提交 ebdcccc3 编写于 作者: D David Poeschl

Merge pull request #3386 from dpoeschl/buildsamples

Build samples in Jenkins
......@@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd
REM Build the compiler so we can self host it for the full build
src\.nuget\NuGet.exe restore %RoslynRoot%/src/Toolset.sln -packagesdirectory packages
msbuild /nologo /v:m /m %RoslynRoot%/src/Compilers/Core/VBCSCompiler/VBCSCompiler.csproj /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration%
msbuild /nologo /v:m /m %RoslynRoot%/src/Compilers/CSharp/csc2/csc2.csproj /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration%
msbuild /nologo /v:m /m %RoslynRoot%/src/Compilers/VisualBasic/vbc2/vbc2.csproj /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration%
msbuild /nologo /v:m /m %RoslynRoot%/src/Toolset.sln /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration%
mkdir %RoslynRoot%\Binaries\Bootstrap
move Binaries\%BuildConfiguration%\* %RoslynRoot%\Binaries\Bootstrap
......@@ -32,6 +30,13 @@ if ERRORLEVEL 1 (
exit /b 1
msbuild /v:m /m /p:BootstrapBuildPath=%RoslynRoot%\Binaries\Bootstrap src/Samples/Samples.sln /p:CIBuild=true /p:Configuration=%BuildConfiguration%
taskkill /F /IM vbcscompiler.exe
echo Build failed
exit /b 1
REM Kill any instances of VBCSCompiler.exe to release locked files;
REM otherwise future CI runs may fail while trying to delete those files.
taskkill /F /IM vbcscompiler.exe
......@@ -44,4 +49,4 @@ exit /b 0
@echo Usage: cibuild.cmd [/debug^|/release]
@echo /debug Perform debug build. This is the default.
@echo /release Perform release build
@goto :eof
\ No newline at end of file
@goto :eof
......@@ -193,6 +193,6 @@
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Message Text="AfterBuild" />
<Exec Command="$(SolutionDir)..\..\packages\NuGet.CommandLine.$(NuGetCommandLineVersion)\tools\NuGet.exe pack Diagnostic.nuspec -NoPackageAnalysis -OutputDirectory $(OutDir)" />
<Exec Condition="'$(CIBuild)' != 'true'" Command="$(SolutionDir)..\..\packages\NuGet.CommandLine.$(NuGetCommandLineVersion)\tools\NuGet.exe pack Diagnostic.nuspec -NoPackageAnalysis -OutputDirectory $(OutDir)" />
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