiple documents.
    • A
      Adding VB test for DevDiv 1175704. · ea93722c
      AlekseyTs 提交于
  5. 29 5月, 2015 16 次提交