提交 a7d43ec6 编写于 作者: A Andy Gocke 提交者: GitHub

Fix local function capturing by another local function (#15773)

Local functions have already implemented their own frame management,
including frame pointer "capturing" (which is implemented by passing a
list of frames to the local function by-ref, rather than traditional
lambda capturing which is implemented by keeping a linked list of frame
pointers to parent frames).

PR #14736 wired up local function lowering to the lambda frame pointer
machinery, which is necessary for when a local function is captured by a
lambda or converted to a delegate, but in the process it diverted
control flow for pure local function capturing to the frame pointer
machinery, which can't handle the structure of local function struct
frame pointers.

This PR resolves the issue by restoring the control flow for local
functions capturing other local functions with by-ref struct frames.

Fixes #15599
上级 60562c55
......@@ -659,7 +659,14 @@ private BoundNode IntroduceFrame(BoundNode node, LambdaFrame frame, Func<ArrayBu
if ((object)_innermostFramePointer != null)
proxies.TryGetValue(_innermostFramePointer, out oldInnermostFrameProxy);
if (_analysis.NeedsParentFrame.Contains(node))
if (_analysis.NeedsParentFrame.Contains(node) &&
// If the frame pointer is a struct type that means the frame is a struct
// passed by-ref to a local function. Capturing parent frames for local
// functions is performed in RemapLambdaOrLocalFunction, rather than here
// (since struct frame pointers should never be captured, but instead be
// passed in a list to the needed local functions).
!(_innermostFramePointer.Kind == SymbolKind.Local &&
var capturedFrame = LambdaCapturedVariable.Create(frame, _innermostFramePointer, ref _synthesizedFieldNameIdDispenser);
FieldSymbol frameParent = capturedFrame.AsMember(frameType);
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
<Compile Include="Attributes\AttributeTests_Synthesized.cs" />
<Compile Include="Attributes\AttributeTests_Tuples.cs" />
<Compile Include="Attributes\AttributeTests_WellKnownAttributes.cs" />
<Compile Include="CodeGen\CodeGenCapturing.cs" />
<Compile Include="Emit\DesktopStrongNameProviderTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="Attributes\InternalsVisibleToAndStrongNameTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="Attributes\WellKnownAttributesTestBase.cs" />
......@@ -193,4 +194,4 @@
<Service Include="{82A7F48D-3B50-4B1E-B82E-3ADA8210C358}" />
<Import Project="..\..\..\..\..\build\Targets\Imports.targets" />
\ No newline at end of file

using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Xunit;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.CodeGen
public class CodeGenCapturing : CSharpTestBase
private class CaptureContext
// Stores a mapping from scope index (0-based count of scopes
// from `this` to most nested scope)
public readonly List<IList<string>> VariablesByScope = new List<IList<string>>();
private CaptureContext() { }
public CaptureContext(int MaxVariables)
// Fields are shared among methods, so we also share them in the
// capture context when cloning
var fieldsBuilder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<string>(MaxVariables);
for (int i = 0; i < MaxVariables; i++)
public void Add(int depth, string varName)
if (VariablesByScope.Count <= depth ||
VariablesByScope[depth] == null)
VariablesByScope.Insert(depth, new List<string>() { varName });
public CaptureContext Clone()
var fields = VariablesByScope[0];
var newCtx = new CaptureContext();
.Select(list => list == null ? null : new List<string>(list)));
newCtx.CaptureNameIndex = this.CaptureNameIndex;
return newCtx;
public int CaptureNameIndex = 0;
private static string MakeLocalFunc(int nameIndex, string captureExpression)
=> $@"int Local_{nameIndex}() => {captureExpression};";
private static string MakeCaptureExpression(IList<int> varsToCapture, CaptureContext ctx)
var varNames = new List<string>();
for (int varDepth = 0; varDepth < varsToCapture.Count; varDepth++)
var variablesByScope = ctx.VariablesByScope;
// Do we have any variables in this scope depth?
// If not, initialize an empty list
if (variablesByScope.Count <= varDepth)
variablesByScope.Add(new List<string>());
var varsAtCurrentDepth = variablesByScope[varDepth];
int numToCapture = varsToCapture[varDepth];
int numVarsAvailable = variablesByScope[varDepth].Count;
// If we have enough variables to capture in the context
// just add them
if (numVarsAvailable >= numToCapture)
// Capture the last variables added since if there are more
// vars in the context than the max vars to capture we'll never
// have code coverage of the newest vars added to the context.
.Skip(numVarsAvailable - numToCapture)
// Not enough variables in the context -- add more
for (int i = 0; i < numToCapture - numVarsAvailable; i++)
return varNames.Count == 0 ? "0" : string.Join(" + ", varNames);
/// <summary>
/// Generates all combinations of distributing a sum to a list of subsets.
/// This is equivalent to the "stars and bars" combinatorics construction.
/// </summary>
private static IEnumerable<IList<int>> GenerateAllSetCombinations(int sum, int numSubsets)
Assert.True(numSubsets > 0);
return GenerateAll(sum, 0, ImmutableList<int>.Empty);
IEnumerable<ImmutableList<int>> GenerateAll(
int remainingSum,
int setIndex, // 0-based index of subset we're generating
ImmutableList<int> setsSoFar)
for (int i = 0; i <= remainingSum; i++)
var newSets = setsSoFar.Add(i);
if (setIndex == numSubsets - 1)
yield return newSets;
foreach (var captures in GenerateAll(remainingSum - i,
setIndex + 1,
yield return captures;
public void GenerateAllTest()
}, GenerateAllSetCombinations(3, 1));
}, GenerateAllSetCombinations(3, 2));
public void ExpressionGeneratorTest01()
var ctx = new CaptureContext(1);
int[] captures = { 1 }; // Capture 1 var at the 0 depth
var expr = MakeCaptureExpression(captures, ctx);
Assert.Equal("field_0", expr);
new[] { "field_0"}
}, ctx.VariablesByScope);
ctx = new CaptureContext(3);
captures = new[] { 3 }; // Capture 3 vars at 0 depth
expr = MakeCaptureExpression(captures, ctx);
Assert.Equal("field_0 + field_1 + field_2", expr);
new[] { "field_0", "field_1", "field_2" }
}, ctx.VariablesByScope);
ctx = new CaptureContext(3);
captures = new[] { 1, 1, 1 }; // Capture 1 var at each of 3 depths
expr = MakeCaptureExpression(captures, ctx);
Assert.Equal("field_2 + captureVar_0 + captureVar_1", expr);
new[] { "field_0", "field_1", "field_2"},
new[] { "captureVar_0"},
new[] { "captureVar_1"}
}, ctx.VariablesByScope);
void VerifyContext(IList<IEnumerable<string>> expectedCtx, List<IList<string>> actualCtx)
Assert.Equal(expectedCtx.Count, ctx.VariablesByScope.Count);
for (int depth = 0; depth < expectedCtx.Count; depth++)
AssertEx.Equal(expectedCtx[depth], ctx.VariablesByScope[depth]);
private struct LayoutEnumerator : IEnumerator<(int depth, int localFuncIndex)>
private readonly IList<int> _layout;
private (int depth, int localFuncIndex) _current;
public LayoutEnumerator(IList<int> layout)
_layout = layout;
_current = (-1, -1);
public (int depth, int localFuncIndex) Current => _current;
object IEnumerator.Current => throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Dispose() => throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool MoveNext()
if (_current.depth < 0)
return FindNonEmptyDepth(0, _layout, out _current);
int newIndex = _current.localFuncIndex + 1;
if (newIndex == _layout[_current.depth])
return FindNonEmptyDepth(_current.depth + 1, _layout, out _current);
_current = (_current.depth, newIndex);
return true;
bool FindNonEmptyDepth(int startingDepth, IList<int> layout, out (int depth, int localFuncIndex) newCurrent)
for (int depth = startingDepth; depth < layout.Count; depth++)
if (layout[depth] > 0)
newCurrent = (depth, 0);
return true;
newCurrent = (layout.Count, 0);
return false;
public void Reset() => throw new NotImplementedException();
private class MethodInfo
public MethodInfo(int MaxCaptures)
LocalFuncs = new List<IList<string>>();
CaptureContext = new CaptureContext(MaxCaptures);
private MethodInfo() { }
public List<IList<string>> LocalFuncs { get; private set; }
public CaptureContext CaptureContext { get; private set; }
public int TotalLocalFuncs { get; set; }
public MethodInfo Clone()
return new MethodInfo
LocalFuncs = this.LocalFuncs
.Select(x => x == null
? null
: (IList<string>)new List<string>(x)).ToList(),
CaptureContext = this.CaptureContext.Clone()
private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> MakeMethodsWithLayout(IList<int> localFuncLayout)
const int MaxCaptures = 3;
var enumerator = new LayoutEnumerator(localFuncLayout);
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
return Array.Empty<MethodInfo>();
var methods = new List<MethodInfo>();
DfsLayout(enumerator, new MethodInfo(MaxCaptures), 0);
return methods;
// Note that the enumerator is a struct, so every new var
// is a copy
void DfsLayout(LayoutEnumerator e, MethodInfo methodSoFar, int localFuncNameIndex)
var (depth, localFuncIndex) = e.Current;
bool isLastFunc = !e.MoveNext();
foreach (var captureCombo in GenerateAllSetCombinations(MaxCaptures, depth + 2))
var copy = methodSoFar.Clone();
var expr = MakeCaptureExpression(captureCombo, copy.CaptureContext);
if (depth >= copy.LocalFuncs.Count)
copy.LocalFuncs.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat<List<string>>(null, depth - copy.LocalFuncs.Count));
copy.LocalFuncs.Insert(depth, new List<string>());
string localFuncName = $"Local_{localFuncNameIndex}";
copy.LocalFuncs[depth].Add($"int {localFuncName}() => {expr};");
copy.CaptureContext.Add(depth + 1, $"{localFuncName}()");
if (!isLastFunc)
DfsLayout(e, copy, localFuncNameIndex + 1);
copy.TotalLocalFuncs = localFuncNameIndex + 1;
private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> MakeAllMethods()
const int MaxDepth = 3;
const int MaxLocalFuncs = 3;
// Set combinations indicate what depth we will place local functions
// at. For instance, { 0, 1 } indicates 0 local functions at method
// depth and 1 local function at one nested scope below method level.
foreach (var localFuncLayout in GenerateAllSetCombinations(MaxLocalFuncs, MaxDepth))
// Given a local function map, we need to generate capture
// expressions for each local func at each depth
foreach (var method in MakeMethodsWithLayout(localFuncLayout))
yield return method;
private void SerializeMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo, StringBuilder builder, int methodIndex)
int totalLocalFuncs = methodInfo.TotalLocalFuncs;
var methodText = new StringBuilder();
var localFuncs = methodInfo.LocalFuncs;
for (int depth = 0; depth < localFuncs.Count; depth++)
if (depth > 0)
methodText.Append(' ', 4 * (depth + 1));
var captureVars = methodInfo.CaptureContext.VariablesByScope;
if (captureVars.Count > (depth + 1) &&
captureVars[depth + 1] != null)
foreach (var captureVar in captureVars[depth + 1])
if (captureVar.EndsWith("()"))
methodText.Append(' ', 4 * (depth + 2));
methodText.AppendLine($"int {captureVar} = 0;");
if (localFuncs[depth] != null)
foreach (var localFunc in localFuncs[depth])
methodText.Append(' ', 4 * (depth + 2));
var localFuncCalls = string.Join(" + ",
Enumerable.Range(0, totalLocalFuncs).Select(f => $"Local_{f}()"));
for (int depth = localFuncs.Count - 1; depth > 0; depth--)
methodText.Append(' ', 4 * (depth + 1));
public void M_{methodIndex}()
/// <summary>
/// This test exercises the C# local function capturing analysis by generating
/// all possible combinations of capturing within a certain complexity. The
/// generating functions use a maximum number of variables captured per local function,
/// a maximum number of local functions, and a maximum scope depth to decide the
/// limits of the combinations.
/// </summary>
public void AllCaptureTests()
var methods = MakeAllMethods().ToList();
var fields = methods.First().CaptureContext.VariablesByScope[0];
const int PartitionSize = 500;
const string ClassFmt = @"
using System;
public class C
StringBuilder GetClassStart()
=> new StringBuilder(string.Format(ClassFmt,
string.Join("\r\n", fields.Select(f => $"public int {f} = 0;"))));
Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, methods.Count, PartitionSize), (range, state) =>
var methodsText = GetClassStart();
for (int methodIndex = range.Item1; methodIndex < range.Item2; methodIndex++)
var methodInfo = methods[methodIndex];
if (methodInfo.TotalLocalFuncs == 0)
SerializeMethod(methodInfo, methodsText, methodIndex);
......@@ -3126,6 +3126,53 @@ public void UseBeforeDeclaration()
VerifyOutputInMain(src, "5");
[WorkItem(15599, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/15599")]
public void NestedLocalFuncCapture()
var src = @"
using System;
public class C {
int instance = 11;
public void M() {
int M() => instance;
int local = 11;
bool M2() => local == M();
public static void Main() => new C().M();
VerifyOutput(src, "True");
[WorkItem(15599, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/15599")]
public void NestedLocalFuncCapture2()
var src = @"
using System;
public class C {
int instance = 0b1;
public void M() {
int var1 = 0b10;
int M() => var1 + instance;
int local = 0b100;
int M2() => local + M();
public static void Main() => new C().M();
VerifyOutput(src, "7");
internal CompilationVerifier VerifyOutput(string source, string output, CSharpCompilationOptions options)
var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib45AndCSruntime(source, options: options);
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public abstract partial class CommonTestBase : TestBase
internal CompilationVerifier CompileAndVerify(
string[] sources,
IEnumerable<string> sources,
IEnumerable<MetadataReference> additionalRefs = null,
IEnumerable<ModuleData> dependencies = null,
Action<IModuleSymbol> sourceSymbolValidator = null,
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