提交 9a29e6af 编写于 作者: G Gen Lu

Cache ReduceExtensionMethod result per receiver type

So we don't need to process extension methods with receiver type we know wouldn't match
上级 39d23223
......@@ -1623,6 +1623,50 @@ public void M({tupleType} x)
inlineDescription: "NS2");
[Theory, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Completion)]
public async Task TestDescriptionOfGenericReceiverType(ReferenceType refType)
var refDoc = @"
using System;
namespace NS2
public static class Extensions
public static bool ExtentionMethod<T>(this T t) => false;
var srcDoc = @"
namespace NS1
public class C
public void M(int x)
var markup = refType switch
ReferenceType.Project => CreateMarkupForProjectWithProjectReference(srcDoc, refDoc, LanguageNames.CSharp, LanguageNames.CSharp),
ReferenceType.Metadata => CreateMarkupForProjectWithMetadataReference(srcDoc, refDoc, LanguageNames.CSharp, LanguageNames.CSharp),
_ => null,
await VerifyImportItemExistsAsync(
displayTextSuffix: "<>",
glyph: (int)Glyph.ExtensionMethodPublic,
inlineDescription: "NS2",
expectedDescriptionOrNull: "(extension) bool int.ExtentionMethod<int>()");
private Task VerifyImportItemExistsAsync(string markup, string expectedItem, int glyph, string inlineDescription, string displayTextSuffix = null, string expectedDescriptionOrNull = null)
=> VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, expectedItem, displayTextSuffix: displayTextSuffix, glyph: glyph, inlineDescription: inlineDescription, expectedDescriptionOrNull: expectedDescriptionOrNull);
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ protected override void LogCommit()
forceIndexCreation: isExpandedCompletion,
completionContext.AddItems(items.Select(i => Convert(i)));
completionContext.AddItems(items.Select(i => Convert(i, SymbolKey.CreateString(receiverTypeSymbol))));
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ protected override void LogCommit()
_ => symbol as ITypeSymbol,
private CompletionItem Convert(SerializableImportCompletionItem serializableItem)
private CompletionItem Convert(SerializableImportCompletionItem serializableItem, string receiverTypeSymbolKey)
=> ImportCompletionItem.Create(
......@@ -112,6 +112,6 @@ private CompletionItem Convert(SerializableImportCompletionItem serializableItem
(serializableItem.SymbolKeyData, receiverTypeSymbolKey));
......@@ -196,6 +196,11 @@ private static string GetReceiverTypeName(ITypeSymbol typeSymbol)
using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<SerializableImportCompletionItem>.GetInstance(out var completionItemsbuilder);
using var _2 = PooledDictionary<INamespaceSymbol, string>.GetInstance(out var namespaceNameCache);
// This dictionary is used as cache among all projects and PE references.
// The key is the receiver type as in the extension method declaration (symbol retrived from current compilation).
// The value indicates if we can reduce an extension method with this receiver type given receiver type.
using var _3 = PooledDictionary<ITypeSymbol, bool>.GetInstance(out var checkedReceiverTypes);
receiverTypeNames = AttachComplexTypes(receiverTypeNames);
// Get extension method items from source
......@@ -214,7 +219,7 @@ private static string GetReceiverTypeName(ITypeSymbol typeSymbol)
var isSymbolFromCurrentCompilation = project == currentProject;
position, semanticModel, receiverTypeSymbol, matchingMethodSymbols, isSymbolFromCurrentCompilation,
completionItemsbuilder, namespaceNameCache, cancellationToken);
completionItemsbuilder, namespaceNameCache, checkedReceiverTypes, cancellationToken);
// Get extension method items from PE
......@@ -231,7 +236,8 @@ private static string GetReceiverTypeName(ITypeSymbol typeSymbol)
position, semanticModel, receiverTypeSymbol, matchingMethodSymbols,
isSymbolFromCurrentCompilation: true, completionItemsbuilder, namespaceNameCache, cancellationToken);
isSymbolFromCurrentCompilation: true, completionItemsbuilder, namespaceNameCache,
checkedReceiverTypes, cancellationToken);
......@@ -254,41 +260,94 @@ static ImmutableArray<string> AttachComplexTypes(ImmutableArray<string> receiver
int position,
SemanticModel semanticModel,
ITypeSymbol receiverTypeSymbol,
ImmutableArray<IMethodSymbol> matchingMethodSymbols,
MultiDictionary<ITypeSymbol, IMethodSymbol> matchingMethodSymbols,
bool isSymbolFromCurrentCompilation,
ArrayBuilder<SerializableImportCompletionItem> builder,
Dictionary<INamespaceSymbol, string> stringCache,
Dictionary<ITypeSymbol, bool> checkedReceiverTypes,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (var methodSymbol in matchingMethodSymbols)
// Matching extension method symbols are grouped based on their receiver type.
foreach (var (receiverType, methodSymbols) in matchingMethodSymbols)
// Symbols could be from a different compilation.
// Need to find the matching one in current compilation
// before any further checks is done.
var methodSymbolInCurrentCompilation = isSymbolFromCurrentCompilation
? methodSymbol
: SymbolFinder.FindSimilarSymbols(methodSymbol, semanticModel.Compilation).FirstOrDefault();
var receiverTypeInCurrentCompilation = isSymbolFromCurrentCompilation
? receiverType
: SymbolFinder.FindSimilarSymbols(receiverType, semanticModel.Compilation).OfType<ITypeSymbol>().FirstOrDefault();
if (methodSymbolInCurrentCompilation == null
|| !semanticModel.IsAccessible(position, methodSymbolInCurrentCompilation))
// If we already checked an extension method with same receiver type before, and we know it can't be applied
// to the receiverTypeSymbol, then no need to proceed further.
if (checkedReceiverTypes.TryGetValue(receiverTypeInCurrentCompilation, out var cachedResult) && !cachedResult)
var reducedMethodSymbol = methodSymbolInCurrentCompilation.ReduceExtensionMethod(receiverTypeSymbol);
if (reducedMethodSymbol != null)
if (isSymbolFromCurrentCompilation)
var symbolKeyData = SymbolKey.CreateString(reducedMethodSymbol);
builder.Add(new SerializableImportCompletionItem(
GetFullyQualifiedNamespaceName(reducedMethodSymbol.ContainingNamespace, stringCache)));
// We haven't seen this type yet. Try to check by reducing one extension method
// to the given receiver type and save the result.
if (!cachedResult)
var reducedMethodSymbol = methodSymbols.First().ReduceExtensionMethod(receiverTypeSymbol);
cachedResult = reducedMethodSymbol != null;
checkedReceiverTypes[receiverType] = cachedResult;
// Receiver type matches the receiver type of the extension method declaration.
// We can add accessible ones to the item builder.
if (cachedResult)
foreach (var methodSymbol in methodSymbols)
if (semanticModel.IsAccessible(position, methodSymbol))
CreateAndAddItem(methodSymbol, builder, stringCache);
// Symbols could be from a different compilation.
// Need to find the matching one in current compilation before any further checks is done.
foreach (var methodSymbol in methodSymbols.Select(s => SymbolFinder.FindSimilarSymbols(s, semanticModel.Compilation).FirstOrDefault()).WhereNotNull())
// We haven't seen this type yet. Try to check by reducing one extension method
// to the given receiver type and save the result.
// Note we will only hit this condition at most once, which is the first time we find a non-null
// similar symbol from current compilation.
if (!cachedResult)
// If this is the first symbol we retrived from current compilation,
// try to check if we can apply it to given receiver type, and save result to our cache.
var reducedMethodSymbol = methodSymbol.ReduceExtensionMethod(receiverTypeSymbol);
cachedResult = reducedMethodSymbol != null;
checkedReceiverTypes[receiverType] = cachedResult;
// Now, cachedResult being false means the receiver type doesn't match,
// stop processing any more methods.
if (!cachedResult)
if (semanticModel.IsAccessible(position, methodSymbol))
CreateAndAddItem(methodSymbol, builder, stringCache);
static void CreateAndAddItem(IMethodSymbol methodSymbol, ArrayBuilder<SerializableImportCompletionItem> builder, Dictionary<INamespaceSymbol, string> stringCache)
=> builder.Add(new SerializableImportCompletionItem(
GetFullyQualifiedNamespaceName(methodSymbol.ContainingNamespace, stringCache)));
private static string GetFullyQualifiedNamespaceName(INamespaceSymbol symbol, Dictionary<INamespaceSymbol, string> stringCache)
......@@ -308,7 +367,7 @@ private static string GetFullyQualifiedNamespaceName(INamespaceSymbol symbol, Di
return name;
private static ImmutableArray<IMethodSymbol> GetPotentialMatchingSymbolsFromAssembly(
private static MultiDictionary<ITypeSymbol, IMethodSymbol> GetPotentialMatchingSymbolsFromAssembly(
IAssemblySymbol assembly,
MultiDictionary<string, (string methodName, string receiverTypeName)> extensionMethodFilter,
ISet<string> namespaceFilter,
......@@ -316,7 +375,7 @@ private static string GetFullyQualifiedNamespaceName(INamespaceSymbol symbol, Di
StatisticCounter counter,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<IMethodSymbol>.GetInstance(out var builder);
var builder = new MultiDictionary<ITypeSymbol, IMethodSymbol>();
foreach (var (fullyQualifiedContainerName, methodNames) in extensionMethodFilter)
......@@ -351,19 +410,20 @@ private static string GetFullyQualifiedNamespaceName(INamespaceSymbol symbol, Di
if (MatchExtensionMethod(methodSymbol, receiverTypeName, internalsVisible))
if (MatchExtensionMethod(methodSymbol, receiverTypeName, internalsVisible, out var receiverType))
// Find a potential match.
builder.Add(receiverType!, methodSymbol);
return builder.ToImmutable();
return builder;
static bool MatchExtensionMethod(IMethodSymbol method, string filterReceiverTypeName, bool internalsVisible)
static bool MatchExtensionMethod(IMethodSymbol method, string filterReceiverTypeName, bool internalsVisible, out ITypeSymbol? receiverType)
receiverType = null;
if (!method.IsExtensionMethod || method.Parameters.IsEmpty || !IsAccessible(method, internalsVisible))
return false;
......@@ -371,8 +431,13 @@ static bool MatchExtensionMethod(IMethodSymbol method, string filterReceiverType
// We get a match if the receiver type name match.
// For complex type, we would check if it matches with filter on whether it's an array.
return filterReceiverTypeName.Length == 0 ||
string.Equals(filterReceiverTypeName, GetReceiverTypeName(method.Parameters[0].Type), StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (filterReceiverTypeName.Length > 0 && !string.Equals(filterReceiverTypeName, GetReceiverTypeName(method.Parameters[0].Type), StringComparison.Ordinal))
return false;
receiverType = method.Parameters[0].Type;
return true;
// An quick accessibility check based on declared accessibility only, a semantic based check is still required later.
......@@ -20,22 +20,24 @@ internal static class ImportCompletionItem
private const string TypeAritySuffixName = nameof(TypeAritySuffixName);
private const string AttributeFullName = nameof(AttributeFullName);
private const string SymbolKeyData = nameof(SymbolKeyData);
private const string MethodKey = nameof(MethodKey);
private const string ReceiverKey = nameof(ReceiverKey);
public static CompletionItem Create(INamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol, string containingNamespace, string genericTypeSuffix)
=> Create(typeSymbol.Name, typeSymbol.Arity, containingNamespace, typeSymbol.GetGlyph(), genericTypeSuffix, CompletionItemFlags.CachedAndExpanded, symbolKeyData: null);
=> Create(typeSymbol.Name, typeSymbol.Arity, containingNamespace, typeSymbol.GetGlyph(), genericTypeSuffix, CompletionItemFlags.CachedAndExpanded, extensionMethodData: null);
public static CompletionItem Create(string name, int arity, string containingNamespace, Glyph glyph, string genericTypeSuffix, CompletionItemFlags flags, string? symbolKeyData)
public static CompletionItem Create(string name, int arity, string containingNamespace, Glyph glyph, string genericTypeSuffix, CompletionItemFlags flags, (string methodSymbolKey, string receiverTypeSymbolKey)? extensionMethodData)
ImmutableDictionary<string, string>? properties = null;
if (symbolKeyData != null || arity > 0)
if (extensionMethodData != null || arity > 0)
var builder = PooledDictionary<string, string>.GetInstance();
if (symbolKeyData != null)
if (extensionMethodData.HasValue)
builder.Add(SymbolKeyData, symbolKeyData);
builder.Add(MethodKey, extensionMethodData.Value.methodSymbolKey);
builder.Add(ReceiverKey, extensionMethodData.Value.receiverTypeSymbolKey);
......@@ -128,9 +130,21 @@ private static string GetFullyQualifiedName(string namespaceName, string typeNam
private static ISymbol? GetSymbol(CompletionItem item, Compilation compilation)
// If we have SymbolKey data (i.e. this is an extension method item), use it to recover symbol
if (item.Properties.TryGetValue(SymbolKeyData, out var symbolId))
if (item.Properties.TryGetValue(MethodKey, out var methodSymbolKey))
return SymbolKey.ResolveString(symbolId, compilation).GetAnySymbol();
var methodSymbol = SymbolKey.ResolveString(methodSymbolKey, compilation).GetAnySymbol() as IMethodSymbol;
// Get reduced extension method symbol for the given receiver type.
if (item.Properties.TryGetValue(ReceiverKey, out var receiverTypeKey))
var receiverTypeSymbol = SymbolKey.ResolveString(receiverTypeKey, compilation).GetAnySymbol() as ITypeSymbol;
if (receiverTypeSymbol != null)
return methodSymbol?.ReduceExtensionMethod(receiverTypeSymbol) ?? methodSymbol;
return methodSymbol;
// Otherwise, this is a type item, so we don't have SymbolKey data. But we should still have all
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