提交 bf3d55dc 编写于 作者: C CyrusNajmabadi 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #13224 from CyrusNajmabadi/removeDeadFile

Remove file that exists on disk, but isn't referenced by any Roslyn project.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxKind;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
public static partial class SyntaxFacts
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the node is the alias of an AliasQualifiedNameSyntax
/// </summary>
public static bool IsAliasQualifier(SyntaxNode node)
var p = node.Parent as AliasQualifiedNameSyntax;
return p != null && p.Alias == node;
public static bool IsAttributeName(SyntaxNode node)
var parent = node.Parent;
if (parent == null || !IsName(node.Kind()))
return false;
switch (parent.Kind())
case QualifiedName:
var qn = (QualifiedNameSyntax)parent;
return qn.Right == node ? IsAttributeName(parent) : false;
case AliasQualifiedName:
var an = (AliasQualifiedNameSyntax)parent;
return an.Name == node ? IsAttributeName(parent) : false;
var p = node.Parent as AttributeSyntax;
return p != null && p.Name == node;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the node is the object of an invocation expression.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsInvoked(ExpressionSyntax node)
node = (ExpressionSyntax)SyntaxFactory.GetStandaloneExpression(node);
var inv = node.Parent as InvocationExpressionSyntax;
return inv != null && inv.Expression == node;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the node is the object of an element access expression.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsIndexed(ExpressionSyntax node)
node = (ExpressionSyntax)SyntaxFactory.GetStandaloneExpression(node);
var indexer = node.Parent as ElementAccessExpressionSyntax;
return indexer != null && indexer.Expression == node;
public static bool IsNamespaceAliasQualifier(ExpressionSyntax node)
var parent = node.Parent as AliasQualifiedNameSyntax;
return parent != null && parent.Alias == node;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the node is in a tree location that is expected to be a type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsInTypeOnlyContext(ExpressionSyntax node)
node = (ExpressionSyntax)SyntaxFactory.GetStandaloneExpression(node);
var parent = node.Parent;
if (parent != null)
switch (parent.Kind())
case Attribute:
return ((AttributeSyntax)parent).Name == node;
case ArrayType:
return ((ArrayTypeSyntax)parent).ElementType == node;
case PointerType:
return ((PointerTypeSyntax)parent).ElementType == node;
case PredefinedType:
return true;
case NullableType:
return ((NullableTypeSyntax)parent).ElementType == node;
case TypeArgumentList:
// all children of GenericNames are type arguments
return true;
case CastExpression:
return ((CastExpressionSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case ObjectCreationExpression:
return ((ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case StackAllocArrayCreationExpression:
return ((StackAllocArrayCreationExpressionSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case FromClause:
return ((FromClauseSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case JoinClause:
return ((JoinClauseSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case VariableDeclaration:
return ((VariableDeclarationSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case ForEachStatement:
return ((ForEachStatementSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case CatchDeclaration:
return ((CatchDeclarationSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case AsExpression:
case IsExpression:
return ((BinaryExpressionSyntax)parent).Right == node;
case TypeOfExpression:
return ((TypeOfExpressionSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case SizeOfExpression:
return ((SizeOfExpressionSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case DefaultExpression:
return ((DefaultExpressionSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case RefValueExpression:
return ((RefValueExpressionSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case Parameter:
return ((ParameterSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case TypeConstraint:
return ((TypeConstraintSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case MethodDeclaration:
return ((MethodDeclarationSyntax)parent).ReturnType == node;
case IndexerDeclaration:
return ((IndexerDeclarationSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case OperatorDeclaration:
return ((OperatorDeclarationSyntax)parent).ReturnType == node;
case ConversionOperatorDeclaration:
return ((ConversionOperatorDeclarationSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case PropertyDeclaration:
return ((PropertyDeclarationSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case DelegateDeclaration:
return ((DelegateDeclarationSyntax)parent).ReturnType == node;
case EventDeclaration:
return ((EventDeclarationSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case SimpleBaseType:
return true;
case CrefParameter:
return true;
case ConversionOperatorMemberCref:
return ((ConversionOperatorMemberCrefSyntax)parent).Type == node;
case ExplicitInterfaceSpecifier:
// #13.4.1 An explicit member implementation is a method, property, event or indexer
// declaration that references a fully qualified interface member name.
// A ExplicitInterfaceSpecifier represents the left part (QN) of the member name, so it
// should be treated like a QualifiedName.
return ((ExplicitInterfaceSpecifierSyntax)parent).Name == node;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a node is in a tree location that is expected to be either a namespace or type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsInNamespaceOrTypeContext(ExpressionSyntax node)
if (node != null)
node = (ExpressionSyntax)SyntaxFactory.GetStandaloneExpression(node);
var parent = node.Parent;
if (parent != null)
switch (parent.Kind())
case UsingDirective:
return ((UsingDirectiveSyntax)parent).Name == node;
case QualifiedName:
// left of QN is namespace or type. Note: when you have "a.b.c()", then
// "a.b" is not a qualified name, it is a member access expression.
// Qualified names are only parsed when the parser knows it's a type only
// context.
return ((QualifiedNameSyntax)parent).Left == node;
return IsInTypeOnlyContext(node);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Is the node the name of a named argument of an invocation, object creation expression,
/// constructor initializer, or element access, but not an attribute.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsNamedArgumentName(SyntaxNode node)
// An argument name is an IdentifierName inside a NameColon, inside an Argument, inside an ArgumentList, inside an
// Invocation, ObjectCreation, ObjectInitializer, or ElementAccess.
if (!node.IsKind(IdentifierName))
return false;
var parent1 = node.Parent;
if (parent1 == null || !parent1.IsKind(NameColon))
return false;
var parent2 = parent1.Parent;
if (parent2 == null || !(parent2.IsKind(Argument) || parent2.IsKind(AttributeArgument)))
return false;
var parent3 = parent2.Parent;
if (parent3 == null || !(parent3 is BaseArgumentListSyntax || parent3.IsKind(AttributeArgumentList)))
return false;
var parent4 = parent3.Parent;
if (parent4 == null)
return false;
switch (parent4.Kind())
case InvocationExpression:
case ObjectCreationExpression:
case ObjectInitializerExpression:
case ElementAccessExpression:
case Attribute:
case BaseConstructorInitializer:
case ThisConstructorInitializer:
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Is the expression the initializer in a fixed statement?
/// </summary>
public static bool IsFixedStatementExpression(SyntaxNode node)
node = node.Parent;
// Dig through parens because dev10 does (even though the spec doesn't say so)
// Dig through casts because there's a special error code (CS0254) for such casts.
while (node != null && (node.IsKind(ParenthesizedExpression) || node.IsKind(CastExpression))) node = node.Parent;
if (node == null || !node.IsKind(EqualsValueClause)) return false;
node = node.Parent;
if (node == null || !node.IsKind(VariableDeclarator)) return false;
node = node.Parent;
if (node == null || !node.IsKind(VariableDeclaration)) return false;
node = node.Parent;
return node != null && node.IsKind(FixedStatement);
public static string GetText(Accessibility accessibility)
switch (accessibility)
case Accessibility.NotApplicable:
return string.Empty;
case Accessibility.Private:
return SyntaxFacts.GetText(PrivateKeyword);
case Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal:
// TODO: C# doesn't have a representation for this.
// For now, use Reflector's representation.
return SyntaxFacts.GetText(InternalKeyword) + " " + SyntaxFacts.GetText(ProtectedKeyword);
case Accessibility.Internal:
return SyntaxFacts.GetText(InternalKeyword);
case Accessibility.Protected:
return SyntaxFacts.GetText(ProtectedKeyword);
case Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal:
return SyntaxFacts.GetText(ProtectedKeyword) + " " + SyntaxFacts.GetText(InternalKeyword);
case Accessibility.Public:
return SyntaxFacts.GetText(PublicKeyword);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, $"Unknown accessibility '{accessibility}'");
return null;
internal static bool IsStatementExpression(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax)
// The grammar gives:
// expression-statement:
// statement-expression ;
// statement-expression:
// invocation-expression
// object-creation-expression
// assignment
// post-increment-expression
// post-decrement-expression
// pre-increment-expression
// pre-decrement-expression
// await-expression
switch (syntax.Kind())
case InvocationExpression:
case ObjectCreationExpression:
case SimpleAssignmentExpression:
case AddAssignmentExpression:
case SubtractAssignmentExpression:
case MultiplyAssignmentExpression:
case DivideAssignmentExpression:
case ModuloAssignmentExpression:
case AndAssignmentExpression:
case OrAssignmentExpression:
case ExclusiveOrAssignmentExpression:
case LeftShiftAssignmentExpression:
case RightShiftAssignmentExpression:
case PostIncrementExpression:
case PostDecrementExpression:
case PreIncrementExpression:
case PreDecrementExpression:
case AwaitExpression:
case ReferenceAssignmentExpression:
return true;
case ConditionalAccessExpression:
var access = (ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax)syntax;
return IsStatementExpression(access.WhenNotNull);
// Allow missing IdentifierNames; they will show up in error cases
// where there is no statement whatsoever.
case IdentifierName:
return syntax.IsMissing;
// TODO: The native implementation also disallows delegate
// creation expressions with the ERR_IllegalStatement error,
// so that needs to go into the semantic analysis somewhere
// if we intend to carry it forward.
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the specified <paramref name="node"/> is a body of an anonymous method, lambda,
/// or a part of a query clause that is syntactically translated to a lambda body.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsLambdaBody(SyntaxNode node)
if (node == null)
return false;
var parent = node.Parent;
if (parent == null)
return false;
switch (parent.Kind())
case ParenthesizedLambdaExpression:
case SimpleLambdaExpression:
case AnonymousMethodExpression:
return true;
case FromClause:
var fromClause = (FromClauseSyntax)parent;
return fromClause.Expression == node && fromClause.Parent is QueryBodySyntax;
case JoinClause:
var joinClause = (JoinClauseSyntax)parent;
return joinClause.LeftExpression == node || joinClause.RightExpression == node;
case LetClause:
var letClause = (LetClauseSyntax)parent;
return letClause.Expression == node;
case WhereClause:
var whereClause = (WhereClauseSyntax)parent;
return whereClause.Condition == node;
case AscendingOrdering:
case DescendingOrdering:
var ordering = (OrderingSyntax)parent;
return ordering.Expression == node;
case SelectClause:
var selectClause = (SelectClauseSyntax)parent;
return selectClause.Expression == node;
case GroupClause:
var groupClause = (GroupClauseSyntax)parent;
return groupClause.GroupExpression == node || groupClause.ByExpression == node;
return false;
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