Ensure pipename argument quoted

The name for the named pipe used between MSBuild and VBCSCompiler is
generated from a combination of values including the current user name,
specifically `%USERNAME%`. It is possible for this value to have spaces
in it and hence the argument must be quoted when passing it to the
command line of VBCSCompiler instances.

Regression initially introduced: #32257
上级 6d07d390
......@@ -542,5 +542,39 @@ public async Task IncorrectServerHashReturnsIncorrectHashResponse()
Assert.Equal(BuildResponse.ResponseType.IncorrectHash, buildResponse.Type);
[WorkItem(33452, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33452")]
public void QuotePipeName_Desktop()
var serverInfo = BuildServerConnection.GetServerProcessInfo(@"q:\tools", "name with space");
Assert.Equal(@"q:\tools\VBCSCompiler.exe", serverInfo.processFilePath);
Assert.Equal(@"q:\tools\VBCSCompiler.exe", serverInfo.toolFilePath);
Assert.Equal(@"""-pipename:name with space""", serverInfo.commandLineArguments);
[WorkItem(33452, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33452")]
public void QuotePipeName_CoreClr()
var toolDir = ExecutionConditionUtil.IsWindows
? @"q:\tools"
: "/tools";
var serverInfo = BuildServerConnection.GetServerProcessInfo(toolDir, "name with space");
var vbcsFilePath = Path.Combine(toolDir, "VBCSCompiler.dll");
Assert.Equal(vbcsFilePath, serverInfo.toolFilePath);
Assert.Equal($@"exec ""{vbcsFilePath}"" ""-pipename:name with space""", serverInfo.commandLineArguments);
[InlineData(@"name with space.T.basename", "name with space", true, "basename")]
[InlineData(@"ha_ha.T.basename", @"ha""ha", true, "basename")]
[InlineData(@"jared.T.ha_ha", @"jared", true, @"ha""ha")]
[InlineData(@"jared.F.ha_ha", @"jared", false, @"ha""ha")]
[InlineData(@"jared.F.ha_ha", @"jared", false, @"ha\ha")]
public void GetPipeNameCore(string expectedName, string userName, bool isAdmin, string basePipeName)
Assert.Equal(expectedName, BuildServerConnection.GetPipeNameCore(userName, isAdmin, basePipeName));
......@@ -378,10 +378,16 @@ internal static bool IsCompilerServerSupported(string tempPath)
internal static bool TryCreateServerCore(string clientDir, string pipeName)
internal static (string processFilePath, string commandLineArguments, string toolFilePath) GetServerProcessInfo(string clientDir, string pipeName)
var serverPathWithoutExtension = Path.Combine(clientDir, "VBCSCompiler");
var serverInfo = RuntimeHostInfo.GetProcessInfo(serverPathWithoutExtension, $"-pipename:{pipeName}");
var commandLineArgs = $@"""-pipename:{pipeName}""";
return RuntimeHostInfo.GetProcessInfo(serverPathWithoutExtension, commandLineArgs);
internal static bool TryCreateServerCore(string clientDir, string pipeName)
var serverInfo = GetServerProcessInfo(clientDir, pipeName);
if (!File.Exists(serverInfo.toolFilePath))
......@@ -480,7 +486,24 @@ internal static string GetPipeNameForPathOpt(string compilerExeDirectory)
return null;
return $"{userName}.{(isAdmin ? 'T' : 'F')}.{basePipeName}";
return GetPipeNameCore(userName, isAdmin, basePipeName);
internal static string GetPipeNameCore(string userName, bool isAdmin, string basePipeName)
var pipeName = $"{userName}.{(isAdmin ? 'T' : 'F')}.{basePipeName}";
// The pipe name is passed between processes as a command line argument as a
// quoted value. Unfortunately we can't use ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList as
// we still target net472 (API only available on CoreClr + netstandard). To
// make the problem approachable we remove the troublesome characters.
// This does mean if two users on the same machine are building simultaneously
// and the user names differ only be a " or / and a _ then there will be a
// conflict. That seems rather obscure though.
return pipeName
.Replace('"', '_')
.Replace('\\', '_');
/// <summary>
......@@ -225,6 +225,12 @@ public class ClrOnly : ExecutionCondition
public override string SkipReason => "Test not supported on Mono";
public class CoreClrOnly : ExecutionCondition
public override bool ShouldSkip => !ExecutionConditionUtil.IsCoreClr;
public override string SkipReason => "Test only supported on CoreClr";
public class DesktopOnly : ExecutionCondition
public override bool ShouldSkip => !ExecutionConditionUtil.IsDesktop;
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