提交 f0e3ab52 编写于 作者: C CyrusNajmabadi

MOve code responsible for grabbing a highlighted chunk of text down to the FindUsages layer.

上级 914bdf60
......@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
<Compile Include="FindUsages\AbstractFindUsagesService.cs" />
<Compile Include="FindUsages\ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan.cs" />
<Compile Include="FindUsages\FindUsagesHelpers.cs" />
<Compile Include="FindUsages\FindUsagesContext.cs" />
<Compile Include="FindUsages\IFindUsagesContext.cs" />
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.FindUsages
internal struct ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan
public readonly ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan> ClassifiedSpans;
public readonly TextSpan HighlightSpan;
public ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan(
ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan> classifiedSpans,
TextSpan highlightSpan)
ClassifiedSpans = classifiedSpans;
HighlightSpan = highlightSpan;
public static async Task<ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan> ClassifyAsync(
DocumentSpan documentSpan, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// If the document span is providing us with the classified spans up front, then we
// can just use that. Otherwise, go back and actually classify the text for the line
// the document span is on.
if (documentSpan.Properties.TryGetValue(nameof(ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan), out var value))
return (ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan)value;
return await ClassifyAsync(
documentSpan.Document, documentSpan.SourceSpan, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
private static async Task<ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan> ClassifyAsync(
Document document, TextSpan sourceSpan, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var sourceText = await document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var narrowSpan = sourceSpan;
var lineSpan = GetLineSpanForReference(sourceText, narrowSpan);
var taggedLineParts = await GetTaggedTextForDocumentRegionAsync(
document, narrowSpan, lineSpan, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return taggedLineParts;
private static TextSpan GetLineSpanForReference(SourceText sourceText, TextSpan referenceSpan)
var sourceLine = sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(referenceSpan.Start);
var firstNonWhitespacePosition = sourceLine.GetFirstNonWhitespacePosition().Value;
return TextSpan.FromBounds(firstNonWhitespacePosition, sourceLine.End);
private static async Task<ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan> GetTaggedTextForDocumentRegionAsync(
Document document, TextSpan narrowSpan, TextSpan widenedSpan, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var highlightSpan = new TextSpan(
start: narrowSpan.Start - widenedSpan.Start,
length: narrowSpan.Length);
var classifiedSpans = await GetClassifiedSpansAsync(
document, narrowSpan, widenedSpan, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan(classifiedSpans, highlightSpan);
private static async Task<ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan>> GetClassifiedSpansAsync(
Document document, TextSpan narrowSpan, TextSpan widenedSpan, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var classificationService = document.GetLanguageService<IEditorClassificationService>();
if (classificationService == null)
// For languages that don't expose a classification service, we show the entire
// item as plain text. Break the text into three spans so that we can properly
// highlight the 'narrow-span' later on when we display the item.
return ImmutableArray.Create(
new ClassifiedSpan(ClassificationTypeNames.Text, TextSpan.FromBounds(widenedSpan.Start, narrowSpan.Start)),
new ClassifiedSpan(ClassificationTypeNames.Text, narrowSpan),
new ClassifiedSpan(ClassificationTypeNames.Text, TextSpan.FromBounds(narrowSpan.End, widenedSpan.End)));
// Call out to the individual language to classify the chunk of text around the
// reference. We'll get both the syntactic and semantic spans for this region.
// Because the semantic tags may override the semantic ones (for example,
// "DateTime" might be syntactically an identifier, but semantically a struct
// name), we'll do a later merging step to get the final correct list of
// classifications. For tagging, normally the editor handles this. But as
// we're producing the list of Inlines ourselves, we have to handles this here.
var syntaxSpans = ListPool<ClassifiedSpan>.Allocate();
var semanticSpans = ListPool<ClassifiedSpan>.Allocate();
var sourceText = await document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await classificationService.AddSyntacticClassificationsAsync(
document, widenedSpan, syntaxSpans, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await classificationService.AddSemanticClassificationsAsync(
document, widenedSpan, semanticSpans, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var classifiedSpans = MergeClassifiedSpans(
syntaxSpans, semanticSpans, widenedSpan, sourceText);
return classifiedSpans;
private static ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan> MergeClassifiedSpans(
List<ClassifiedSpan> syntaxSpans, List<ClassifiedSpan> semanticSpans,
TextSpan widenedSpan, SourceText sourceText)
// The spans produced by the language services may not be ordered
// (indeed, this happens with semantic classification as different
// providers produce different results in an arbitrary order). Order
// them first before proceeding.
// It's possible for us to get classified spans that occur *before*
// or after the span we want to present. This happens because the calls to
// AddSyntacticClassificationsAsync and AddSemanticClassificationsAsync
// may return more spans than the range asked for. While bad form,
// it's never been a requirement that implementation not do that.
// For example, the span may be the non-full-span of a node, but the
// classifiers may still return classifications for leading/trailing
// trivia even if it's out of the bounds of that span.
// To deal with that, we adjust all spans so that they don't go outside
// of the range we care about.
AdjustSpans(syntaxSpans, widenedSpan);
AdjustSpans(semanticSpans, widenedSpan);
// The classification service will only produce classifications for
// things it knows about. i.e. there will be gaps in what it produces.
// Fill in those gaps so we have *all* parts of the span
// classified properly.
var filledInSyntaxSpans = ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan>.GetInstance();
var filledInSemanticSpans = ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan>.GetInstance();
FillInClassifiedSpanGaps(sourceText, widenedSpan.Start, syntaxSpans, filledInSyntaxSpans);
FillInClassifiedSpanGaps(sourceText, widenedSpan.Start, semanticSpans, filledInSemanticSpans);
// Now merge the lists together, taking all the results from syntaxParts
// unless they were overridden by results in semanticParts.
return MergeParts(filledInSyntaxSpans, filledInSemanticSpans);
private static void Order(List<ClassifiedSpan> syntaxSpans)
=> syntaxSpans.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.TextSpan.Start - s2.TextSpan.Start);
private static void AdjustSpans(List<ClassifiedSpan> spans, TextSpan widenedSpan)
for (var i = 0; i < spans.Count; i++)
var span = spans[i];
// Make sure the span actually intersects 'widenedSpan'. If it
// does not, just put in an empty length span. It will get ignored later
// when we walk through this list.
var intersection = span.TextSpan.Intersection(widenedSpan);
var newSpan = new ClassifiedSpan(span.ClassificationType,
intersection ?? new TextSpan());
spans[i] = newSpan;
private static void FillInClassifiedSpanGaps(
SourceText sourceText, int startPosition,
List<ClassifiedSpan> classifiedSpans, ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan> result)
foreach (var span in classifiedSpans)
// Ignore empty spans. We can get those when the classification service
// returns spans outside of the range of the span we asked to classify.
if (span.TextSpan.Length == 0)
// If there is space between this span and the last one, then add a space.
if (startPosition != span.TextSpan.Start)
result.Add(new ClassifiedSpan(ClassificationTypeNames.Text,
startPosition, span.TextSpan.Start)));
startPosition = span.TextSpan.End;
private static ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan> MergeParts(
ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan> syntaxParts,
ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan> semanticParts)
// Take all the syntax parts. However, if any have been overridden by a
// semantic part, then choose that one.
var finalParts = ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan>.GetInstance();
var lastReplacementIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = syntaxParts.Count; i < n; i++)
var syntaxPartAndSpan = syntaxParts[i];
// See if we can find a semantic part to replace this syntax part.
var replacementIndex = semanticParts.FindIndex(
lastReplacementIndex, t => t.TextSpan == syntaxPartAndSpan.TextSpan);
// Take the semantic part if it's just 'text'. We want to keep it if
// the semantic classifier actually produced an interesting result
// (as opposed to it just being a 'gap' classification).
var part = replacementIndex >= 0 && !IsClassifiedAsText(semanticParts[replacementIndex])
? semanticParts[replacementIndex]
: syntaxPartAndSpan;
if (replacementIndex >= 0)
// If we found a semantic replacement, update the lastIndex.
// That way we can start searching from that point instead
// of checking all the elements each time.
lastReplacementIndex = replacementIndex + 1;
return finalParts.ToImmutableAndFree();
private static bool IsClassifiedAsText(ClassifiedSpan partAndSpan)
// Don't take 'text' from the semantic parts. We'll get those for the
// spaces between the actual interesting semantic spans, and we don't
// want them to override actual good syntax spans.
return partAndSpan.ClassificationType == ClassificationTypeNames.Text;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@
<Compile Include="FindUsages\ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan.cs" />
<Compile Include="GenerateConstructorFromMembers\GenerateConstructorFromMembersOptions.cs" />
<Compile Include="GenerateConstructorFromMembers\GenerateConstructorWithDialogCodeAction.cs" />
<Compile Include="GenerateEqualsAndGetHashCodeFromMembers\FormatLargeBinaryExpressionRule.cs" />
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindUsages
internal struct ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan
public readonly ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan> ClassifiedSpans;
public readonly TextSpan HighlightSpan;
public ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan(
ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan> classifiedSpans,
TextSpan highlightSpan)
ClassifiedSpans = classifiedSpans;
HighlightSpan = highlightSpan;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.FindUsages;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindUsages;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
......@@ -271,41 +272,14 @@ protected async Task<(Guid, string projectName, SourceText)> GetGuidAndProjectNa
var document = documentSpan.Document;
var (guid, projectName, sourceText) = await GetGuidAndProjectNameAndSourceTextAsync(document).ConfigureAwait(false);
var classifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan = await GetClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan(
sourceText, documentSpan).ConfigureAwait(false);
var classifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan =
await ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan.ClassifyAsync(documentSpan, CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new DocumentSpanEntry(
this, definitionBucket, documentSpan, spanKind,
projectName, guid, sourceText, classifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan);
private async Task<ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan> GetClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan(
SourceText sourceText, DocumentSpan documentSpan)
// If the document span is providing us with the classified spans up front, then we
// can just use that. Otherwise, go back and actually classify the text for the line
// the document span is on.
if (documentSpan.Properties.TryGetValue(nameof(ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan), out var encoded))
return (ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan)encoded;
var narrowSpan = documentSpan.SourceSpan;
var lineSpan = GetLineSpanForReference(sourceText, narrowSpan);
var taggedLineParts = await GetTaggedTextForDocumentRegionAsync(
documentSpan.Document, narrowSpan, lineSpan).ConfigureAwait(false);
return taggedLineParts;
private TextSpan GetLineSpanForReference(SourceText sourceText, TextSpan referenceSpan)
var sourceLine = sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(referenceSpan.Start);
var firstNonWhitespacePosition = sourceLine.GetFirstNonWhitespacePosition().Value;
return TextSpan.FromBounds(firstNonWhitespacePosition, sourceLine.End);
private TextSpan GetRegionSpanForReference(SourceText sourceText, TextSpan referenceSpan)
const int AdditionalLineCountPerSide = 3;
......@@ -319,202 +293,6 @@ private TextSpan GetRegionSpanForReference(SourceText sourceText, TextSpan refer
private async Task<ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan> GetTaggedTextForDocumentRegionAsync(
Document document, TextSpan narrowSpan, TextSpan widenedSpan)
var highlightSpan = new TextSpan(
start: narrowSpan.Start - widenedSpan.Start,
length: narrowSpan.Length);
var classifiedSpans = await GetClassifiedSpansAsync(document, narrowSpan, widenedSpan).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new ClassifiedSpansAndHighlightSpan(classifiedSpans, highlightSpan);
private async Task<ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan>> GetClassifiedSpansAsync(
Document document, TextSpan narrowSpan, TextSpan widenedSpan)
var classificationService = document.GetLanguageService<IEditorClassificationService>();
if (classificationService == null)
// For languages that don't expose a classification service, we show the entire
// item as plain text. Break the text into three spans so that we can properly
// highlight the 'narrow-span' later on when we display the item.
return ImmutableArray.Create(
new ClassifiedSpan(ClassificationTypeNames.Text, TextSpan.FromBounds(widenedSpan.Start, narrowSpan.Start)),
new ClassifiedSpan(ClassificationTypeNames.Text, narrowSpan),
new ClassifiedSpan(ClassificationTypeNames.Text, TextSpan.FromBounds(narrowSpan.End, widenedSpan.End)));
// Call out to the individual language to classify the chunk of text around the
// reference. We'll get both the syntactic and semantic spans for this region.
// Because the semantic tags may override the semantic ones (for example,
// "DateTime" might be syntactically an identifier, but semantically a struct
// name), we'll do a later merging step to get the final correct list of
// classifications. For tagging, normally the editor handles this. But as
// we're producing the list of Inlines ourselves, we have to handles this here.
var syntaxSpans = ListPool<ClassifiedSpan>.Allocate();
var semanticSpans = ListPool<ClassifiedSpan>.Allocate();
var sourceText = await document.GetTextAsync(CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await classificationService.AddSyntacticClassificationsAsync(
document, widenedSpan, syntaxSpans, CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await classificationService.AddSemanticClassificationsAsync(
document, widenedSpan, semanticSpans, CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var classifiedSpans = MergeClassifiedSpans(
syntaxSpans, semanticSpans, widenedSpan, sourceText);
return classifiedSpans;
private ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan> MergeClassifiedSpans(
List<ClassifiedSpan> syntaxSpans, List<ClassifiedSpan> semanticSpans,
TextSpan widenedSpan, SourceText sourceText)
// The spans produced by the language services may not be ordered
// (indeed, this happens with semantic classification as different
// providers produce different results in an arbitrary order). Order
// them first before proceeding.
// It's possible for us to get classified spans that occur *before*
// or after the span we want to present. This happens because the calls to
// AddSyntacticClassificationsAsync and AddSemanticClassificationsAsync
// may return more spans than the range asked for. While bad form,
// it's never been a requirement that implementation not do that.
// For example, the span may be the non-full-span of a node, but the
// classifiers may still return classifications for leading/trailing
// trivia even if it's out of the bounds of that span.
// To deal with that, we adjust all spans so that they don't go outside
// of the range we care about.
AdjustSpans(syntaxSpans, widenedSpan);
AdjustSpans(semanticSpans, widenedSpan);
// The classification service will only produce classifications for
// things it knows about. i.e. there will be gaps in what it produces.
// Fill in those gaps so we have *all* parts of the span
// classified properly.
var filledInSyntaxSpans = ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan>.GetInstance();
var filledInSemanticSpans = ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan>.GetInstance();
FillInClassifiedSpanGaps(sourceText, widenedSpan.Start, syntaxSpans, filledInSyntaxSpans);
FillInClassifiedSpanGaps(sourceText, widenedSpan.Start, semanticSpans, filledInSemanticSpans);
// Now merge the lists together, taking all the results from syntaxParts
// unless they were overridden by results in semanticParts.
return MergeParts(filledInSyntaxSpans, filledInSemanticSpans);
private void AdjustSpans(List<ClassifiedSpan> spans, TextSpan widenedSpan)
for (var i = 0; i < spans.Count; i++)
var span = spans[i];
// Make sure the span actually intersects 'widenedSpan'. If it
// does not, just put in an empty length span. It will get ignored later
// when we walk through this list.
var intersection = span.TextSpan.Intersection(widenedSpan);
var newSpan = new ClassifiedSpan(span.ClassificationType,
intersection ?? new TextSpan());
spans[i] = newSpan;
private static void FillInClassifiedSpanGaps(
SourceText sourceText, int startPosition,
List<ClassifiedSpan> classifiedSpans, ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan> result)
foreach (var span in classifiedSpans)
// Ignore empty spans. We can get those when the classification service
// returns spans outside of the range of the span we asked to classify.
if (span.TextSpan.Length == 0)
// If there is space between this span and the last one, then add a space.
if (startPosition != span.TextSpan.Start)
result.Add(new ClassifiedSpan(ClassificationTypeNames.Text,
startPosition, span.TextSpan.Start)));
startPosition = span.TextSpan.End;
private void Order(List<ClassifiedSpan> syntaxSpans)
syntaxSpans.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.TextSpan.Start - s2.TextSpan.Start);
private ImmutableArray<ClassifiedSpan> MergeParts(
ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan> syntaxParts,
ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan> semanticParts)
// Take all the syntax parts. However, if any have been overridden by a
// semantic part, then choose that one.
var finalParts = ArrayBuilder<ClassifiedSpan>.GetInstance();
var lastReplacementIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = syntaxParts.Count; i < n; i++)
var syntaxPartAndSpan = syntaxParts[i];
// See if we can find a semantic part to replace this syntax part.
var replacementIndex = semanticParts.FindIndex(
lastReplacementIndex, t => t.TextSpan == syntaxPartAndSpan.TextSpan);
// Take the semantic part if it's just 'text'. We want to keep it if
// the semantic classifier actually produced an interesting result
// (as opposed to it just being a 'gap' classification).
var part = replacementIndex >= 0 && !IsClassifiedAsText(semanticParts[replacementIndex])
? semanticParts[replacementIndex]
: syntaxPartAndSpan;
if (replacementIndex >= 0)
// If we found a semantic replacement, update the lastIndex.
// That way we can start searching from that point instead
// of checking all the elements each time.
lastReplacementIndex = replacementIndex + 1;
return finalParts.ToImmutableAndFree();
private bool IsClassifiedAsText(ClassifiedSpan partAndSpan)
// Don't take 'text' from the semantic parts. We'll get those for the
// spaces between the actual interesting semantic spans, and we don't
// want them to override actual good syntax spans.
return partAndSpan.ClassificationType == ClassificationTypeNames.Text;
public sealed override Task OnReferenceFoundAsync(SourceReferenceItem reference)
=> OnReferenceFoundWorkerAsync(reference);
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.FindUsages;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.IntelliSense.QuickInfo;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.ReferenceHighlighting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
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