提交 cd00a632 编写于 作者: B Brett V. Forsgren

update auto-merge tool to support multiple repositories and options

上级 4b4ed766
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
<Reference Include="Octokit, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
<Reference Include="Octokit, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
<Reference Include="System" />
......@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Compile Include="Mono.Options\Options.cs" />
<Compile Include="Options.cs" />
<Compile Include="Program.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
// Options.cs
// Authors:
// Jonathan Pryor <jpryor@novell.com>
// Federico Di Gregorio <fog@initd.org>
// Rolf Bjarne Kvinge <rolf@xamarin.com>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Novell (http://www.novell.com)
// Copyright (C) 2009 Federico Di Gregorio.
// Copyright (C) 2012 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Compile With:
// gmcs -debug+ -r:System.Core Options.cs -o:NDesk.Options.dll
// gmcs -debug+ -d:LINQ -r:System.Core Options.cs -o:NDesk.Options.dll
// The LINQ version just changes the implementation of
// OptionSet.Parse(IEnumerable<string>), and confers no semantic changes.
// A Getopt::Long-inspired option parsing library for C#.
// NDesk.Options.OptionSet is built upon a key/value table, where the
// key is a option format string and the value is a delegate that is
// invoked when the format string is matched.
// Option format strings:
// Regex-like BNF Grammar:
// name: .+
// type: [=:]
// sep: ( [^{}]+ | '{' .+ '}' )?
// aliases: ( name type sep ) ( '|' name type sep )*
// Each '|'-delimited name is an alias for the associated action. If the
// format string ends in a '=', it has a required value. If the format
// string ends in a ':', it has an optional value. If neither '=' or ':'
// is present, no value is supported. `=' or `:' need only be defined on one
// alias, but if they are provided on more than one they must be consistent.
// Each alias portion may also end with a "key/value separator", which is used
// to split option values if the option accepts > 1 value. If not specified,
// it defaults to '=' and ':'. If specified, it can be any character except
// '{' and '}' OR the *string* between '{' and '}'. If no separator should be
// used (i.e. the separate values should be distinct arguments), then "{}"
// should be used as the separator.
// Options are extracted either from the current option by looking for
// the option name followed by an '=' or ':', or is taken from the
// following option IFF:
// - The current option does not contain a '=' or a ':'
// - The current option requires a value (i.e. not a Option type of ':')
// The `name' used in the option format string does NOT include any leading
// option indicator, such as '-', '--', or '/'. All three of these are
// permitted/required on any named option.
// Option bundling is permitted so long as:
// - '-' is used to start the option group
// - all of the bundled options are a single character
// - at most one of the bundled options accepts a value, and the value
// provided starts from the next character to the end of the string.
// This allows specifying '-a -b -c' as '-abc', and specifying '-D name=value'
// as '-Dname=value'.
// Option processing is disabled by specifying "--". All options after "--"
// are returned by OptionSet.Parse() unchanged and unprocessed.
// Unprocessed options are returned from OptionSet.Parse().
// Examples:
// int verbose = 0;
// OptionSet p = new OptionSet ()
// .Add ("v", v => ++verbose)
// .Add ("name=|value=", v => Console.WriteLine (v));
// p.Parse (new string[]{"-v", "--v", "/v", "-name=A", "/name", "B", "extra"});
// The above would parse the argument string array, and would invoke the
// lambda expression three times, setting `verbose' to 3 when complete.
// It would also print out "A" and "B" to standard output.
// The returned array would contain the string "extra".
// C# 3.0 collection initializers are supported and encouraged:
// var p = new OptionSet () {
// { "h|?|help", v => ShowHelp () },
// };
// System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter is also supported, allowing the use of
// custom data types in the callback type; TypeConverter.ConvertFromString()
// is used to convert the value option to an instance of the specified
// type:
// var p = new OptionSet () {
// { "foo=", (Foo f) => Console.WriteLine (f.ToString ()) },
// };
// Random other tidbits:
// - Boolean options (those w/o '=' or ':' in the option format string)
// are explicitly enabled if they are followed with '+', and explicitly
// disabled if they are followed with '-':
// string a = null;
// var p = new OptionSet () {
// { "a", s => a = s },
// };
// p.Parse (new string[]{"-a"}); // sets v != null
// p.Parse (new string[]{"-a+"}); // sets v != null
// p.Parse (new string[]{"-a-"}); // sets v == null
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
#if LINQ
using System.Linq;
#if TEST
using NDesk.Options;
namespace NDesk.Options
namespace Mono.Options
static class StringCoda {
public static IEnumerable<string> WrappedLines (string self, params int[] widths)
IEnumerable<int> w = widths;
return WrappedLines (self, w);
public static IEnumerable<string> WrappedLines (string self, IEnumerable<int> widths)
if (widths == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("widths");
return CreateWrappedLinesIterator (self, widths);
private static IEnumerable<string> CreateWrappedLinesIterator (string self, IEnumerable<int> widths)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (self)) {
yield return string.Empty;
yield break;
using (IEnumerator<int> ewidths = widths.GetEnumerator ()) {
bool? hw = null;
int width = GetNextWidth (ewidths, int.MaxValue, ref hw);
int start = 0, end;
do {
end = GetLineEnd (start, width, self);
char c = self [end-1];
if (char.IsWhiteSpace (c))
bool needContinuation = end != self.Length && !IsEolChar (c);
string continuation = "";
if (needContinuation) {
continuation = "-";
string line = self.Substring (start, end - start) + continuation;
yield return line;
start = end;
if (char.IsWhiteSpace (c))
width = GetNextWidth (ewidths, width, ref hw);
} while (start < self.Length);
private static int GetNextWidth (IEnumerator<int> ewidths, int curWidth, ref bool? eValid)
if (!eValid.HasValue || (eValid.HasValue && eValid.Value)) {
curWidth = (eValid = ewidths.MoveNext ()).Value ? ewidths.Current : curWidth;
// '.' is any character, - is for a continuation
const string minWidth = ".-";
if (curWidth < minWidth.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("widths",
string.Format ("Element must be >= {0}, was {1}.", minWidth.Length, curWidth));
return curWidth;
// no more elements, use the last element.
return curWidth;
private static bool IsEolChar (char c)
return !char.IsLetterOrDigit (c);
private static int GetLineEnd (int start, int length, string description)
int end = System.Math.Min (start + length, description.Length);
int sep = -1;
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (description [i] == '\n')
return i+1;
if (IsEolChar (description [i]))
sep = i+1;
if (sep == -1 || end == description.Length)
return end;
return sep;
public class OptionValueCollection : IList, IList<string> {
List<string> values = new List<string> ();
OptionContext c;
internal OptionValueCollection (OptionContext c)
this.c = c;
#region ICollection
void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index) {(values as ICollection).CopyTo (array, index);}
bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {get {return (values as ICollection).IsSynchronized;}}
object ICollection.SyncRoot {get {return (values as ICollection).SyncRoot;}}
#region ICollection<T>
public void Add (string item) {values.Add (item);}
public void Clear () {values.Clear ();}
public bool Contains (string item) {return values.Contains (item);}
public void CopyTo (string[] array, int arrayIndex) {values.CopyTo (array, arrayIndex);}
public bool Remove (string item) {return values.Remove (item);}
public int Count {get {return values.Count;}}
public bool IsReadOnly {get {return false;}}
#region IEnumerable
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () {return values.GetEnumerator ();}
#region IEnumerable<T>
public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator () {return values.GetEnumerator ();}
#region IList
int IList.Add (object value) {return (values as IList).Add (value);}
bool IList.Contains (object value) {return (values as IList).Contains (value);}
int IList.IndexOf (object value) {return (values as IList).IndexOf (value);}
void IList.Insert (int index, object value) {(values as IList).Insert (index, value);}
void IList.Remove (object value) {(values as IList).Remove (value);}
void IList.RemoveAt (int index) {(values as IList).RemoveAt (index);}
bool IList.IsFixedSize {get {return false;}}
object IList.this [int index] {get {return this [index];} set {(values as IList)[index] = value;}}
#region IList<T>
public int IndexOf (string item) {return values.IndexOf (item);}
public void Insert (int index, string item) {values.Insert (index, item);}
public void RemoveAt (int index) {values.RemoveAt (index);}
private void AssertValid (int index)
if (c.Option == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("OptionContext.Option is null.");
if (index >= c.Option.MaxValueCount)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");
if (c.Option.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Required &&
index >= values.Count)
throw new OptionException (string.Format (
c.OptionSet.MessageLocalizer ("Missing required value for option '{0}'."), c.OptionName),
public string this [int index] {
get {
AssertValid (index);
return index >= values.Count ? null : values [index];
set {
values [index] = value;
public List<string> ToList ()
return new List<string> (values);
public string[] ToArray ()
return values.ToArray ();
public override string ToString ()
return string.Join (", ", values.ToArray ());
public class OptionContext {
private Option option;
private string name;
private int index;
private OptionSet set;
private OptionValueCollection c;
public OptionContext (OptionSet set)
this.set = set;
this.c = new OptionValueCollection (this);
public Option Option {
get {return option;}
set {option = value;}
public string OptionName {
get {return name;}
set {name = value;}
public int OptionIndex {
get {return index;}
set {index = value;}
public OptionSet OptionSet {
get {return set;}
public OptionValueCollection OptionValues {
get {return c;}
public enum OptionValueType {
public abstract class Option {
string prototype, description;
string[] names;
OptionValueType type;
int count;
string[] separators;
bool hidden;
protected Option (string prototype, string description)
: this (prototype, description, 1, false)
protected Option (string prototype, string description, int maxValueCount)
: this (prototype, description, maxValueCount, false)
protected Option (string prototype, string description, int maxValueCount, bool hidden)
if (prototype == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("prototype");
if (prototype.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot be the empty string.", "prototype");
if (maxValueCount < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("maxValueCount");
this.prototype = prototype;
this.description = description;
this.count = maxValueCount;
this.names = (this is OptionSet.Category)
// append GetHashCode() so that "duplicate" categories have distinct
// names, e.g. adding multiple "" categories should be valid.
? new[]{prototype + this.GetHashCode ()}
: prototype.Split ('|');
if (this is OptionSet.Category)
this.type = ParsePrototype ();
this.hidden = hidden;
if (this.count == 0 && type != OptionValueType.None)
throw new ArgumentException (
"Cannot provide maxValueCount of 0 for OptionValueType.Required or " +
if (this.type == OptionValueType.None && maxValueCount > 1)
throw new ArgumentException (
string.Format ("Cannot provide maxValueCount of {0} for OptionValueType.None.", maxValueCount),
if (Array.IndexOf (names, "<>") >= 0 &&
((names.Length == 1 && this.type != OptionValueType.None) ||
(names.Length > 1 && this.MaxValueCount > 1)))
throw new ArgumentException (
"The default option handler '<>' cannot require values.",
public string Prototype {get {return prototype;}}
public string Description {get {return description;}}
public OptionValueType OptionValueType {get {return type;}}
public int MaxValueCount {get {return count;}}
public bool Hidden {get {return hidden;}}
public string[] GetNames ()
return (string[]) names.Clone ();
public string[] GetValueSeparators ()
if (separators == null)
return new string [0];
return (string[]) separators.Clone ();
protected static T Parse<T> (string value, OptionContext c)
Type tt = typeof (T);
bool nullable = tt.IsValueType && tt.IsGenericType &&
!tt.IsGenericTypeDefinition &&
tt.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (Nullable<>);
Type targetType = nullable ? tt.GetGenericArguments () [0] : typeof (T);
TypeConverter conv = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (targetType);
T t = default (T);
try {
if (value != null)
t = (T) conv.ConvertFromString (value);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new OptionException (
string.Format (
c.OptionSet.MessageLocalizer ("Could not convert string `{0}' to type {1} for option `{2}'."),
value, targetType.Name, c.OptionName),
c.OptionName, e);
return t;
internal string[] Names {get {return names;}}
internal string[] ValueSeparators {get {return separators;}}
static readonly char[] NameTerminator = new char[]{'=', ':'};
private OptionValueType ParsePrototype ()
char type = '\0';
List<string> seps = new List<string> ();
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i) {
string name = names [i];
if (name.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException ("Empty option names are not supported.", "prototype");
int end = name.IndexOfAny (NameTerminator);
if (end == -1)
names [i] = name.Substring (0, end);
if (type == '\0' || type == name [end])
type = name [end];
throw new ArgumentException (
string.Format ("Conflicting option types: '{0}' vs. '{1}'.", type, name [end]),
AddSeparators (name, end, seps);
if (type == '\0')
return OptionValueType.None;
if (count <= 1 && seps.Count != 0)
throw new ArgumentException (
string.Format ("Cannot provide key/value separators for Options taking {0} value(s).", count),
if (count > 1) {
if (seps.Count == 0)
this.separators = new string[]{":", "="};
else if (seps.Count == 1 && seps [0].Length == 0)
this.separators = null;
this.separators = seps.ToArray ();
return type == '=' ? OptionValueType.Required : OptionValueType.Optional;
private static void AddSeparators (string name, int end, ICollection<string> seps)
int start = -1;
for (int i = end+1; i < name.Length; ++i) {
switch (name [i]) {
case '{':
if (start != -1)
throw new ArgumentException (
string.Format ("Ill-formed name/value separator found in \"{0}\".", name),
start = i+1;
case '}':
if (start == -1)
throw new ArgumentException (
string.Format ("Ill-formed name/value separator found in \"{0}\".", name),
seps.Add (name.Substring (start, i-start));
start = -1;
if (start == -1)
seps.Add (name [i].ToString ());
if (start != -1)
throw new ArgumentException (
string.Format ("Ill-formed name/value separator found in \"{0}\".", name),
public void Invoke (OptionContext c)
OnParseComplete (c);
c.OptionName = null;
c.Option = null;
c.OptionValues.Clear ();
protected abstract void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c);
public override string ToString ()
return Prototype;
public abstract class ArgumentSource {
protected ArgumentSource ()
public abstract string[] GetNames ();
public abstract string Description { get; }
public abstract bool GetArguments (string value, out IEnumerable<string> replacement);
public static IEnumerable<string> GetArgumentsFromFile (string file)
return GetArguments (File.OpenText (file), true);
public static IEnumerable<string> GetArguments (TextReader reader)
return GetArguments (reader, false);
// Cribbed from mcs/driver.cs:LoadArgs(string)
static IEnumerable<string> GetArguments (TextReader reader, bool close)
try {
StringBuilder arg = new StringBuilder ();
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine ()) != null) {
int t = line.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) {
char c = line [i];
if (c == '"' || c == '\'') {
char end = c;
for (i++; i < t; i++){
c = line [i];
if (c == end)
arg.Append (c);
} else if (c == ' ') {
if (arg.Length > 0) {
yield return arg.ToString ();
arg.Length = 0;
} else
arg.Append (c);
if (arg.Length > 0) {
yield return arg.ToString ();
arg.Length = 0;
finally {
if (close)
reader.Close ();
public class ResponseFileSource : ArgumentSource {
public override string[] GetNames ()
return new string[]{"@file"};
public override string Description {
get {return "Read response file for more options.";}
public override bool GetArguments (string value, out IEnumerable<string> replacement)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (value) || !value.StartsWith ("@")) {
replacement = null;
return false;
replacement = ArgumentSource.GetArgumentsFromFile (value.Substring (1));
return true;
public class OptionException : Exception {
private string option;
public OptionException ()
public OptionException (string message, string optionName)
: base (message)
this.option = optionName;
public OptionException (string message, string optionName, Exception innerException)
: base (message, innerException)
this.option = optionName;
protected OptionException (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
: base (info, context)
this.option = info.GetString ("OptionName");
public string OptionName {
get {return this.option;}
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
public override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
base.GetObjectData (info, context);
info.AddValue ("OptionName", option);
public delegate void OptionAction<TKey, TValue> (TKey key, TValue value);
public class OptionSet : KeyedCollection<string, Option>
public OptionSet ()
: this (delegate (string f) {return f;})
public OptionSet (Converter<string, string> localizer)
this.localizer = localizer;
this.roSources = new ReadOnlyCollection<ArgumentSource>(sources);
Converter<string, string> localizer;
public Converter<string, string> MessageLocalizer {
get {return localizer;}
List<ArgumentSource> sources = new List<ArgumentSource> ();
ReadOnlyCollection<ArgumentSource> roSources;
public ReadOnlyCollection<ArgumentSource> ArgumentSources {
get {return roSources;}
protected override string GetKeyForItem (Option item)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("option");
if (item.Names != null && item.Names.Length > 0)
return item.Names [0];
// This should never happen, as it's invalid for Option to be
// constructed w/o any names.
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Option has no names!");
[Obsolete ("Use KeyedCollection.this[string]")]
protected Option GetOptionForName (string option)
if (option == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("option");
try {
return base [option];
catch (KeyNotFoundException) {
return null;
protected override void InsertItem (int index, Option item)
base.InsertItem (index, item);
AddImpl (item);
protected override void RemoveItem (int index)
Option p = Items [index];
base.RemoveItem (index);
// KeyedCollection.RemoveItem() handles the 0th item
for (int i = 1; i < p.Names.Length; ++i) {
Dictionary.Remove (p.Names [i]);
protected override void SetItem (int index, Option item)
base.SetItem (index, item);
AddImpl (item);
private void AddImpl (Option option)
if (option == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("option");
List<string> added = new List<string> (option.Names.Length);
try {
// KeyedCollection.InsertItem/SetItem handle the 0th name.
for (int i = 1; i < option.Names.Length; ++i) {
Dictionary.Add (option.Names [i], option);
added.Add (option.Names [i]);
catch (Exception) {
foreach (string name in added)
Dictionary.Remove (name);
public OptionSet Add (string header)
if (header == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("header");
Add (new Category (header));
return this;
internal sealed class Category : Option {
// Prototype starts with '=' because this is an invalid prototype
// (see Option.ParsePrototype(), and thus it'll prevent Category
// instances from being accidentally used as normal options.
public Category (string description)
: base ("=:Category:= " + description, description)
protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Category.OnParseComplete should not be invoked.");
public new OptionSet Add (Option option)
base.Add (option);
return this;
sealed class ActionOption : Option {
Action<OptionValueCollection> action;
public ActionOption (string prototype, string description, int count, Action<OptionValueCollection> action)
: this (prototype, description, count, action, false)
public ActionOption (string prototype, string description, int count, Action<OptionValueCollection> action, bool hidden)
: base (prototype, description, count, hidden)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("action");
this.action = action;
protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c)
action (c.OptionValues);
public OptionSet Add (string prototype, Action<string> action)
return Add (prototype, null, action);
public OptionSet Add (string prototype, string description, Action<string> action)
return Add (prototype, description, action, false);
public OptionSet Add (string prototype, string description, Action<string> action, bool hidden)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("action");
Option p = new ActionOption (prototype, description, 1,
delegate (OptionValueCollection v) { action (v [0]); }, hidden);
base.Add (p);
return this;
public OptionSet Add (string prototype, OptionAction<string, string> action)
return Add (prototype, null, action);
public OptionSet Add (string prototype, string description, OptionAction<string, string> action)
return Add (prototype, description, action, false);
public OptionSet Add (string prototype, string description, OptionAction<string, string> action, bool hidden) {
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("action");
Option p = new ActionOption (prototype, description, 2,
delegate (OptionValueCollection v) {action (v [0], v [1]);}, hidden);
base.Add (p);
return this;
sealed class ActionOption<T> : Option {
Action<T> action;
public ActionOption (string prototype, string description, Action<T> action)
: base (prototype, description, 1)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("action");
this.action = action;
protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c)
action (Parse<T> (c.OptionValues [0], c));
sealed class ActionOption<TKey, TValue> : Option {
OptionAction<TKey, TValue> action;
public ActionOption (string prototype, string description, OptionAction<TKey, TValue> action)
: base (prototype, description, 2)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("action");
this.action = action;
protected override void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c)
action (
Parse<TKey> (c.OptionValues [0], c),
Parse<TValue> (c.OptionValues [1], c));
public OptionSet Add<T> (string prototype, Action<T> action)
return Add (prototype, null, action);
public OptionSet Add<T> (string prototype, string description, Action<T> action)
return Add (new ActionOption<T> (prototype, description, action));
public OptionSet Add<TKey, TValue> (string prototype, OptionAction<TKey, TValue> action)
return Add (prototype, null, action);
public OptionSet Add<TKey, TValue> (string prototype, string description, OptionAction<TKey, TValue> action)
return Add (new ActionOption<TKey, TValue> (prototype, description, action));
public OptionSet Add (ArgumentSource source)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("source");
sources.Add (source);
return this;
protected virtual OptionContext CreateOptionContext ()
return new OptionContext (this);
public List<string> Parse (IEnumerable<string> arguments)
if (arguments == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("arguments");
OptionContext c = CreateOptionContext ();
c.OptionIndex = -1;
bool process = true;
List<string> unprocessed = new List<string> ();
Option def = Contains ("<>") ? this ["<>"] : null;
ArgumentEnumerator ae = new ArgumentEnumerator (arguments);
foreach (string argument in ae) {
if (argument == "--") {
process = false;
if (!process) {
Unprocessed (unprocessed, def, c, argument);
if (AddSource (ae, argument))
if (!Parse (argument, c))
Unprocessed (unprocessed, def, c, argument);
if (c.Option != null)
c.Option.Invoke (c);
return unprocessed;
class ArgumentEnumerator : IEnumerable<string> {
List<IEnumerator<string>> sources = new List<IEnumerator<string>> ();
public ArgumentEnumerator (IEnumerable<string> arguments)
sources.Add (arguments.GetEnumerator ());
public void Add (IEnumerable<string> arguments)
sources.Add (arguments.GetEnumerator ());
public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator ()
do {
IEnumerator<string> c = sources [sources.Count-1];
if (c.MoveNext ())
yield return c.Current;
else {
c.Dispose ();
sources.RemoveAt (sources.Count-1);
} while (sources.Count > 0);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
return GetEnumerator ();
bool AddSource (ArgumentEnumerator ae, string argument)
foreach (ArgumentSource source in sources) {
IEnumerable<string> replacement;
if (!source.GetArguments (argument, out replacement))
ae.Add (replacement);
return true;
return false;
private static bool Unprocessed (ICollection<string> extra, Option def, OptionContext c, string argument)
if (def == null) {
extra.Add (argument);
return false;
c.OptionValues.Add (argument);
c.Option = def;
c.Option.Invoke (c);
return false;
private readonly Regex ValueOption = new Regex (
protected bool GetOptionParts (string argument, out string flag, out string name, out string sep, out string value)
if (argument == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("argument");
flag = name = sep = value = null;
Match m = ValueOption.Match (argument);
if (!m.Success) {
return false;
flag = m.Groups ["flag"].Value;
name = m.Groups ["name"].Value;
if (m.Groups ["sep"].Success && m.Groups ["value"].Success) {
sep = m.Groups ["sep"].Value;
value = m.Groups ["value"].Value;
return true;
protected virtual bool Parse (string argument, OptionContext c)
if (c.Option != null) {
ParseValue (argument, c);
return true;
string f, n, s, v;
if (!GetOptionParts (argument, out f, out n, out s, out v))
return false;
Option p;
if (Contains (n)) {
p = this [n];
c.OptionName = f + n;
c.Option = p;
switch (p.OptionValueType) {
case OptionValueType.None:
c.OptionValues.Add (n);
c.Option.Invoke (c);
case OptionValueType.Optional:
case OptionValueType.Required:
ParseValue (v, c);
return true;
// no match; is it a bool option?
if (ParseBool (argument, n, c))
return true;
// is it a bundled option?
if (ParseBundledValue (f, string.Concat (n + s + v), c))
return true;
return false;
private void ParseValue (string option, OptionContext c)
if (option != null)
foreach (string o in c.Option.ValueSeparators != null
? option.Split (c.Option.ValueSeparators, c.Option.MaxValueCount - c.OptionValues.Count, StringSplitOptions.None)
: new string[]{option}) {
c.OptionValues.Add (o);
if (c.OptionValues.Count == c.Option.MaxValueCount ||
c.Option.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Optional)
c.Option.Invoke (c);
else if (c.OptionValues.Count > c.Option.MaxValueCount) {
throw new OptionException (localizer (string.Format (
"Error: Found {0} option values when expecting {1}.",
c.OptionValues.Count, c.Option.MaxValueCount)),
private bool ParseBool (string option, string n, OptionContext c)
Option p;
string rn;
if (n.Length >= 1 && (n [n.Length-1] == '+' || n [n.Length-1] == '-') &&
Contains ((rn = n.Substring (0, n.Length-1)))) {
p = this [rn];
string v = n [n.Length-1] == '+' ? option : null;
c.OptionName = option;
c.Option = p;
c.OptionValues.Add (v);
p.Invoke (c);
return true;
return false;
private bool ParseBundledValue (string f, string n, OptionContext c)
if (f != "-")
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; ++i) {
Option p;
string opt = f + n [i].ToString ();
string rn = n [i].ToString ();
if (!Contains (rn)) {
if (i == 0)
return false;
throw new OptionException (string.Format (localizer (
"Cannot bundle unregistered option '{0}'."), opt), opt);
p = this [rn];
switch (p.OptionValueType) {
case OptionValueType.None:
Invoke (c, opt, n, p);
case OptionValueType.Optional:
case OptionValueType.Required: {
string v = n.Substring (i+1);
c.Option = p;
c.OptionName = opt;
ParseValue (v.Length != 0 ? v : null, c);
return true;
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Unknown OptionValueType: " + p.OptionValueType);
return true;
private static void Invoke (OptionContext c, string name, string value, Option option)
c.OptionName = name;
c.Option = option;
c.OptionValues.Add (value);
option.Invoke (c);
private const int OptionWidth = 29;
private const int Description_FirstWidth = 80 - OptionWidth;
private const int Description_RemWidth = 80 - OptionWidth - 2;
public void WriteOptionDescriptions (TextWriter o)
foreach (Option p in this) {
int written = 0;
if (p.Hidden)
Category c = p as Category;
if (c != null) {
WriteDescription (o, p.Description, "", 80, 80);
if (!WriteOptionPrototype (o, p, ref written))
if (written < OptionWidth)
o.Write (new string (' ', OptionWidth - written));
else {
o.WriteLine ();
o.Write (new string (' ', OptionWidth));
WriteDescription (o, p.Description, new string (' ', OptionWidth+2),
Description_FirstWidth, Description_RemWidth);
foreach (ArgumentSource s in sources) {
string[] names = s.GetNames ();
if (names == null || names.Length == 0)
int written = 0;
Write (o, ref written, " ");
Write (o, ref written, names [0]);
for (int i = 1; i < names.Length; ++i) {
Write (o, ref written, ", ");
Write (o, ref written, names [i]);
if (written < OptionWidth)
o.Write (new string (' ', OptionWidth - written));
else {
o.WriteLine ();
o.Write (new string (' ', OptionWidth));
WriteDescription (o, s.Description, new string (' ', OptionWidth+2),
Description_FirstWidth, Description_RemWidth);
void WriteDescription (TextWriter o, string value, string prefix, int firstWidth, int remWidth)
bool indent = false;
foreach (string line in GetLines (localizer (GetDescription (value)), firstWidth, remWidth)) {
if (indent)
o.Write (prefix);
o.WriteLine (line);
indent = true;
bool WriteOptionPrototype (TextWriter o, Option p, ref int written)
string[] names = p.Names;
int i = GetNextOptionIndex (names, 0);
if (i == names.Length)
return false;
if (names [i].Length == 1) {
Write (o, ref written, " -");
Write (o, ref written, names [0]);
else {
Write (o, ref written, " --");
Write (o, ref written, names [0]);
for ( i = GetNextOptionIndex (names, i+1);
i < names.Length; i = GetNextOptionIndex (names, i+1)) {
Write (o, ref written, ", ");
Write (o, ref written, names [i].Length == 1 ? "-" : "--");
Write (o, ref written, names [i]);
if (p.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Optional ||
p.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Required) {
if (p.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Optional) {
Write (o, ref written, localizer ("["));
Write (o, ref written, localizer ("=" + GetArgumentName (0, p.MaxValueCount, p.Description)));
string sep = p.ValueSeparators != null && p.ValueSeparators.Length > 0
? p.ValueSeparators [0]
: " ";
for (int c = 1; c < p.MaxValueCount; ++c) {
Write (o, ref written, localizer (sep + GetArgumentName (c, p.MaxValueCount, p.Description)));
if (p.OptionValueType == OptionValueType.Optional) {
Write (o, ref written, localizer ("]"));
return true;
static int GetNextOptionIndex (string[] names, int i)
while (i < names.Length && names [i] == "<>") {
return i;
static void Write (TextWriter o, ref int n, string s)
n += s.Length;
o.Write (s);
private static string GetArgumentName (int index, int maxIndex, string description)
if (description == null)
return maxIndex == 1 ? "VALUE" : "VALUE" + (index + 1);
string[] nameStart;
if (maxIndex == 1)
nameStart = new string[]{"{0:", "{"};
nameStart = new string[]{"{" + index + ":"};
for (int i = 0; i < nameStart.Length; ++i) {
int start, j = 0;
do {
start = description.IndexOf (nameStart [i], j);
} while (start >= 0 && j != 0 ? description [j++ - 1] == '{' : false);
if (start == -1)
int end = description.IndexOf ("}", start);
if (end == -1)
return description.Substring (start + nameStart [i].Length, end - start - nameStart [i].Length);
return maxIndex == 1 ? "VALUE" : "VALUE" + (index + 1);
private static string GetDescription (string description)
if (description == null)
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (description.Length);
int start = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < description.Length; ++i) {
switch (description [i]) {
case '{':
if (i == start) {
sb.Append ('{');
start = -1;
else if (start < 0)
start = i + 1;
case '}':
if (start < 0) {
if ((i+1) == description.Length || description [i+1] != '}')
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid option description: " + description);
sb.Append ("}");
else {
sb.Append (description.Substring (start, i - start));
start = -1;
case ':':
if (start < 0)
goto default;
start = i + 1;
if (start < 0)
sb.Append (description [i]);
return sb.ToString ();
private static IEnumerable<string> GetLines (string description, int firstWidth, int remWidth)
return StringCoda.WrappedLines (description, firstWidth, remWidth);
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Linq;
namespace GitMergeBot
internal sealed class Options
public string AuthToken { get; set; }
public string RepoName { get; set; }
public string SourceBranch { get; set; }
public string DestinationBranch { get; set; }
public string SourceUser { get; set; }
public string DestinationUser { get; set; }
public bool Debug { get; set; }
public bool ShowHelp { get; set; }
public bool AreValid => new[] { AuthToken, RepoName, SourceBranch, DestinationBranch, SourceUser, DestinationUser }.All(s => s != null);
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using Octokit;
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Mono.Options;
using Octokit;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
namespace GitMergeBot
class Program
static int Main(string[] args)
var exeName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
var options = new Options();
// default to using an environment variable, but allow an explicitly provided value to override
options.AuthToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AUTH_CODE");
var parameters = new OptionSet()
$"Usage: {exeName} [options]",
"Create a pull request from the specified user and branch to another specified user and branch.",
{ "a|auth=", "The GitHub authentication token.", value => options.AuthToken = value },
{ "r|repo=", "The name of the remote repository.", value => options.RepoName = value },
{ "s|source=", "The source branch of the merge operation.", value => options.SourceBranch = value },
{ "d|dest=", "The destination branch of the merge operation.", value => options.DestinationBranch = value },
{ "su|sourceuser=", "The user hosting the source branch of the merge operation.", value => options.SourceUser = value },
{ "du|destuser=", "The user hosting the destination branch of the merge operation.", value => options.DestinationUser = value },
{ "debug", "Print debugging information about the merge but don't actually create the pull request.", value => options.Debug = value != null },
{ "h|help", "Show this message and exit.", value => options.ShowHelp = value != null }
catch (OptionException e)
Console.WriteLine($"{exeName}: {e.Message}");
Console.WriteLine($"Try `{exeName} --help` for more information.");
return 1;
if (options.ShowHelp || !options.AreValid)
return options.AreValid ? 0 : 1;
var github = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue(options.SourceUser));
github.Credentials = new Credentials(options.AuthToken);
new Program().MakePullRequest(github, options).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
return 0;
public async Task MakePullRequest(GitHubClient github, Options options)
var remoteIntoBranch = await GetShaFromBranch(github, options.DestinationUser, options.RepoName, options.SourceBranch);
var newBranchName = await MakePrBranch(github, options, options.SourceUser, options.RepoName, remoteIntoBranch, $"merge-{options.SourceBranch}-into-{options.DestinationBranch}");
await SubmitPullRequest(github, options, newBranchName);
/// <returns> The SHA at the tip of `branchName` in the repository `user/repo` </returns>
static async Task<string> GetShaFromBranch(GitHubClient github, string user, string repo, string branchName)
private async Task<string> GetShaFromBranch(GitHubClient github, string user, string repo, string branchName)
var refs = await github.GitDatabase.Reference.Get(user, repo, $"heads/{branchName}");
return refs.Object.Sha;
......@@ -20,19 +79,26 @@ static async Task<string> GetShaFromBranch(GitHubClient github, string user, str
/// Creates a PR branch on the bot account with the branch head at `sha`.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> The name of the branch that was created </returns>
static async Task<string> MakePrBranch(GitHubClient github, string user, string repo, string sha, string branchNamePrefix)
private async Task<string> MakePrBranch(GitHubClient github, Options options, string user, string repo, string sha, string branchNamePrefix)
var branchName = branchNamePrefix + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
var resp = await github.Connection.Post<string>(
uri: new Uri($"https://api.github.com/repos/{user}/{repo}/git/refs"),
body: $"{{\"ref\": \"refs/heads/{branchName}\", \"sha\": \"{sha}\"",
accepts: "*/*",
contentType: "application/json");
var statusCode = resp.HttpResponse.StatusCode;
if (statusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created)
if (options.Debug)
WriteDebugLine($"Create remote branch '{user}/{repo}/{branchName}' at {sha}");
throw new Exception($"Failed creating a new branch {branchName} on {user}/{repo} with code {statusCode}");
var resp = await github.Connection.Post<string>(
uri: new Uri($"https://api.github.com/repos/{user}/{repo}/git/refs"),
body: $"{{\"ref\": \"refs/heads/{branchName}\", \"sha\": \"{sha}\"",
accepts: "*/*",
contentType: "application/json");
var statusCode = resp.HttpResponse.StatusCode;
if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created)
throw new Exception($"Failed creating a new branch {branchName} on {user}/{repo} with code {statusCode}");
return branchName;
......@@ -41,83 +107,53 @@ static async Task<string> MakePrBranch(GitHubClient github, string user, string
/// <summary>
/// Creates a pull request
/// </summary>
static async Task SubmitPullRequest(GitHubClient github, string remoteUser, string myUser, string repoName,
string newBranchName, string fromBranch, string intoBranch)
private async Task SubmitPullRequest(GitHubClient github, Options options, string newBranchName)
await github.PullRequest.Create(remoteUser, repoName,
new NewPullRequest($"Merge {fromBranch} into {intoBranch}", head: $"{myUser}:{newBranchName}", baseRef: intoBranch) {
Body = $@"
This is an automatically generated pull request from {fromBranch} into {intoBranch}.
var remoteName = $"{options.SourceUser}-{options.RepoName}";
var prTitle = $"Merge {options.SourceBranch} into {options.DestinationBranch}";
var prMessage = $@"
This is an automatically generated pull request from {options.SourceBranch} into {options.DestinationBranch}.
git remote add roslyn-bot ""https://github.com/roslyn-bot/roslyn.git""
git fetch roslyn-bot
``` bash
git remote add {remoteName} ""https://github.com/{options.SourceUser}/{options.RepoName}.git""
git fetch {remoteName}
git checkout {newBranchName}
git reset --hard upstream/{intoBranch}
git merge upstream/{fromBranch}
git reset --hard upstream/{options.DestinationBranch}
git merge upstream/{options.SourceBranch}
# Fix merge conflicts
git commit
git push roslyn-bot {newBranchName} --force
git push {remoteName} {newBranchName} --force
Once the merge can be made and all the tests pass, you are free to merge the pull request.
static async Task MakePullRequest(GitHubClient github, string remoteUser, string myUser, string repoName, string fromBranch, string intoBranch)
var remoteIntoBranch = await GetShaFromBranch(github, remoteUser, repoName, fromBranch);
var newBranchName = await MakePrBranch(github, myUser, repoName, remoteIntoBranch, $"merge-{fromBranch}-into-{intoBranch}");
await SubmitPullRequest(github, remoteUser, myUser, repoName, newBranchName, fromBranch, intoBranch);
static async Task _Main(GitHubClient github)
await MakePullRequest(github, remoteUser: "dotnet", myUser: "roslyn-bot", repoName: "roslyn", fromBranch: "master", intoBranch: "future");
static void PrintUsage()
Console.WriteLine(" roslyn-merge-bot [auth-code]");
Console.WriteLine("If the auth-code parameter is not set, an environment variable named AUTH_CODE must be set.");
static int Main(string[] args)
string auth = null;
if (args.Length == 1)
if (options.Debug)
if (args[0] == "--help" || args[0] == "/help")
return 0;
auth = args[0];
WriteDebugLine($"Create PR with title: {prTitle}.");
WriteDebugLine($"Create PR with body:\r\n{prMessage}");
auth = (string) Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()["AUTH_CODE"];
await github.PullRequest.Create(
owner: options.DestinationUser,
name: options.RepoName,
newPullRequest: new NewPullRequest(
title: prTitle,
head: $"{options.SourceUser}:{newBranchName}",
baseRef: options.DestinationBranch)
Body = prMessage
if (auth != null) {
var github = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("roslyn-bot"));
github.Credentials = new Credentials(auth);
return 0;
return 1;
private void WriteDebugLine(string line)
Console.WriteLine("Debug: " + line);
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