Port determinism fixes

上级 3df0f5d7
# $bootstrapDir: directory containing the bootstrap compiler
# $release: whether to build a debug or release build
# $altRootDrive: the drive we build on (via subst) for verifying pathmap implementation
param ( [string]$bootstrapDir = "",
[switch]$debugDeterminism = $false)
[switch]$release = $false,
[string]$altRootDrive = "q:")
Set-StrictMode -version 2.0
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
......@@ -12,26 +21,25 @@ $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$script:skipList = @()
# Location that deterministic error information should be written to.
[string]$script:errorDir = ""
[string]$script:errorDirLeft = ""
[string]$script:errorDirRight = ""
[string]$errorDir = ""
[string]$errorDirLeft = ""
[string]$errorDirRight = ""
function Run-Build([string]$rootDir, [switch]$restore = $false, [string]$logFile = $null) {
function Run-Build([string]$rootDir, [string]$logFile = $null) {
Push-Location $rootDir
try {
# Clean out the previous run
Write-Host "Cleaning the Binaries"
Exec-Console $msbuild "/nologo /v:m /nodeReuse:false /t:clean Roslyn.sln"
Remove-Item -Recurse (Get-ConfigDir $rootDir)
Remove-Item -Recurse (Get-ObjDir $rootDir)
if ($restore) {
Write-Host "Restoring the packages"
Restore-Project $dotnet "Roslyn.sln"
Write-Host "Restoring the packages"
Restore-Project $dotnet "Roslyn.sln"
$args = "/nologo /v:m /nodeReuse:false /m /p:DebugDeterminism=true /p:BootstrapBuildPath=$script:bootstrapDir /p:Features=`"debug-determinism`" /p:UseRoslynAnalyzers=false /p:DeployExtension=false Roslyn.sln"
$args = "/nologo /v:m /nodeReuse:false /m /p:DebugDeterminism=true /p:DeveloperBuild=false /p:BootstrapBuildPath=$script:bootstrapDir /p:Features=`"debug-determinism`" /p:UseRoslynAnalyzers=false /p:DeployExtension=false Roslyn.sln"
if ($logFile -ne $null) {
$logFile = Join-Path $binariesDir $logFile
$logFile = Join-Path $logDir $logFile
$args += " /bl:$logFile"
......@@ -47,27 +55,45 @@ function Get-ObjDir([string]$rootDir) {
return Join-Path $rootDir "Binaries\Obj"
function Get-ConfigDir([string]$rootDir) {
return Join-Path $rootDir "Binaries\$buildConfiguration"
# Return all of the files that need to be processed for determinism under the given
# directory.
function Get-FilesToProcess([string]$rootDir) {
$objDir = Get-ObjDir $rootDir
foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem -re -in *.dll,*.exe,*.pdb $objDir) {
$fileFullName = $item.FullName
$fileName = Split-Path -leaf $fileFullName
foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem -re -in *.dll,*.exe,*.pdb,*.sourcelink.json $objDir) {
$filePath = $item.FullName
$fileName = Split-Path -leaf $filePath
if ($skipList.Contains($fileName)) {
$fileId = $fileFullName.Substring($objDir.Length).Replace("\", ".")
$fileHash = (Get-FileHash $fileFullName -algorithm MD5).Hash
$fileId = $filePath.Substring($objDir.Length).Replace("\", ".")
$fileHash = (Get-FileHash $filePath -algorithm MD5).Hash
$data = @{}
$data.Hash = $fileHash
$data.Content = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($fileFullName)
$data.Content = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($filePath)
$data.FileId = $fileId
$data.FileName = $fileName
$data.FileFullName = $fileFullName
$data.FilePath = $filePath
$keyFilePath = $filePath + ".key"
$keyFileName = Split-Path -leaf $keyFilePath
if (Test-Path $keyFilePath) {
$data.KeyFileName = $keyFileName
$data.KeyFilePath = $keyFilePath
$data.KeyFileContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($keyFilePath)
else {
$data.KeyFileName = ""
$data.KeyFilePath = ""
$data.KeyFileContent = $null
Write-Output $data
......@@ -117,8 +143,8 @@ function Test-MapContents($dataMap) {
function Test-Build([string]$rootDir, $dataMap, [string]$logFile, [switch]$restore = $false) {
Run-Build $rootDir -logFile $logFile -restore:$restore
function Test-Build([string]$rootDir, $dataMap, [string]$logFile) {
Run-Build $rootDir -logFile $logFile
$errorList = @()
$allGood = $true
......@@ -127,10 +153,10 @@ function Test-Build([string]$rootDir, $dataMap, [string]$logFile, [switch]$resto
foreach ($fileData in Get-FilesToProcess $rootDir) {
$fileId = $fileData.FileId
$fileName = $fileData.FileName
$fileFullName = $fileData.FileFullName
$filePath = $fileData.FilePath
if (-not $dataMap.Contains($fileId)) {
Write-Host "ERROR! Missing entry in map $fileId->$fileFullName"
Write-Host "ERROR! Missing entry in map $fileId->$filePath"
$allGood = $false
......@@ -142,8 +168,16 @@ function Test-Build([string]$rootDir, $dataMap, [string]$logFile, [switch]$resto
$errorList += $fileName
# Save out the original and baseline so Jenkins will archive them for investigation
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((Join-Path $script:errorDirLeft $fileName), $oldFileData.Content)
Copy-Item $fileFullName (Join-Path $script:errorDirRight $fileName)
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((Join-Path $errorDirLeft $fileName), $oldFileData.Content)
Copy-Item $filePath (Join-Path $errorDirRight $fileName)
# Copy the key files if available too
$keyFileName = $oldFileData.KeyFileName
if ($keyFileName -ne "") {
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((Join-Path $errorDirLeft $keyFileName), $oldFileData.KeyFileContent)
Copy-Item $fileData.KeyFilePath (Join-Path $errorDirRight $keyFileName)
......@@ -157,7 +191,7 @@ function Test-Build([string]$rootDir, $dataMap, [string]$logFile, [switch]$resto
Write-Host "Archiving failure information"
$zipFile = Join-Path $repoDir "Binaries\determinism.zip"
$zipFile = Join-Path $logDir "determinism.zip"
Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem";
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($script:errorDir, $zipFile, "Fastest", $true);
......@@ -169,14 +203,6 @@ function Test-Build([string]$rootDir, $dataMap, [string]$logFile, [switch]$resto
function Run-Test() {
$rootDir = $repoDir
# Ensure the error directory is written for all analysis to use.
$script:errorDir = Join-Path $repoDir "Binaries\Determinism"
$script:errorDirLeft = Join-Path $script:errorDir "Left"
$script:errorDirRight = Join-Path $script:errorDir "Right"
Create-Directory $script:errorDir
Create-Directory $script:errorDirLeft
Create-Directory $script:errorDirRight
# Run the initial build so that we can populate the maps
Run-Build $repoDir -logFile "initial.binlog"
$dataMap = Record-Binaries $repoDir
......@@ -188,19 +214,30 @@ function Run-Test() {
# Run another build in a different source location and verify that path mapping
# allows the build to be identical. To do this we'll copy the entire source
# tree under the Binaries\q directory and run a build from there.
$altRootDir = Join-Path "$repoDir\Binaries" "q"
Remove-Item -re -fo $altRootDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
& robocopy $repoDir $altRootDir /E /XD $binariesDir /XD ".git" /njh /njs /ndl /nc /ns /np /nfl
# Symlink the .git directory to make SourceLink think Binaries/q is the repo root:
& cmd /c mklink /d (Join-Path $altRootDir ".git") (Join-Path $repoDir ".git")
Test-Build -rootDir $altRootDir -dataMap $dataMap -logFile "test2.binlog" -restore
Write-Host "Building in a different directory"
Exec-Command "subst" "$altRootDrive $(Split-Path -parent $repoDir)"
try {
$altRootDir = Join-Path "$($altRootDrive)\" (Split-Path -leaf $repoDir)
Test-Build -rootDir $altRootDir -dataMap $dataMap -logFile "test2.binlog"
finally {
Exec-Command "subst" "$altRootDrive /d"
try {
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "build-utils.ps1")
# Create all of the logging directories
$buildConfiguration = if ($release) { "Release" } else { "Debug" }
$logDir = Join-Path (Get-ConfigDir $repoDir) "Logs"
$errorDir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Determinism"
$errorDirLeft = Join-Path $errorDir "Left"
$errorDirRight = Join-Path $errorDir "Right"
Create-Directory $logDir
Create-Directory $errorDirLeft
Create-Directory $errorDirRight
$dotnet = Ensure-DotnetSdk
$msbuild = Ensure-MSBuild
if (($bootstrapDir -eq "") -or (-not ([IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($script:bootstrapDir)))) {
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